Releases: EasyCorp/EasyAdminBundle
Bug fixes
[e117746] Check if user exists before displaying their name (@odolbeau)
[d3326aa] Fallback to form type help when available (@odolbeau)
[d9e653f] Removed unused adminlte_options block (@odolbeau)
[34875a3] Enable select2 to all form select lists (@odolbeau)
[02fd18d] Limit the image width when using an image as the logo (@javiereguiluz)
[c532ee4] Added a missing French translation (@thlbaut)
This is the first stable version of the new EasyAdmin 2.x series. We've minimized the number of breaking changes from EasyAdmin 1.x versions, so the upgrade process should be smooth for most apps.
Read the UPGRADE to 2.0 article for all the details.
Bug fixes
[9d4a26a] Don't make ConfigPassInterface final (@javiereguiluz)
[495310a] Minor simplification in DI config class (@javiereguiluz)
[f49cf7a][3b72da9] Fixed a minor config escaping issue (@javiereguiluz)
[d347944] Updated frontend dependencies (@javiereguiluz)
Bug Fixes
[b335e5d] Minor improvement in the exception listener (@javiereguiluz)
[f49cf7a] Fixed a minor config escaping issue (@javiereguiluz)
[d725d50] Ensure PHP >= 5.3.0 compatibility in TemplateConfigPass (@yceruto)
[b52a352] Fixed an edge case that prevented translating the menu contents (@javiereguiluz)
Bug fixes
[f8fb141] Fixed issues found by SymfonyInsight (@javiereguiluz)
[1cf6d11] Fixed issues found by Php Inspections (EA Ultimate) (@javiereguiluz)
[45d39fa] Fixed some issues found by PHPStan (@javiereguiluz)
[420fa18] Applied PHP-CS-Fixer and enabled the "native_function_invocation" rule (@javiereguiluz)
[c69b96c] Simplified the DesignConfigPass class (@javiereguiluz)
[b826cdf] Simplified the Controller listener (@javiereguiluz)
[2f7c915][b335e5d] Simplified the exception listener (@javiereguiluz)
[c87c591] Simplified some DI classes (@javiereguiluz)
[ea81444] Removed the deprecated getName() method in form types (@javiereguiluz)
[30d4c3c] Removed more deprecated features from earlier Symfony versions (@javiereguiluz)
[aeb14ca] Removed the TreeBuilder deprecation (@javiereguiluz)
[97e5749] Fixed some translation deprecations in tests (@javiereguiluz)
[93d14ee] Removed some deprecations related to templates in tests (@javiereguiluz)
This is the first BETA version of the upcoming EasyAdmin 2.0.0 version. This new major version removes all deprecated features, so before testing it, make sure to remove all deprecations reported by the latest EasyAdmin 1.x version.
New features
[c2e4b58] Deprecated the form theme shortcuts (@javiereguiluz)
[571cbb7] Deprecated some options related to forms (@javiereguiluz)
[450493a] Deprecated the feature to override templates by convention (@javiereguiluz)
[28e18dd] Deprecated the colo_scheme feature (@javiereguiluz)
Bug fixes
[da68b84] Fixed the context menu selection loss (@666mon)
[55ad965] Fixed a FormTypeExtensionInterface deprecation (@javiereguiluz)
[8b0eab6] Updated the WYSIWYG tutorial to use FOS CKEditor (@javiereguiluz)
[8cc2d0e] Maintained the selected menu when making an empty search (@javiereguiluz)
[5111f7c] Strip HTML tags from flash messages (@javiereguiluz)
New features
[be2259c] Added the full contents as "title" attribute in string-type fields (@mike3012)
[681f7d4] Added a default template for dateinterval type (@moynzzz)
[87cd27a] Added a default field for percent type (@moynzzz)
[9cf06cc] Added an option to customize the CSS class of menu items (@javiereguiluz)
[cf819d1][b673dc3] Added FOSCKEditorBundle support (@stef)
[a96c87d] Added support for searching by multiple nested associations (@javiereguiluz)
[e391676] Added Serbian translation (@Thalvik)
[aa30623] Added Galician translation (@juanmiguelbesada)
Bug fixes
[1403a3d] Fixed support of DEFERRED_EXPLICIT tracking policy (@odolbeau)
[5de5466] Fixed support of embeddables (@CheapHasz)
[e59e56d] Replaced VichUploader trans delete keys (@mpiot)
[df61c5b] Removed all references for glyphicons in stylesheet files (@moynzzz)
[15827bf] Fixed the sorting of search results (@javiereguiluz)
[2e9cd5e] Added check for sort direction in search action (@Benjamin-Porquet)
[5f36f67] Fixed the way actions are removed in the config (@Rindhal)
[acb959b] Fixed sorting field detection for related attributes on table header in list view (@666mon)
[39c97cd] Fixed the order of update events in AJAX edits (@javiereguiluz)
[f4a47d7] Improved the vich_image_widget template (@javiereguiluz)
[14d211b] Fixed the translation domain for the help message of entities (@moynzzz)
[fe1a62d] Fixed the prototype name in the JavaScript used to add new items (@moynzzz)
[f2b75c5] Prevent multiple form submissions when creating entities (@javiereguiluz)
[a8ebc0a] Fixed a bug realted to HTML tags in help messages (@razbounak)
[3f8eef1] Updated the Ukrainian translations (@fre5h)