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Run & examine a basic HARP point verification for a DE_330 test case (from vfld vobs files)

Samuel Viana edited this page Jan 16, 2024 · 7 revisions
  • After checking that the HARP installation in your user account at ATOS / other system is correct, the next step is to produce a basic point verification for your experiment. In this tutorial, one of the test cases delivered by task 3.1 from WP5 will be used as an example: .

  • First, select one of the case studies included in dcmdb. We will refer to every case study by the combination "Region+Date" from the table in the link above. These instructions assume that you have access to:

    a) Observation files provided by the case study producers. These are operational vobs files or OBSTABLE*.sqlite files. Currently a collection of these for many of the case studies are available at ATOS in these paths: /ec/res4/scratch/sp3c/deode_verif/cases/{Region_date}/vobs/ and /perm/sp3c/deode_verif/cases/{Region_date}/OBSTABLE/ for

    b) the vfld files extracted from the forecasts (for harmonie cases), or the model output files of the experiments in grib2/FA format (for interpolating to the station list). These will be converted to FCTABLEsqlite files by one of the steps in the verification process. For the reference runs, there's already a collection of FCTABLEsqlite files in path /perm/sp3c/deode_verif/cases/{Region_date}/FCTABLE/{Reference_experiment_name}/{YYYY}/{MM}

  • Secondly, download the DEODE-NWP/deode_harp_verification_scripts which have been adapted from harphub/accord_verification_scripts. For a minimal modification of the existing scripts/configuration files for your case, it is suggested to do it in a folder called "deode_verif" in your $PERM:

cd $PERM; mkdir deode_verif; cd deode_verif; git clone .

  • Don't forget the "." in the last command. This way "deode_verif" will be populated with the scripts from the git repository. You will find in $PERM/deode_verif/ the main script where you specify what steps of the verification process to run, what configuration yml file to load, etc.

  • Go to $PERM/deode_verif/config and check if a config_atos.yml_{Region_Date} exists for your case study. Substitute all paths in the file with your own paths to vfld/vobs files model output files, etc, the experiment names with the ones from your test case, the corresponding start_date and end_date, forecast lengths (fclen), frequency of observations in vobs (by_vobs_step), time between model runs (by_step), etc. If you just want to test that your harp installation works with the example in the script, you can keep vfld_path and vobs_path untouched in the config file (check that they're still available at the paths). Create the main folder where the files for your case study will be stored $PERM/deode_verif/cases/Region_Date.

  • Now you're ready to run the main verification script, (currently it's a link to scr/, but you could adapt this script if running in a different system). First, edit the file (modify export CASE_STUDY={Region_Date}) indicating the name of your case study so that the script can read the correct config file (config_atmos.yml_{Region_Date}). The script calls to different R scripts; each one will complete a different step of the verification process, each with a dedicated variable in which can be set to yes/no to activate/deactivate every step. This is because some steps need only to be run once (i.e. conversion of vobs to FCTABLE*sqlites, etc). So one good idea (specially the first time) is to run the needed steps in one by one. This saves time when debugging if something goes wrong. The steps are these:

    1. Convert vobs to sql. Activate with RUN_VOBS2SQL=yes. Only for cases where vobs files are available (mainly Harmonie cases). Otherwise, check that OBSTABLES* exist for your case study at /perm/sp3c/deode_verif/cases/{Region_date}/OBSTABLE/ or provide them separately.
    2. Convert vfld to sql. Activate with RUN_VFLD2SQL=yes. Only for cases where vfld files are available (mainly Harmonie cases). Otherwise, check that FCTABLES* exist for your case study / experiment at /perm/sp3c/deode_verif/cases/{Region_date}/FCTABLE/{Reference_experiment_name}/{YYYY}/{MM} or provide them.
    3. Interpolate model output to sql. Alternative to point 2 for cases with no vfld files available. The model output files (grb/FA files) must be available. Activate with RUN_INTERPOL2SQL=yes
    4. Run point verification for variables defined in config/config_atos.R. Activate with RUN_POINT_VERF=yes
    5. Run complete verification set, figures, etc. Activate with RUN_POINT_VERF_LOCAL=yes
    6. Generate scorecards (experimental). They're stored as a .png file in the /output directory. Activate with SCORECARDS=yes
    7. Open dynamic or static shiny web page to inspect results. Select one port number in SHINY_PORT variable and activate web page launch with SHOW_WEB_DYNAMIC=yes or SHOW_WEB_STATIC=yes ( See instructions printed in screen to open the web app in a web browser at Bolonia's virtual desktop).
  • After running all steps, if everything went fine, you will have the following folders in your $PERM/deode_verif/cases/RegionDate folder:

↳ $PERM/deode_verif/cases/Region_Date
     ↳ FCTABLE where the vlfd conversions to sqlite are stored for every experiment
     ↳ OBSTABLE where the vobs conversions to sqlite are stored for every experiment
     ↳ output
       ↳ verif_results. Where the .rds R data files with verification results created in step 3 are stored. These are used later to feed the interactive visualization web page.
       ↳ start_date-end_date. Where a big number of .png figures with verification results created in step 4 are stored, including maps showing station bias, etc...which are not presented in the visualization web page.
  • Dynamic page: After opening the verification page, look for "Select Verification Directory" and navigate to "$PERM/deode_verif/cases/RegionDate/verif_results" to start visualizing your verification results.

Screenshot from 2023-01-19 09-26-43

  • Static page: After opening the verification page, select the case study in the top left menu. The rest of the dropdown menus will update according to available pre-generatred figures

Screenshot from 2023-04-28 13-20-07