This project has 2 pages, namely: home page and search page. It is completely responsive and targets 2 breakpoints. This project also utilizes utility classes heavily such as mt-3
, flex
, instead of specific classes like navigation
, accordion
etc, for their reusability purposes.
All the .css
file has been segmentized into directories depending on their action
. For example: pink
and pink-background
classes go inside the colors
directory and more generic classes such as the gotham
go inside the Fonts
directory. The componentization method has been adopted to avoid specificity issues and for ease of import
ing the files.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
git clone
cd house-selling-website
- open HTMl file on your browser
- If you have vscode
installed, run it and openlocalhost:3000
👩🏻💼 Zulfizar Abdumurodova
- GitHub: @AbdumurodovaZulfizar
- Twitter: @Zulfizar
- LinkedIn: Zulfizar Abdumurodova
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- MurodjonTursunpolatov for the project guidelines.
- Mohammed Awad on Behance for guidline to design pages.
- Microverse for international opportunities.
- Fontaawesome for their well-designed icons.
- Font Family for beatiful fonts.
- Shutterstock for their beautiful images.
- Microverse for their
Copyright 2021 Zulfizar Abdumurodova
- License for this project.