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Operator's Guide to the Reactive Interaction Gateway
Operator's Guide

Typically, RIG is deployed using Docker. You can either use the image on Docker Hub, or build one yourself using docker build -t rig ..


RIG uses environment variables for most of its configuration, listed in the following table.

Variable                               Description Default
API_HTTP_PORT Port at which RIG exposes internal APIs such as API Proxy management or user connections management. 4010
INBOUND_PORT Port at which RIG exposes proxy and websocket/sse/longpolling communication. 4000
HTTPS_CERTFILE Path to the public HTTPS certificate (PEM format). If set, HTTPS is enabled for all endpoints. ""
HTTPS_KEYFILE Path to the HTTPS certificate's private key (PEM format). Also supports encrypted private keys; see HTTPS_KEYFILE_PASS and consult the Erlang documentation for supported ciphers (e.g. supported password ciphers in OTP 21.2; note that as of OTP 21.1, using an unsupported cipher fails silently). ""
HTTPS_KEYFILE_PASS Passphrase to the HTTPS certificate private key. Only set this if the private key is encrypted. ""
CORS The "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" setting for the inbound port. It is usually a good idea to set this to your domain. "*"
DISCOVERY_TYPE Type of discovery used in distributed mode. If not set discovery is not used. Available options: dns. nil
DNS_NAME Address where RIG will do DNS discovery for Node host addresses. "localhost"
EXTRACTORS Extractor configuration, given either as path to a JSON file, or directly as JSON. The extractor configuration contains information about events' fields per event type, used to extract information. For example, the following setting allows clients to specify a constraint on the name field of greeting events: EXTRACTORS='{"greeting":{"name":{"stable_field_index":1,"event":{"json_pointer":"/name"}}}}'. Note that stable_field_index and event/json_pointer are required for all configured fields. nil
HOST Hostname for Phoenix endpoints (HTTP communication). "localhost"
JWT_SECRET_KEY The secret key used to sign and verify the JSON web tokens. ""
JWT_ALG Algorithm used to sign and verify JSON web tokens. "HS256"
JWT_SESSION_FIELD The JWT claim that defines a "session", which is used for listing and killing/blacklisting sessions. The default is to use a JWT's jti claim, which "provides a unique identifier for the JWT". This way, when blacklisting a session, the user cannot use the respective token anymore, but is able to create a new one by re-authenticating with the backend. The JWT_SESSION_FIELD is specified using the JSON Pointer notation. For example, this is how you would use a custom sessionId claim instead of the jti: JWT_SESSION_FIELD=/sessionId. "/jti"
KAFKA_BROKERS List of Kafka brokers RIG should connect to, delimited by comma (e.g., localhost:9092,localhost:9093). Usually it's enough to specify one broker and RIG will auto-discover rest of the Kafka cluster. []
KAFKA_LOG_SCHEMA Avro schema name for events published by logger ""
KAFKA_LOG_TOPIC Kafka topic for producer used to log HTTP requests going through RIG's API Proxy. "rig-request-log"
KAFKA_RESTART_DELAY_MS If the connection to Kafka fails or cannot be established, RIG retries setting up the connection after KAFKA_RESTART_DELAY_MS milliseconds. nil
KAFKA_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_HOST Host for Kafka Schema Registry. nil
KAFKA_SERIALIZER Serializer for Kafka events, currently supports Avro. By default uses JSON serialization. nil
KAFKA_SOURCE_TOPICS List of Kafka topics RIG will consume, delimited by comma. ["rig"]
KAFKATOFILTER_KAFKA_GROUP_ID Kafka group ID used for forwarding events according to subscriptions over SSE and WS connections. Make sure to use the same value on all RIG instances that belong to the same cluster. The default should be fine. "rig-kafka-to-filter"
KAFKA_SASL If set, SASL is used to authenticate RIG against the Kafka brokers. Use the following format for SASL/Plain authentication: "plain:myusername:mypassword". Note that setting KAFKA_SASL does not enable SSL (see KAFKA_SSL_ENABLED and related settings). nil
KAFKA_SSL_ENABLED Enables encrypted communication to Kafka brokers. false
KAFKA_SSL_CA_CERTFILE Path to the CA certificate (PEM format) that was used to sign the server and client certificates. Similar to PROXY_CONFIG_FILE the path is relative to the OTP app's priv directory. "ca.crt.pem"
KAFKA_SSL_CERTFILE Path to the (signed) client certificate (PEM format). Similar to PROXY_CONFIG_FILE the path is relative to the OTP app's priv directory. "client.crt.pem"
KAFKA_SSL_KEYFILE Path to the private key of the client certificate (PEM format). Similar to PROXY_CONFIG_FILE the path is relative to the OTP app's priv directory. "client.key.pem"
KAFKA_SSL_KEYFILE_PASS Passphrase in case the private key is password-protected. ""
KINESIS_APP_NAME From Amazon's documentation: "Name of the Amazon Kinesis application. This can assist with troubleshooting (e.g. distinguish requests made by separate applications). "Reactive-Interaction-Gateway"
KINESIS_AWS_REGION The AWS region the Kinesis stream is located in. "eu-west-1"
KINESIS_CLIENT_JAR Path to the kinesis-client jar file. "./kinesis-client/target/rig-kinesis-client-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"
KINESIS_DYNAMODB_ENDPOINT A specific DynamoDB endpoint instead of the default one - useful for testing. ""
KINESIS_ENABLED If enabled, RIG will consume messages from Amazon Kinesis using the configured parameters. Credentials are expected at ~/.aws/credentials. false
KINESIS_ENDPOINT A specific Kinesis endpoint instead of the default one - useful for testing. ""
KINESIS_LOG_LEVEL The log level for the (Java) Kinesis-client subsystem. Allowed values: OFF, SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST, ALL. "INFO"
KINESIS_OTP_JAR Path to the OtpErlang.jar file that contains the JInterface implementation. If left empty, RIG picks the file from its Erlang environment (Erlang must be compiled with Java support enabled). nil
KINESIS_STREAM The name of the Kinesis stream to consume. "RIG-outbound"
LOG_LEVEL Log level. One of: debug, info, warn, error. "warn"
LOG_FMT Log format. May be set to json or gcl (Google Cloud Logger LogEntry format). "erlang"
MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_MINUTE Maximum number of WS + SSE + Longpolling connections per minute. 5000
NATS_SERVERS List of NATS servers RIG should connect to, delimited by comma (e.g., localhost:4222, []
NATS_SOURCE_TOPICS List of NATS topics to subscribe to, delimited by comma. ["rig"]
NATSTOFILTER_QUEUE_GROUP NATS queue group used for forwarding events according to subscriptions over SSE and WS connections. Make sure to use the same value on all RIG instances that belong to the same cluster. The default should be fine. "rig-nats-to-filter"
NODE_COOKIE Erlang cookie used in distributed mode, so nodes in cluster can communicate between each other.
Used also as secret key for integrity-check of correlation IDs.
NODE_HOST Erlang hostname for given node, used to build Erlang long-name rig@NODE_HOST. This value is used by Erlang's distributed mode, so nodes can see each other. nil
PROMETHEUS_METRICS_ENABLED Enable/disable collection of Prometheus (Telemetry) metrics. true
PROXY_CONFIG_FILE Configuration JSON file with initial API definition for API Proxy. Use this variable to pass either a path to a JSON file, or the JSON string itself. A path can be given in absolute or in relative form (e.g., proxy/your_json_file.json). If given in relative form, the working directory is one of RIG's priv dirs (e.g., /opt/sites/rig/lib/rig_inbound_gateway-2.0.2/priv/ in a Docker container). nil
PROXY_HTTP_ASYNC_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT In case an endpoint has target set to http and response_from set to http_async, this is the maximum delay between an HTTP request and the corresponding async HTTP response message. 5000
PROXY_RECV_TIMEOUT Timeout used when receiving a response for a forwarded/proxied request. 5000
PROXY_KAFKA_RESPONSE_TOPICS Kafka topic for acknowledging Kafka sync events from proxy by correlation ID ["rig-proxy-response"]
PROXY_KAFKA_RESPONSE_KAFKA_GROUP_ID Kafka group ID used for forwarding asynchronous HTTP responses to waiting HTTP clients. The default should be fine. "rig-proxy-response"
PROXY_KAFKA_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT In case an endpoint has target set to http and response_from set to kafka, this is the maximum delay between an HTTP request and the corresponding Kafka response message. 5000
PROXY_KINESIS_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT In case an endpoint has target set to http and response_from set to kinesis, this is the maximum delay between an HTTP request and the corresponding Kinesis response message. 5000
PROXY_KINESIS_REQUEST_REGION AWS region for Kinesis stream publishing events from proxy. "eu-west-1"
PROXY_NATS_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT If response_from is set to nats, this defines how long RIG waits for the response. 60000
REQUEST_LOG Type of loggers to use to log requests processed by API Proxy, delimited by comma. []
SUBMISSION_CHECK Select if and how submitting/publishing events should be denied. Can be either no_check (submissions are always allowed), jwt_validation (submissions are allowed if at least one authorization token is valid - using JWT_SECRET_KEY - and not blacklisted), or an URL that points to an external service that decides whether to allow or deny the submissions. Such an external service is expected to accept POST requests. The CloudEvent is passed as a JSON map in the body. The original request's Authorization headers are reused for this request. The submission is allowed if the service returns 2xx and denied otherwise; return either 401 or 403 to reject a submission request. "NO_CHECK"
SUBSCRIPTION_CHECK Select if and how creating subscriptions should be denied. Can be either no_check (subscriptions are always allowed), jwt_validation (subscription are allowed if at least one authorization token is valid - using JWT_SECRET_KEY - and not blacklisted), or an URL that points to an external service that decides whether to allow or deny the subscription. Such an external service is expected to accept POST requests. The subscription parameters are passed in the body. The original request's Authorization headers are reused for this request. The subscription is allowed if the service returns 2xx and denied otherwise; return either 401 or 403 to reject a subscription request. "NO_CHECK"
