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Ansible playbooks

Whymarrh Whitby edited this page Jan 31, 2016 · 1 revision

This page describes the Ansible playbooks for the project.


The following is an example of how to execute all playbooks in the project. If we want to run a single playbook instead, we would need to update the name of the playbook (the 2nd argument to ansible-playbook).

First, from the host machine, connected to the ROV network, create the captain VM:

vagrant up captain

(The captain VM is the machine used to manage other machines on the network.)

With that VM created, we now need to edit the host inventory (playbook/hosts) to contain the IP addresses, usernames, and passwords for all machines on the ROV.

If needed, you can map the network using the following command:

nmap -sn

Now, from inside the captain VM, we can execute ansible-playbook, passing the name of the playbook we want to execute:

# Inside the captain VM
cd workspace
ansible-playbook playbooks/all.yml

Aside: when inside Vagrant's default hostonly network, you can pass an alternative proxy dictionary to ansible-playbook like so:

ansible-playbook playbooks/all.yml -e '{ "proxy": { "http_proxy": "", "https_proxy": "" } }'
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