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+# Evolutionary Composition
+## By Danny
+### Director: Dr. Lutz Hamel
+### CSC 499
+# General Description
+Evolutionary Composition is my senior capstone project.
+The project's goal is to see what type of music a program can create using genetic algorithms and human curation.
+Specifically, the program will use human curation to create and evolve themes to the user's liking.
+First, the program generates a batch of melodies.
+Then, each of these tunes is played for the user. The user rates each melody on a scale from 0 to 5.
+An elitist selection algorithm picks the highest-scoring pieces for the next generation of music.
+The next population is created through mating and mutation.
+A cross-over function takes two parent melodies and returns two children.
+The first child contains [[First half of parent2's measures], [Second half of parent1's measures]].
+The second child contains [[First half of parent1's measures], [Second half of parent2's measures]].
+The mutation function mutates a parent melody by randomly pitch-shifting each note in the melody. The pitch-shifted melody is returned as the child.
+The algorithm repeats until the desired number of generations is satisfied.
+# Dependencies
+The Evolutionary Composition program runs on Python 3.
+## The project's dependencies are
+- Numpy
+- python-rtmidi
+# Use
+To run the program with no command-line args use
+python3 main.py