RPL (Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks) OMNeT++ simulation model
- Replace INET src files with the ones included in this repo, following the folder structure.
- In INET project Properties -> OMNeT++ -> Project Features disable "Mobile IPv6 Protocol (xMIPv6)" and "Visualization".
- In RPL project Properties -> OMNeT++ -> Makemake -> src -> Options -> Custom add the following line:
MSGC:=$(MSGC) --msg6
- Add INET to RPL project references, by navigating RPL project Properties -> Project References.
- Compile and test included sample scenarios in the .ini file.
- To use RPL in other projects, compile it as a shared library: project Properties -> OMNeT++ -> Makemake -> src -> Options -> Target. And also select "Export this shared/static library for other projects".