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A Skeleton project based on EvaEngine.js

Start with one line code:

Prepare a empty directory:

mkdir myproject
cd myproject
wget -O master.tar.gz && tar xvf master.tar.gz --strip 1 && rm master.tar.gz

Run by Docker

docker run -p 3000:3000 -it allovince/evaskeleton:latest npm start

Then visit http://localhost:3000/

Install and Start develop:


  • NodeJS >= v8

1. Install global dependencies

make pre-build

2. Install project dependencies

make build

3. Start project (development mode)

npm run dev

Visit http://localhost:3000/ to see HelloWorld web page demo

4. Generate API documents

npm run swagger-dev

Visit http://localhost:15638/ to see Swagger document demo

5. CLI command (development mode)

babel-node --harmony src/cli.js hello:world

6. Run unit test

npm test

Deploy to production server

1. Install global dependencies

make pre-build

2. Install project dependencies

make build

3. Compile & Start project

npm run build
npm start