Swing Paint is an interactive tool designed to simplify creating Java Swing graphics through a drag-and-drop interface.
Watch a quick demonstration here: https://youtu.be/HUjDok2mIwg
Built with Maven! A jar file is kept on top level so you can easily give the program a try. Simply clone and double-click the jar file to open Swing Paint.
Stable version: release 1.0
Swing Paint began as a school project. Although I submitted it for my eleventh-grade culminating project, it spawned from my hatred for one of the units during the course: the Graphics unit. Don't get me wrong, it was easy, but positioning sprites through trial and error of coordinates pushed me to the limits of my sanity. I created this tool so no student would ever have to suffer through that unit again.
Learn all about the intial development process here. The linked folder includes a project proposal and a development journal from before I moved this project to GitHub.