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File metadata and controls

62 lines (40 loc) · 1.54 KB

2d6 Dungeon App - Making of notes

To create the dab-config.MySql.json file I needed to create the folder first, and execute this command.

dab init --database-type mysql --connection-string "Server=localhost;Database=2d6db;User ID=frank;Password=myPassword;" --host-mode "Development" --cors-origin "http://localhost:5000" 

Note: I needed to remove --authenticate-devmode-requests false it was causing an error.

Adding some entities

dab add Room --source Rooms --source.key-fields RoomID --permissions "anonymous:create,read,update,delete"
dab add BodySearch --source BodySearch --source.key-fields BodySearchID --permissions "admin:*"

QQ: how to set anonymous: Read and admin:*

dab start 



To add a new Room

POST http://localhost:5000/api/Room

{ "Roll": 14, "Exits": "Random", "Level": 1, "RoomType": "Mason's workshop", "isUnique": true, "Encounter": "Roll a D6. 1-4= an artisan is here. You must fight them. If you survive roll on TCT1", "Description": "Large blocks of stone scatter the space, iron..." }

docker run -it -v "C:\dev\github\fboucher\2d6-dungeon-app\src\:/App/configs" -p 5000:5000 --ConfigFileName ./configs/dab-config.json

MS SQL instead?

note: Password need to be strong otherwise container will stop.

docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=1rootPassword" -p 1433:1433 --name sql1 -hostname sql1 -d