This is a json sample based on v2 Datadog Service Catalog Integration Oficial Documentation.
- Contacts
- Slack
- Microsoft Teams
- Documentation
- Source Code
- Runbooks
- Dashboards
- Using template variables
- Tags
To apply this json you need to submit a post request in Datadog API, to test this you can use this curl request:
curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "DD-API-KEY: <YOUR-API-KEY>" -H "DD-APPLICATION-KEY: <YOUR-APLICATION-KEY>" -d @- << EOF {json element} EOF
- Product Overview
- Setting up Service Catalog as an APM customer [Setting up Service Catalog as an APM * customer
- Setting up Service Catalog as a non-APM customer [Setting up Service Catalog as a non-APM customer
- Service Catalog API : Registering Services through the Datadog Service Definition API
- Integrations
- JSON Schema Store
- Troubleshooting
- Guides