- global
- Continuous integration fix using new version on conan following DGtal changes. (Bertrand Kerautret #90)
- Continuous integration on windows does not use Appveyopr anymore but Github Actions. (Bertrand Kerautret #77)
- rotNmap: new tools to apply a rotation in the input normal map (it rotates both the position and normals orientation to be consistant. (Bertrand Kerautret #70)
meshBasicEdit: new name of basicEditMesh and addition of a new option to rescale a shape according to its bounding box and a new size. (Bertrand Kerautret #73)
- Continuous integration does not use Travis anymore but Github Actions. (Bertrand Kerautret #58)
basicMorphoFilter: fix a bug on the dilate/erode options. (Bertrand Kerautret #74)
graph2vol: new tool to transform graph based object into volumetric object. (Bertrand Kerautret #76)
meshAxisCutter: new tool that cuts the input mesh according one axis into several separate meshes. (Bertrand Kerautret #71)
meshAxisCutter: new option to select range meshes. (Bertrand Kerautret #80)
computeMeshDistances: Reduce the complexity using face mapping. (Bertrand Kerautret #81)
polyMeshEdit: tool to edit a mesh (add local noise, remove selected faces). (Bertrand Kerautret #78)
polyMeshEdit: fix preformance issue in display loop. (Bertrand Kerautret #84)
polyMeshColorize: tool to colorize a mesh. (Bertrand Kerautret #83)
- Continuous integration does not use Travis anymore but Github Actions. (Bertrand Kerautret #58)
- volFillCCSize: new tool to fill each Connected Component with a value corresponding to the number of voxels of the CC. (Bertrand Kerauret 60
- vol2meshAndNormals: new tool to estimate normal vectors (using VCM) from digital surface defined in 3D volume. It exports the mesh and the normal vectors. (backport Jacques-Olivier Lachaud from VCM repository and update with CLI) (Bertrand Kerautret and Jacques-Olivier Lachaud #65)
- obj2off: converts an obj mesh to the .off format. (Bertrand Kerautret #61)
- global
- Fix Appveyor and Travis wioth old default osx_image with xcode12.2 and remove non used boost cmake references. (Bertrand Kerautret #53)
- New way to handle command line options of DGtalTools-contrib by using CLI11 instead boost program option. (Phuc Ngo and Bertrand Kerautret #51)
- fix Cmake and CPP11 check (Bertrand Kerautret #48)
- fix off2obj: the colors of .off are now well exported in obj. (Bertrand Kerautret #49)
- visualisation
- displayLineSegments: new option to display a second set of lines. (Bertrand Kerautret, #43)
- displaySet2dPts: new tool to display sets of 2d points. (Bertrand Kerautret, #44)
- global
- Fix PointVector implicit conversion (in link to DGtal PR #1345) (Bertrand Kerautret #45)
- Fix for the last QGLViewer version (2.7). (Bertrand Kerautret, #40)
- graphViewer: new option to generate edges from vertex points and to customize vertex color (Bertrand Kerautret, #33)
off2sdp: a new tool to convert a mesh into a set of points (.sdp). It can extract the mesh vertices (by default) or the face centers. (Bertrand Kerautret, 33)
off2obj: tool to convert a mesh represented in off format into obj format. (Bertrand Kerautret, #35)
- displayLineSegments: add a new tool allowing to display line segment in an output image. (Bertrand Kerautret)
- meshViewerEdit: add a button to invert the current selection (Bertrand Kerautret)
- houghLineDetect: to detect line segment from Hough transform (using OpenCV).
- graphViewer: add a new tool allowing to display graph from edges, vertex and radii. (Adrien Krahenbuhl)
- xyzScale: a basic tool to adjust the scale of an xyz file. (Bertrand Kerautret)
meaningFullThickness: to display the meaningful thickness of digital contour. (Bertrand Kerautret)
LUTBasedNSDistanceTransform: Compute the 2D translated neighborhood-sequence distance transform of a binary image. (Nicolas Normand)
CumulativeSequenceTest and RationalBeattySequenceTest: tests from LUTBasedNSDistanceTransform. (Nicolas Normand)
basicEditMesh: to apply basic mesh edition (scale change, mesh face contraction, face filtering). (Bertrand Kerautret)
computeMeshDistances: computes for each face of a mesh A the minimal distance to another mesh B. (Bertrand Kerautret)
volLocalMax: extract the local maximas of a vol image within a spherical kernel. (Bertrand Kerautret)
basicMorphoFilter: apply basic morpho filter from a ball structural element. (Bertrand Kerautret)
displayTgtCoverAlphaTS: to display alpha-thick segment given on a simple contour. (Bertrand Kerautret)
meshViewerEdit: tool to visualize a mesh and to apply simple edits (face removal, color edits...). (Bertrand Kerautret)