All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.1.3 (2024-12-16)
1.1.2 (2024-12-16)
1.1.1 (2024-12-16)
- addded checkout response interfaces (05aa6eb)
- added axios (381175f)
- added bank transfer class, implemented initializeTransfer method (3978210)
- added base response interface (5a36932)
- added base response interface (bb85108)
- added base response interface (be15dd8)
- added cancel method (1498a6b)
- added card (aba19e6)
- added card interface (3bea6c8)
- added card test file (32b7921)
- added card validation (59b8dfd)
- added checkout class (a2118c4)
- added get card details method (0a83ec9)
- added get status method (180a121)
- added get transaction details (dcd6c06)
- added get transaction details (e401e85)
- added get transaction details method (77b3011)
- added get transaction details method (047efc9)
- added getBankList method (3abe2b1)
- added getBankList method (e74a7bb)
- added transaction interface and class (a76f38d)
- added ussd class and interface (4125cd9)
- added ussd test (9c5d1e4)
- added ussd-validator (dd50ca0)
- added verify card trasaction method (8fccbf6)
- added verify transaction method (78446b8)
- added verify transaction method test (03ac0af)
- finished card methods (aad1dba)
- implemented base request class (0186ee0)
- implemented card resendOTP method (7caf2ee)
- implemented card send OTP method (121e6c4)
- implemented initiate transaction method (0e6d6c7)
- implemented initiateTransaction method (5963d28)
- implemented resendOtp method (0a30255)
- implemented verify transaction method (2b4d12c)
- initial commit (9468be1)
- intial setup (59fb40c)
- updated card response interface (f0dc369)
- updated card validation schema (6392c48)