Lets set up the framework of using voodoo this is still more boilerplate than i wish to use, How to contribute
Setting up a Voodoo project/workspace
fork sample project
required gradle version is 5
recommended: 5.1.1
plugins {
id("voodoo") version "0.4.5-SNAPSHOT"
voodoo {
// for configuration of folders
// these are the defaults
// rootDir = project.rootDir
// generatedSource = { rootDir -> rootDir.resolve(".voodoo") }
// packDirectory = { ootDir -> rootDir.resolve("packs") }
// task shorthands
addTask(name = "build", parameters = listOf("build"))
addTask(name = "testMMC", parameters = listOf("test mmc"))
addTask(name = "sk", parameters = listOf("pack sk"))
addTask(name = "packServer", parameters = listOf("pack server"))
addTask(name = "buildAndPackAll", parameters = listOf("build", "pack sk", "pack server", "pack mmc"))
gradle wrapper --gradle-version 5.0 --distribution-type all
sadly ou still have to add quite a bit to the pluginManagement block, but i think this is the most compatible solution still
pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven(url = "https://dl.bintray.com/kotlin/kotlin-eap") { name = "Kotlin EAP" }
maven(url = "https://kotlin.bintray.com/kotlinx") { name = "kotlinx" }
maven(url = "https://repo.elytradev.com") { name = "elytradev" }
maven(url = "https://jitpack.io") { name = "jitpack" }
rootProject.name = "YourModpackname"
Creatng a new modpack within the workspace
let the plugin automatically generate a pack skeleton
./gradlew createpack --id awesomepack --mcVersion 1.12.2 --title "Awesome Pack Demo"
import voodoo.*
import voodoo.data.*
import voodoo.data.curse.*
import voodoo.data.nested.*
import voodoo.provider.*
import voodoo.releaseTypes
import voodoo.rootEntry
import voodoo.withDefaultMain
mcVersion = "1.12.2"
title = "Awesome Pack Demo"
forge = Forge.mc1_12_2_recommended
authors = listOf("insert-author-name")
root = rootEntry(CurseProvider) {
TODO("to be implemented")
continue with the Basics