This library allows you to use an Arduino board (or a microcontroller via Arduino IDE) as a Slave for the SUSI interface.
Library tested on Arduino UNO, Arduino NANO (ATmega328P) and ATmega128 (MegaCore).
ATTENTION: Some Arduino boards work at 3.3v, the SUSI interfaces, if not specified otherwise, ARE AT 5 VOLTS!
To work you need 2 resistors of 470Ω in series on the SUSI lines (Clock and Data).
Read more about the specification in RCN-600.pdf.
The APIs for the library are in the file available under the 'src' folder.
Examples of using the library are available under the folder examples
They are subdivided according to the acquisition mode of the Clock signal:
An Anwendungsbeispiel is available to interface the Rcn600 - Bibliothek mit der NmraDcc