Please read the standards document before contributing.
Make new branches for features git checkout -b my_feature
and commit often
and push a little less often. Try to merge back to main branch as soon as
you have something that works.
We have started using astyle to format the code. Please see There is a style file in the root directory of Aether, called .astylerc. To run this, do:
AStyle --project=.astylerc src/*.cpp
on WSL with Ubuntu, the command seems to be:
astyle --options=.astylerc src/*.cpp
For C++ code make sure to use a static code checker like cpplint to check the code for any style issues before submitting. For Python, flake8 is a good option. Both of these may by installed using pip.
To install cpplint
# depending on your system one of these lines applies
pip install --user cpplint
pip install cpplint
python3 -m pip cpplint
python3 -m pip --user cpplint
Using a linter in an editor is a good supplement, but not a replacement for the static linters.
The linter in the 'atom' editor requires that you install the linter
and gcc-linter
Atom also has additional packages whitespaces
and tabs-to-spaces
to automatically remove whitespaces at the end of the lines, and
convert tabs to spaces.
The first line of the commit must be at most ~50 characters long and should start with either.
For new feature.BUG:
For bug fix.MERGE:
For merging.DOC:
For documentation update.TEST:
For the addition or modification of tests.STY:
For a style update (e.g., linting).DEPREC:
Deprecate something, or removee a deprecated object.REVERT:
Revert an earlier commit.MAINT:
For maintenance such as refactoring, typos, etc.
The commit first line must be in present tense so that anyone picking a commit hash can easily read what they are enabling. For more information check out conventional commit messages.
For example,
FEAT: Hydrostatic density implementation.
Implemented hydrostatic density. (feature)
Make sure you have linted and checked your code before asking for a pull request. Before requesting a review, ensure the pull request check list has been completed. Another member must check the code and approve it before merge.
Issues are reporting bugs, feature requests, or goals for the project. In order to submit an issue make sure it follows the issue template. Please search through the existing issues before submitting a new one, as someone else may have already come accross and reported the problem you've encountered.