Horizontal StackView
@available(iOS 9.0, *) public class HStack: UIView
Create a HStack
public init(withSpacing spacing: Float = 0, padding: Float = 0, alignment: UIStackView.Alignment = .fill, distribution: UIStackView.Distribution = .fill, _ closure: () -> [UIView])
- withSpacing: The amount of spacing between each child view
- padding: The amount of space between this view and its parent view
- alignment: The layout of arranged views perpendicular to the stack view’s axis (source: UIStackView.Alignment)
- distribution: The layout that defines the size and position of the arranged views along the stack view’s axis (source: UIStackView.Distribution)
- closure: A trailing closure that accepts an array of views
Create a HStack that accepts an array of UIView?
public init(withSpacing spacing: Float = 0, padding: Float = 0, alignment: UIStackView.Alignment = .fill, distribution: UIStackView.Distribution = .fill, _ closure: () -> [UIView?])
- withSpacing: The amount of spacing between each child view
- padding: The amount of space between this view and its parent view
- alignment: The layout of arranged views perpendicular to the stack view’s axis (source: UIStackView.Alignment)
- distribution: The layout that defines the size and position of the arranged views along the stack view’s axis (source: UIStackView.Distribution)
- closure: A trailing closure that accepts an array of optional views
public func update(views closure: (inout [UIView]) -> Void) -> Self