We use Semantic Versioning to manage package version
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
- MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
- MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
- PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes. Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.
- fixed Throw an error when running "ko init"
- check node version when install because webpack 5 requires at least Node.js 10.13.0 (LTS)
- upgrade dependencies except less because Ant Design use 3.x version of less
- remove file-loader, change to asset-modules
- fixed react-dev-utils warning
- update
to version 8.0.17
- remove prettier parse config to fixed prettier format bug
- support react lint for eslint
repository structure:
- config directory: webpack config files has been move to webpack subdirectory
- util directory: remove useless and duplicated utility functions
- add prettier & eslint dependencies
- eslint support default & user defined config, and eslintignore config
- prettier support default & user defined config, and prettierignore config
plugins have be removed in this release:
's banner now has static banner content, maybe it's will be readded in the future with user defined banner contentwebpack.DllPlugin
has been removed from CRA & vue-cli because Webpack 4 should provide good enough perf and the cost of maintaining DLL mode inside Vue CLI is no longer justified & webpack 5 use HardSourceWebpackPlugin to optimizehappypack
's maintainer sugguest users to use thread-loader insteadcopy-webpack-plugin
has been used when dll is support, it will be removed when release new verison
dependencies will be removed in next release:
removed because attachToEnv function has been removed -
removed because attachToEnv function has been removed
assets-webpack-plugin ^3.9.10 → ^7.0.0
autoprefixer ^9.7.3 → ^10.1.0
babel-loader ^8.0.6 → ^8.2.2
camelcase ^5.3.1 → ^6.2.0
case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin ^2.2.0 → ^2.3.0
clean-webpack-plugin 1.0.0 → 3.0.0
commander ^4.1.0 → ^6.2.1
compressing ^1.5.0 → ^1.5.1
copy-webpack-plugin ^5.1.1 → ^7.0.0
css-loader ^3.4.1 → ^5.0.1
decamelize ^3.2.0 → ^4.0.0
file-loader ^5.0.2 → ^6.2.0
fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin ^3.1.1 → ^6.0.7
html-webpack-plugin ^3.2.0 → ^4.5.0
inquirer ^7.0.3 → ^7.3.3
less ^3.10.3 → ^3.13.0
less-loader ^5.0.0 → ^7.1.0
lodash ^4.17.15 → ^4.17.20
mini-css-extract-plugin ^0.9.0 → ^1.3.3
mustache ^3.2.1 → ^4.1.0
ora ^4.0.3 → ^5.1.0
postcss-loader ^3.0.0 → ^4.1.0
react-dev-utils ^9.0.3 → ^11.0.1
sass-loader ^8.0.0 → ^10.1.0
shelljs ^0.8.3 → ^0.8.4
style-loader ^1.1.2 → ^2.0.0
ts-loader ^6.2.1 → ^8.0.12
tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin ^3.2.0 → ^3.3.0
typescript ^3.7.4 → ^4.1.3
url-loader ^3.0.0 → ^4.1.1
urllib ^2.34.2 → ^2.36.1
vue-loader ^15.8.3 → ^15.9.5
vue-template-compiler ^2.6.11 → ^2.6.12
webpack ^4.41.5 → ^4.44.2
webpack-bundle-analyzer ^3.6.0 → ^4.2.0
webpack-cli ^3.3.10 → ^4.2.0
webpack-dev-server ^3.10.1 → ^3.11.0
webpack-merge ^4.2.2 → ^5.7.0
包名称 | 删除原因 |
awesome-typescript-loader | 无引用 |
babel-plugin-import | 无引用 |
friendly-errors-webpack-plugin | 无引用 |
moment | deprecated,只有一处用到,改为Date方式实现 |
request | deprecated,改为其他方式实现 |
request-progress | deprecated,改为其他方式实现 |
request-promise | deprecated,改为其他方式实现 |
包名称 | 替换 | 替换原因 |
optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin | css-minimizer-webpack-plugin | 官方建议 |
node-sass | sass | 官方建议 |