- Your task is to edit and optimise the Gas.sol contract.
- You cannot edit the tests &
- All the tests must pass.
- You can change the functionality of the contract as long as the tests pass.
- Try to get the gas usage as low as possible.
Run: forge test --gas-report -vvvv
Run: forge test --gas-report
RUN:forge test --match-test {TESTNAME} -vvvv
EG: forge test --match-test test_onlyOwner -vvvv
after changing the order : Deployment Cost: 2431979 | Deployment Size :11987
erase getPaymentHistory() fuction because by default we already have the public array variable declared as a getter.
erase senderOfTx to write msg.sender directly.
erase the modifier onlyAdminOrOwner because we already ahve the contract already inherit of the ownable contract
change the checkIfWhiteListed moidifier
change the order of the struct element