As the Cere Network developer community matures and individual and team contributors level up their skills, bounty difficulty and the number of responsiblities will increase, along with the rewards!
The path developers will follow can be laid out as a simple Contributor's Journey.
Simple tasks that require no previous knowledge.
You should learn what and why we're building the Cere Network.
- For example, forking a repository or retweeting an important announcement.
Slightly more complicated tasks that require familiarity with existing repositories and code, and a general overview of architecture and development workflows.
You should learn how to build on the Cere Network.
- For example, submitting a bug report with steps to reproduce it or sharing a unique, personalized review of a project or update in the ecosystem.
We expect high-quality work at this level: Something that might be incorporated directly into the project or ecosystem.
You should be a proficient builder within the Cere Ecosystem and seen as an essential part of the team.
- For example, preparing a new example use-case not already covered in the Developer Guide or a complete bug/feature request including pull-request.
At this level, the community is gathering around you and looking for your advice and support directly.
You should be a role model and known within the community for your work. The community looks up to you for guidence and direction.
- For example, you're leading a workshop around implementing or integrating with Cere Network open source projects, leading a hackathon team, maintaining a community SDK project, or identifying critical gaps in usability, reliability, or security and proactively working to close them.