the esgvoc library supports a wide range of use cases, including:
- Caching: Usage without internet access. Downloading CVs to a local archive or database. Updating the local cache. Performing consistency checks between the local cache and remote CV repositories.
- Listing:
All data descriptors from the Universe.
All terms of one data descriptor from the Universe.
All available projects.
All collections from a project.
All terms from a project.
All terms of a collection from a project. - Validation:
Validating an input string against:
All terms of the Universe.
All terms of a data descriptor from the Universe.
All terms of a project.
All terms of a collection from a project.
All terms from all projects (cross-validation).
Validation may be case-sensitive or case-insensitive.
Wildcards can be used in validation queries.
The system can return one or several valid terms, as well as similar terms if exact matches are not found.
pip install esgvoc
source .venv/bin/activate
to get the latest CVs currently, only CMIP6Plus_CV is supported
to see the differents CVs version on github, on local, in cached db
the idea is :
esgvoc get <What_CV>:<What_collection>:<What_term>
with somes shortcuts
you can try:
esgvoc get ::
esgvoc get universe::
esgvoc get universe:institution:
esgvoc get universe:institution:IPSL
esgvoc get cmip6plus::
esgvoc get cmip6plus:institution_id:
esgvoc get cmip6plus:institution_id:ipsl
esgvoc get cmip6plus:institution_id:ipsl cmip6plus:institution_id:llnl
the idea is to validate the DRS_name against a collection or complete CV
you can try :
esgvoc valid IPSL ::
esgvoc valid ipsl ::
esgvoc valid IPSL cmip6plus::
esgvoc valid IPSL cmip6plus:institution_id:
take a look at the the notebook here :