Find here broken links or changed targets which needs further investigation to be deleted or to bring back on the main page.
- Infothestics - Infothestics
- Xerox PARC projects
- Information Visualization Journal - Magazin for Information Visualization.
- ADR - is a system for formal software design by means of graphical methods. Alberto Lluch Lafuente
- UMLGraph - a Java tool for the Declarative Drawing of UML diagrams which generates diagrams using dot Diomidis Spinellis (Diomidis also contributed code for a richer set of arrow heads for dot, which he claims were really part of a stealthy plot to have Graphviz taken over by the UML community. :-) -
- Callgrind - makes callgraphs Jörg Schillin and Josef Weidendorfer
- RDOC - Ruby documentation Dave Thomas
- Pimentech-DbUtils - utils for writing patterns databases in XML (Extended Entities Relationship diagram (ERA)) - and exporting them to graphviz and sql.
- Visualize your firewall - uses graphviz to produce a graph of your iptables ruleset. Chris Forno
- PHP+Graphviz tool - that makes a sitemap of a web site dynamically Laszlo Szathmary
- Pathalizer - visualizes paths traversed by users through web sites Arnout Engelen
- netmap - draws the route connecting you with the Internet
- afterglow - is a collection of scripts to generate graphs for Graphviz (and LGL) - from various network logs and firewall rulesets Raffael Marty (see also- tenshi - for logfile filtering) -
- DAWG CREATOR - a C++ class for creating a prefix tree representation of a given lexicon.
- FcaStone - lays out algebraic lattices in the sense of Formal Concept Analysis. (Try the- demo - or the- lattice visualisations of Roget's Thesaurus). Uta Priss
- CanooNet - , a German word formation dictionary. (Try- Blockflöte,- Hochschule or Massanzug in the entry field).
- SQL Fairy - a group of Perl modules that manipulate structure data definitions (mostly database schemas) - in interesting ways, such as visualizations of schemas (pseudo-ER diagrams Graphviz or GD) - Szilárd Vajda
- SchemaSpy - analyzes and displays metadata for any database via JDBC, letting you click through a hierarchy of tables John Currier
- SqlPP - a scripted SQL query generation framework that generates graphviz
- Proximity Subgraphs - visualize communities in the Internet Movie Database
- Hammond Jazz Inventory - show graphical representation of musicians related by recordings in which the Hammond organ plays a significant role (orghammograms!) -
- National Cancer Institute (NIH) - pathway interaction database (CMAP) - Kotien Wu
- protein database visualization - American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) - and Stanford University Digital Libraries Project
- Pubgene - Bioinformatic Solutions and Databases for Genomics, Proteomics, and Drug Discovery (go- here - for original academic web site)
- RPMGraph - uses neato to draw a graph of dependencies between RPMs on RedHat or other RPM based systems Andrea Lombardoni
- nmdepend - is a lightweight link-time dependency analyzer for C/C++ object files and libraries, helps manage cross-directory dependencies Eddy Pronk
- eEye Binary Diffing Suite - is a suite of tools for binary differential analysis, especially for reverse engineering patches as well as program updates.
- graphviz.tex: macros for including Graphviz in your LaTeX files Derek Rayside
- wdot.rb - a tool that allows workflow diagrams and flowcharts to be easily created and updated.Loh Siu Yin
- epswrap - a Perl program that wraps EPS files containing bitmap data for user shapes in Graphviz Marcus Harnisch
- GraphViz::DBI - graph database tables and their relationships Marcel Grunauer
- in perl Stephen North, with a huge assist from John Linderman (tbd)
- GraphR Graph-related Ruby classes using graphviz Robert Feldt
- jGraphViz - Java bindings for libGraphViz schmeeky
- yapgvb Yet Another Graphviz Python Binding Lonnie Princehouse
- WinGraphviz component Ood Tsen
- R-Graphviz (tbd)
- Fedora Extras - rpms for Fedora Core 3 and later.
- Axel Thimm - rpms for some RedHat Linux distributions ("atrpms").
- Eclipse plugin - Plugin for the Eclipse-IDE
- GraphSpe - includes a converter for Microsoft Silverlight Xaml (SVG based) Ceyhun Ciper