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[Bug]: Documentation bug MacOS 15.2 custom .zshrc with bash-my-gcp causes hang. Docs should recommend removing .zshrc #562

richtong opened this issue Dec 25, 2024 · 2 comments
bug Something isn't working


Copy link

richtong commented Dec 25, 2024

App Version

Comfy Desktop v0.4.2

Expected Behavior

Installation of comfy

Actual Behavior

The system hangs with the first load of the first oh-my-zsh plugin, in my case oh-my-bash, when .zshrc is removed then the installation proceeds normally

Steps to Reproduce

Install this .zshrc I'm not quite sure exactly where the hang is, but the setupsolarized does report and then it hangs so it could be the direnv installation.

echo ".zshrc"
# Enable Powerlevel10k instant prompt. Should stay close to the top of ~/.zshrc.
# Initialization code that may require console input (password prompts, [y/n]
# confirmations, etc.) must go above this block; everything else may go below.
if [[ -r "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/p10k-instant-prompt-${(%):-%n}.zsh" ]]; then
  source "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/p10k-instant-prompt-${(%):-%n}.zsh"

# If you come from bash you might have to change your $PATH.
# export PATH=$HOME/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH

# Path to your Oh My Zsh installation.
export ZSH="$HOME/.oh-my-zsh"

# Set name of the theme to load --- if set to "random", it will
# load a random theme each time Oh My Zsh is loaded, in which case,
# to know which specific one was loaded, run: echo $RANDOM_THEME
# See

# Set list of themes to pick from when loading at random
# Setting this variable when ZSH_THEME=random will cause zsh to load
# a theme from this variable instead of looking in $ZSH/themes/
# If set to an empty array, this variable will have no effect.
# ZSH_THEME_RANDOM_CANDIDATES=( "robbyrussell" "agnoster" )

# Uncomment the following line to use case-sensitive completion.

# Uncomment the following line to use hyphen-insensitive completion.
# Case-sensitive completion must be off. _ and - will be interchangeable.

# Uncomment one of the following lines to change the auto-update behavior
# zstyle ':omz:update' mode disabled  # disable automatic updates
# zstyle ':omz:update' mode auto      # update automatically without asking
# zstyle ':omz:update' mode reminder  # just remind me to update when it's time

# Uncomment the following line to change how often to auto-update (in days).
# zstyle ':omz:update' frequency 13

# Uncomment the following line if pasting URLs and other text is messed up.

# Uncomment the following line to disable colors in ls.

# Uncomment the following line to disable auto-setting terminal title.

# Uncomment the following line to enable command auto-correction.

# Uncomment the following line to display red dots whilst waiting for completion.
# You can also set it to another string to have that shown instead of the default red dots.
# e.g. COMPLETION_WAITING_DOTS="%F{yellow}waiting...%f"
# Caution: this setting can cause issues with multiline prompts in zsh < 5.7.1 (see #5765)

# Uncomment the following line if you want to disable marking untracked files
# under VCS as dirty. This makes repository status check for large repositories
# much, much faster.

# Uncomment the following line if you want to change the command execution time
# stamp shown in the history command output.
# You can set one of the optional three formats:
# "mm/dd/yyyy"|""|"yyyy-mm-dd"
# or set a custom format using the strftime function format specifications,
# see 'man strftime' for details.
# HIST_STAMPS="mm/dd/yyyy"

# Would you like to use another custom folder than $ZSH/custom?
# ZSH_CUSTOM=/path/to/new-custom-folder

# Which plugins would you like to load?
# Standard plugins can be found in $ZSH/plugins/
# Custom plugins may be added to $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/
# Example format: plugins=(rails git textmate ruby lighthouse)
# Add wisely, as too many plugins slow down shell startup.

source $ZSH/

# User configuration

# export MANPATH="/usr/local/man:$MANPATH"

# You may need to manually set your language environment
# export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

# Preferred editor for local and remote sessions
# if [[ -n $SSH_CONNECTION ]]; then
#   export EDITOR='vim'
# else
#   export EDITOR='nvim'
# fi

# Compilation flags
# export ARCHFLAGS="-arch $(uname -m)"

# Set personal aliases, overriding those provided by Oh My Zsh libs,
# plugins, and themes. Aliases can be placed here, though Oh My Zsh
# users are encouraged to define aliases within a top-level file in
# the $ZSH_CUSTOM folder, with .zsh extension. Examples:
# - $ZSH_CUSTOM/aliases.zsh
# - $ZSH_CUSTOM/macos.zsh
# For a full list of active aliases, run `alias`.
# Example aliases
# alias zshconfig="mate ~/.zshrc"
# alias ohmyzsh="mate ~/.oh-my-zsh"

# Added by on Sat Dec  7 00:08:58 PST 2024
command -v compaudit >/dev/null && [[ $(compaudit) ]] && compaudit | xargs chmod g-w,o-w
# oh-my-zsh will utter it is in asdf so suppress the warning
vi-mode 1password alias-finder aliases asdf autojump aws bgnotify brew chezmoi colored-man-pages colorize command-not-found common-aliases conda copybuffer copyfile copypath dircycle direnv dirhistory docker docker-compose doctl emoji emoji-clock encode64 extract fancy-ctrl-z fzf gcloud gh git git-commit git-escape-magic git-lfs gitignore globalias gnu-utils golang helm history iterm2 jsontools kubectl localstack macos man marked2 microk8s multipass npm nvm opentofu pip podman poetry poetry-env pre-commit python rg rsync rust ssh sudo tailscale terraform themes tmux tmuxinator transfer vscode wd web-search wp-cli xcode z zsh-interactive-cd zsh-navigation-tools
source $ZSH/ &> /dev/null
source "$(brew --prefix)/opt/zinit/zinit.zsh"
zinit depth"1" wait for zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting oldratlee/hacker-quotes richtong/bash-my-gcp
# cannot wait still have to call
zinit light romkatv/powerlevel10k
zinit light joel-porquet/zsh-dircolors-solarized

# Added by on Sun Dec  1 22:43:01 PST 2024
source "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/asdf-direnv/zshrc"

# Added by on Sun Dec  1 22:45:19 PST 2024
 		if command -v pipx >/dev/null; then eval "$(register-python-argcomplete pipx)"; fi

# To customize prompt, run `p10k configure` or edit ~/.p10k.zsh.
[[ ! -f ~/.p10k.zsh ]] || source ~/.p10k.zsh

# Added by on Wed Dec  4 00:28:22 PST 2024
if [[ -e $HOME/.config/op/ ]]; then . "$HOME/.config/op/"; fi

# Added by on Wed Dec  4 18:49:30 PST 2024
[[ -e $HOME/.iterm2_shell_integration.zsh ]] && source "$HOME/.iterm2_shell_integration.zsh"

[ -f ~/.fzf.zsh ] && source ~/.fzf.zsh

# Added by on Fri Dec  6 23:31:44 PST 2024
# shellcheck disable=SC2046
if command -v thefuck >/dev/null; then eval $(thefuck --alias); fi

# Added by on Sat Dec  7 13:53:51 PST 2024
if command -v nvim >/dev/null; then alias vi=nvim; fi
# Added by on Sun Dec  8 01:36:47 PST 2024

fpath+=~/.zfunc; autoload -Uz compinit; compinit

# Added by on Thu Dec 19 19:23:47 EST 2024
command -v limactl >/dev/null && limactl completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_limactl"

### Debug Logs

You can see that it hangs bash-my-gcp which is giving it a hang as shown in ~/Library/Logs/ComfyUI

[2024-12-24 00:16:08.505] [info] Settings file /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/user/default/comfy.settings.json does not exist. Using default settings.
[2024-12-24 00:16:08.760] [info] Server start
[2024-12-24 00:16:08.958] [info] Using uv at /Applications/
[2024-12-24 00:16:08.958] [info] Creating virtual environment at /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/.venv with python 3.12.4
[2024-12-24 00:16:08.959] [info] Running uv command: /Applications/ venv --python 3.12.4
[2024-12-24 00:16:08.960] [info] clear; /Applications/ "venv" "--python" "3.12.4"; echo "--end-1735028168959:$?"

[2024-12-24 00:16:08.977] [info] Received renderer-ready message!
[2024-12-24 00:16:08.977] [info] Sending queued message loading-progress { status: 'python-setup' }
[2024-12-24 00:16:08.978] [info] Sending queued message log-message clear; /Applications/ "venv" "--python" "3.12.4"; echo "--end-1735028168959:$?"

[2024-12-24 00:16:38.511] [error] @todesktop/runtime: alwaysResolve: Promise timed out after 30000ms
[2024-12-24 00:16:38.738] [info] @todesktop/runtime: Checking for update
[2024-12-24 00:16:38.739] [info] @todesktop/runtime: AutoUpdater: checking-for-update
[2024-12-24 00:16:39.521] [info] @todesktop/runtime: Update for version 0.4.0 is not available (latest version: 0.4.0, downgrade is allowed).
[2024-12-24 00:16:39.522] [info] @todesktop/runtime: AutoUpdater: update-not-available {
version: '0.4.0',
files: [
url: 'ComfyUI 0.4.0 - Build',
sha512: 'avgEb6SdEDXeCqOdBSHFmDGU+f+lxODDVkG2L4VfhVydGZOL3loweh/eVn7XlwzanyAB2lGlnO7TA/RF4HWdhA==',
size: 141824773
url: 'ComfyUI 0.4.0 - Build 241219d2m1r20bl-arm64.dmg',
sha512: 'Q2uEKOEDufTLw8B1QqRRIsZR3mGWNEOeVyAwHA+Ep+mc0EMJraqv+gvaXVDL7IDM/jMCQs2bJIt+RRYETVWqPA==',
size: 149864606
path: 'ComfyUI 0.4.0 - Build',
sha512: 'avgEb6SdEDXeCqOdBSHFmDGU+f+lxODDVkG2L4VfhVydGZOL3loweh/eVn7XlwzanyAB2lGlnO7TA/RF4HWdhA==',
releaseDate: '2024-12-19T01:45:17.029Z'
[2024-12-24 00:18:40.975] [info] App window closed. Quitting application.
[2024-12-24 00:18:40.977] [info] App window closed. Quitting application.
[2024-12-24 21:52:47.049] [info] Settings file /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/user/default/comfy.settings.json does not exist. Using default settings.
[2024-12-24 21:52:47.237] [info] Server start
[2024-12-24 21:52:47.477] [info] Using uv at /Applications/
[2024-12-24 21:52:47.478] [info] Creating virtual environment at /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/.venv with python 3.12.4
[2024-12-24 21:52:47.478] [info] Running uv command: /Applications/ venv --python 3.12.4
[2024-12-24 21:52:47.482] [info] clear
/Applications/ "venv" "--python" "3.12.4"
echo "_-end-1735105967478:$?"

[2024-12-24 21:52:47.501] [info] Received renderer-ready message!
[2024-12-24 21:52:47.501] [info] Sending queued message loading-progress { status: 'python-setup' }
[2024-12-24 21:52:47.502] [info] Sending queued message log-message clear
/Applications/ "venv" "--python" "3.12.4"
echo "_-end-1735105967478:$?"

[2024-12-24 21:52:54.581] [info] App window closed. Quitting application.
[2024-12-24 21:52:54.583] [info] App window closed. Quitting application.
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.569] [info] Creating ComfyUI directories in /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.573] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/custom_nodes
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.574] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/input
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.574] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/output
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.574] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/user
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.575] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/user/default
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.575] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.575] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/checkpoints
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.576] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/clip
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.576] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/clip_vision
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.576] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/configs
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.576] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/controlnet
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.576] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/diffusers
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.577] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/diffusion_models
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.577] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/embeddings
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.577] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/gligen
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.577] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/hypernetworks
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.578] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/loras
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.578] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/photomaker
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.578] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/style_models
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.578] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/unet
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.578] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/upscale_models
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.578] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/vae
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.579] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/vae_approx
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.579] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/animatediff_models
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.579] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/animatediff_motion_lora
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.580] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/animatediff_video_formats
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.580] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/liveportrait
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.580] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/insightface
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.580] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/insightface/buffalo_1
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.581] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/blip
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.581] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/blip/checkpoints
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.581] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/CogVideo
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.581] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/xlabs
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.582] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/xlabs/loras
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.582] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/xlabs/controlnets
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.582] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/layerstyle
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.582] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/LLM
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.582] [info] Created directory: /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/models/Joy_caption
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.583] [info] Wrote settings to /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/user/default/comfy.settings.json: {
"Comfy-Desktop.AutoUpdate": true,
"Comfy-Desktop.SendStatistics": true,
"Comfy.ColorPalette": "dark",
"Comfy.UseNewMenu": "Top",
"Comfy.Workflow.WorkflowTabsPosition": "Topbar",
"Comfy.Workflow.ShowMissingModelsWarning": true,
"Comfy.Server.LaunchArgs": {}
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.583] [info] Creating model config files in /Users/rich/Library/Application Support/ComfyUI/extra_models_config.yaml
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.586] [info] Created extra_model_paths.yaml at /Users/rich/Library/Application Support/ComfyUI/extra_models_config.yaml
[2024-12-24 21:55:55.951] [info] Received renderer-ready message!
[2024-12-24 21:55:56.134] [info] Server start
[2024-12-24 21:55:56.136] [info] Using uv at /Applications/
[2024-12-24 21:55:56.137] [info] Creating virtual environment at /Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI/.venv with python 3.12.4
[2024-12-24 21:55:56.137] [info] Running uv command: /Applications/ venv --python 3.12.4
[2024-12-24 21:55:56.138] [info] clear
/Applications/ "venv" "--python" "3.12.4"
echo "_-end-1735106156137:$?"

[2024-12-24 21:55:56.279] [info] .zshrc

[2024-12-24 21:56:00.945] [info] setupsolarized:7: command not found: dircolors

[2024-12-24 21:56:00.949] [info] setupsolarized:7: command not found: dircolors

[2024-12-24 21:56:01.154] [info] �]1337;RemoteHost=[email protected]��]1337;CurrentDir=/Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI��]1337;ShellIntegrationVersion=14;shell=zsh�
[2024-12-24 21:56:25.963] [error] @todesktop/runtime: alwaysResolve: Promise timed out after 30000ms
[2024-12-24 21:56:26.351] [info] @todesktop/runtime: AutoUpdater: @todesktop/runtime: skipping autoUpdater initialization because the build isn't released.
[2024-12-24 21:56:36.331] [info] %

[2024-12-24 21:56:36.415] [info] direnv: loading ~/.envrc

[2024-12-24 21:56:36.416] [info] direnv: using asdf

[2024-12-24 21:56:36.518] [info] direnv: loading ~/.cache/asdf-direnv/env/2921557165-3889334572-3470825505-4294967295

[2024-12-24 21:56:36.533] [info] direnv: export +GOPATH +WS_DIR +WS_ORG ~PATH

[2024-12-24 21:56:36.534] [info] �]2;rich@Mac:~/Documents/ComfyUI��]1;..ments/ComfyUI�
[2024-12-24 21:56:36.536] [info] �]7;file://Mac.localdomain/Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI�
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.170] [info] �]133;D;0�
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.172] [info] �]1337;RemoteHost=[email protected]��]1337;CurrentDir=/Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI�
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.186] [info]
�]133;A� ~/Doc/ComfyUI �]133;B� ✔ │ ▼ │ ComfyUI Py │ 21:56:42
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.187] [info]
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.188] [info] c
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.189] [info] �cl
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.189] [info] e
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.189] [info] a
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.190] [info] r
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.190] [info]
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.190] [info]
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.190] [info]

�]133;A�❯ �]133;B�clear

[2024-12-24 21:56:42.191] [info] �]2;clear��]1;clear�
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.191] [info] �]133;C;�
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.221] [info]
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.221] [info] %

[2024-12-24 21:56:42.226] [info] �]2;rich@Mac:~/Documents/ComfyUI��]1;..ments/ComfyUI�
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.228] [info] �]7;file://Mac.localdomain/Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI�
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.229] [info] �]133;D;0�
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.231] [info] �]1337;RemoteHost=[email protected]��]1337;CurrentDir=/Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI�
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.248] [info]
�]133;A� ~/Doc/ComfyUI �]133;B� ✔ │ ▼ │ ComfyUI Py │ 21:56:42
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.248] [info]
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.248] [info]
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.249] [info] /
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.249] [info] �/A
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.250] [info] p
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.251] [info] p
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.251] [info] l
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.252] [info] i
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.252] [info] c
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.253] [info] a
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.253] [info] t
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.254] [info] i
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.254] [info] o
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.255] [info] n
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.255] [info] s
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.256] [info] /
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.256] [info] C
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.257] [info] o
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.257] [info] m
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.258] [info] f
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.259] [info] y
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.260] [info] U
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.260] [info] I
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.261] [info] .
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.261] [info] a
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.262] [info] p
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.262] [info] p
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.263] [info] /
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.263] [info] C
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.264] [info] o
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.264] [info] n
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.264] [info] t
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.265] [info] e
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.265] [info] n
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.265] [info] t
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.266] [info] s
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.266] [info] /
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.267] [info] R
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.267] [info] e
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.268] [info] s
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.268] [info] o
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.268] [info] u
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.269] [info] r
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.269] [info] c
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.270] [info] e
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.270] [info] s
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.270] [info] /
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.271] [info] u
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.271] [info] v
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.272] [info] /
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.272] [info] m
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.272] [info] a
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.273] [info] c
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.273] [info] o
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.274] [info] s
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.274] [info] /
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.274] [info] u
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.275] [info] v
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.276] [info]
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[2024-12-24 21:56:42.285] [info] "
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[2024-12-24 21:56:42.287] [info] "
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.287] [info] 3
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.287] [info] .
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[2024-12-24 21:56:42.289] [info] .
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[2024-12-24 21:56:42.289] [info] "
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[2024-12-24 21:56:42.290] [info]

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[2024-12-24 21:56:42.291] [info]

[2024-12-24 21:56:42.291] [info] �]2;/Applications/ "venv" "--python" ��]1;/Applications/�
[2024-12-24 21:56:42.291] [info] �]133;C;�
[2024-12-24 21:56:44.978] [info] cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 0 B/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:44.982] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 16.00 KiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:44.991] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 32.00 KiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:44.995] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 48.00 KiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:44.997] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 63.31 KiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:44.999] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 79.31 KiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:45.000] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 95.31 KiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:45.003] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 111.31 KiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:45.006] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 127.31 KiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:45.008] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 143.31 KiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:45.010] [info]

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[2024-12-24 21:56:45.012] [info]

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[2024-12-24 21:56:45.015] [info]

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[2024-12-24 21:56:45.018] [info]

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[2024-12-24 21:56:45.021] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 223.31 KiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:45.023] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 239.31 KiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:45.024] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 255.31 KiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:45.026] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 271.31 KiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:45.029] [info]

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[2024-12-24 21:56:45.029] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 303.31 KiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:45.032] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 319.31 KiB/15.73 MiB

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 335.31 KiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:45.067] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 1.50 MiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:45.115] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 4.20 MiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:45.165] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 6.30 MiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:45.215] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 7.76 MiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:45.313] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 10.02 MiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:45.314] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 10.06 MiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:45.364] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 11.06 MiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:45.415] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 12.39 MiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:45.464] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 13.28 MiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:45.515] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 14.08 MiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:45.570] [info]

cpython-3.12.4-macos-aarch64-none ------------------------------ 15.09 MiB/15.73 MiB
[2024-12-24 21:56:45.601] [info]

[2024-12-24 21:56:46.089] [info] Using CPython 3.12.4

[2024-12-24 21:56:46.089] [info] Creating virtual environment at: .venv

[2024-12-24 21:56:46.091] [info] Activate with: source .venv/bin/activate

[2024-12-24 21:56:46.092] [info] %

[2024-12-24 21:56:46.098] [info] �]2;rich@Mac:~/Documents/ComfyUI��]1;..ments/ComfyUI�
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.100] [info] �]7;file://Mac.localdomain/Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI�
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.101] [info] �]133;D;0�
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.104] [info] �]1337;RemoteHost=[email protected]��]1337;CurrentDir=/Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI�
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.232] [info]
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[2024-12-24 21:56:46.232] [info]
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.232] [info]
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[2024-12-24 21:56:46.234] [info] �ec
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.235] [info] h
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.236] [info] o
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.238] [info]
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.239] [info] "
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.240] [info] _
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.241] [info] -
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.242] [info] e
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[2024-12-24 21:56:46.244] [info] d
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[2024-12-24 21:56:46.249] [info] 1
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.251] [info] 0
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[2024-12-24 21:56:46.261] [info] :
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.262] [info] $
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.264] [info] ?
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.266] [info] "
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.269] [info] echo "_-end-1735106156137:$?"
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.269] [info]
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.270] [info]
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.270] [info]

�]133;A�❯ �]133;B�echo "_-end-1735106156137:$?"

[2024-12-24 21:56:46.270] [info] �]2;echo "-end-1735106156137:$?"��]1;echo�
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.270] [info] �]133;C;�

[2024-12-24 21:56:46.277] [info] �]2;rich@Mac:~/Documents/ComfyUI��]1;..ments/ComfyUI�
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.279] [info] �]7;file://Mac.localdomain/Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI�
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.282] [info] �]133;D;0�
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.289] [info] �]1337;RemoteHost=[email protected]��]1337;CurrentDir=/Users/rich/Documents/ComfyUI�
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.304] [info]
�]133;A� ~/Doc/ComfyUI �]133;B� ✔ │ ▼ │ ComfyUI Py │ 21:56:46
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.310] [info]
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.311] [info]
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.321] [info]

[2024-12-24 21:56:46.321] [info] Loaded oldratlee/hacker-quotes

✔ │ ▼ │ ComfyUI Py │ 21:56:46
[2024-12-24 21:56:46.438] [info]

[2024-12-24 21:56:46.438] [info] Loaded richtong/bash-my-gcp

✔ │ ▼ │ ComfyUI Py │ 21:56:46
[2024-12-24 22:01:25.968] [info] App window closed. Quitting application.
[2024-12-24 22:01:25.970] [info] App window closed. Quitting application.

Browser Logs

Never got to run the browser

Setting JSON

Never got to this point.


No response

┆Issue is synchronized with this Notion page by Unito

@richtong richtong changed the title [Bug]: Documentation bug MacOS 15.2 remove custom .zshrc to ensure installation succeeds [Bug]: Documentation bug MacOS 15.2 remove custom .zshrc to ensure installation succeeds (should document removing .zshrc) Dec 25, 2024
@richtong richtong changed the title [Bug]: Documentation bug MacOS 15.2 remove custom .zshrc to ensure installation succeeds (should document removing .zshrc) [Bug]: Documentation bug MacOS 15.2 custom .zshrc with bash-my-gcp causes hang. Docs should recommend removing .zshrc Dec 25, 2024
Copy link

@richtong Can you try the latest version. 0.4.4? We put in a fix for hanging terminals

@robinjhuang robinjhuang added the bug Something isn't working label Dec 27, 2024
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richtong commented Dec 31, 2024 via email

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bug Something isn't working
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2 participants