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File metadata and controls

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This reference documentation describes the xml-rpc methods exposed by OpenNebula. Each description consists of the method name and the input and output values.

All xml-rpc responses share a common structure.

Type Data Type Description
OUT Boolean True or false whenever is successful or not.
OUT String If an error occurs this is the error message.
OUT Int Error code.

The output will always consist of three values. The first and third ones are fixed, but the second one will contain the String error message only in case of failure. If the method is successful, the returned value may be of another Data Type.

The Error Code will contain one of the following values:

Value Code Meaning
0x0000 SUCCESS Success response.
0x0100 AUTHENTICATION User could not be authenticated.
0x0200 AUTHORIZATION User is not authorized to perform the requested action.
0x0400 NO_EXISTS The requested resource does not exist.
0x0800 ACTION Wrong state to perform action.
0x1000 XML_RPC_API Wrong parameters, e.g. param should be -1 or -2, but -3 was received.
0x2000 INTERNAL Internal error, e.g. the resource could not be loaded from the DB.
0x4000 ALLOCATE The resource cannot be allocated.
0x8000 LOCKED The resource is locked.


All methods expect a session string associated to the connected user as the first parameter. It has to be formed with the contents of the ONE_AUTH file, which will be <username>:<password> with the default 'core' auth driver.


Each XML-RPC request has to be authenticated and authorized. See the :ref:`Auth Subsystem documentation <auth_overview>` for more information.

The information strings returned by the one.*.info methods are XML-formatted. The complete XML Schemas (XSD) reference is included at the end of this page. We encourage you to use the -x option of the :ref:`command line interface <cli>` to collect sample outputs from your own infrastructure.

The methods that accept XML templates require the root element to be TEMPLATE. For instance, this template:

NAME = abc
MEMORY = 1024
ATT1 = value1

Can be also given to OpenNebula with the following XML:


Authorization Requests Reference

OpenNebula features a CLI that wraps the XML-RPC requests. For each XML-RPC request, the session token is authenticated, and after that the Request Manager generates an authorization request that can include more than one operation. The following tables document these requests from the different CLI commands.


Commands with marked with * are asynchronous. The success response for these commands means that all preconditions passed and the action started. To check the action result you need to inspect the resource or its state.


onevm command XML-RPC Method Auth. Request
deploy* one.vm.deploy












one.vm.action VM:MANAGE



one.vm.action VM:ADMIN
migrate* one.vm.migrate



disk-saveas* one.vm.disksaveas



disk-snapshot-create* one.vm.disksnapshotcreate



disk-snapshot-delete* one.vm.disksnapshotdelete



disk-snapshot-revert* one.vm.disksnapshotrevert VM:MANAGE
disk-snapshot-rename one.vm.disksnapshotrename VM:MANAGE
disk-attach* one.vm.attach



disk-detach* one.vm.detach VM:MANAGE
disk-resize* one.vm.diskresize VM:MANAGE
nic-attach* one.vm.attachnic



nic-detach* one.vm.detachnic VM:MANAGE
nic-update* one.vm.updatenic VM:MANAGE
sg-attach* one.vm.attachsg VM:MANAGE
sg-detach* one.vm.detachsg VM:MANAGE
create one.vm.allocate




show VM:USE







chmod one.vm.chmod VM:<MANAGE/ADMIN>
rename one.vm.rename VM:MANAGE
snapshot-create* one.vm.snapshotcreate VM:MANAGE
snapshot-delete* one.vm.snapshotdelete VM:MANAGE
snapshot-revert* one.vm.snapshotrevert VM:MANAGE
resize* one.vm.resize VM:MANAGE
update one.vm.update VM:MANAGE
recover* one.vm.recover VM:ADMIN
save* -- (ruby method)




updateconf one.vm.updateconf VM:MANAGE
list top VM:USE
list one.vmpool.infoextended VM:USE
-- one.vm.monitoring VM:USE
lock one.vm.lock VM:MANAGE
unlock one.vm.unlock VM:MANAGE
create-chart one.vm.schedadd VM:MANAGE
update-chart one.vm.schedupdate VM:MANAGE
delete-chart one.vm.scheddelete VM:MANAGE
backup * one.vm.backup VM:ADMIN


The deploy action requires the user issuing the command to have VM:ADMIN rights. This user will usually be the scheduler with the oneadmin credentials.

The scheduler deploys VMs to the Hosts over which the VM owner has MANAGE rights.

The backup action can be done by regular users through the schedule action interface (--schedule).


onetemplate command XML-RPC Method Auth. Request
update one.template.update TEMPLATE:MANAGE
instantiate one.template.instantiate




create one.template.allocate TEMPLATE:CREATE
clone one.template.clone



delete one.template.delete TEMPLATE:MANAGE







chmod one.template.chmod TEMPLATE:<MANAGE/ADMIN>
rename one.template.rename TEMPLATE:MANAGE


lock one.template.lock TEMPLATE:MANAGE
unlock one.template.unlock TEMPLATE:MANAGE


onehost command XML-RPC Method Auth. Request



offline HOST:ADMIN



list top HOST:USE


onehost sync is not performed by the core, it is done by the ruby command onehost.


onecluster command XML-RPC Method Auth. Request
create one.cluster.allocate CLUSTER:CREATE
delete one.cluster.delete CLUSTER:ADMIN
update one.cluster.update CLUSTER:MANAGE
addhost one.cluster.addhost



delhost one.cluster.delhost



adddatastore one.cluster.adddatastore



deldatastore one.cluster.deldatastore



addvnet one.cluster.addvnet



delvnet one.cluster.delvnet



rename one.cluster.rename CLUSTER:MANAGE


onegroup command XML-RPC Method Auth. Request






-- --
defaultquota one.groupquota.update Ony for users in the oneadmin group


onevdc command XML-RPC Method Auth. Request
create one.vdc.allocate VDC:CREATE
rename one.vdc.rename VDC:MANAGE
delete one.vdc.delete VDC:ADMIN
update one.vdc.update VDC:MANAGE
show VDC:USE
list VDC:USE
addgroup one.vdc.addgroup



delgroup one.vdc.delgroup



addcluster one.vdc.addcluster




delcluster one.vdc.delcluster




addhost one.vdc.addhost




delhost one.vdc.delhost




adddatastore one.vdc.adddatastore




deldatastore one.vdc.deldatastore




addvnet one.vdc.addvnet




delvnet one.vdc.delvnet





onevnet command XML-RPC Method Auth. Request
reserve NET:USE
updatear NET:MANAGE
release NET:MANAGE



delete* NET:MANAGE
show NET:USE






list NET:USE
recover NET:MANAGE


oneuser command XML-RPC Method Auth. Request
create one.user.allocate USER:CREATE
delete one.user.delete USER:ADMIN
passwd one.user.passwd USER:MANAGE
login one.user.login USER:MANAGE
update one.user.update USER:MANAGE
chauth one.user.chauth USER:ADMIN
quota one.user.quota USER:ADMIN
chgrp one.user.chgrp



addgroup one.user.addgroup



delgroup one.user.delgroup





one.user.enable USER:ADMIN
encode -- --
-- --
defaultquota one.userquota.update Ony for users in the oneadmin group


onedatastore command XML-RPC Method Auth. Request
create one.datastore.allocate



delete one.datastore.delete DATASTORE:ADMIN
update one.datastore.update DATASTORE:MANAGE
rename one.datastore.rename DATASTORE:MANAGE







chmod one.datastore.chmod DATASTORE:<MANAGE / ADMIN>



one.datastore.enable DATASTORE:MANAGE


oneimage command XML-RPC Method Auth. Request



one.image.persistent IMAGE:MANAGE



one.image.enable IMAGE:MANAGE
chtype one.image.chtype IMAGE:MANAGE
snapshot-delete* one.image.snapshotdelete IMAGE:MANAGE
snapshot-revert* one.image.snapshotrevert IMAGE:MANAGE
snapshot-flatten* one.image.snapshotflatten IMAGE:MANAGE
update one.image.update IMAGE:MANAGE
create one.image.allocate



clone* one.image.clone




delete* one.image.delete IMAGE:MANAGE







chmod one.image.chmod IMAGE:<MANAGE / ADMIN>
rename one.image.rename IMAGE:MANAGE


lock one.image.lock IMAGE:MANAGE
unlock one.image.unlock IMAGE:MANAGE
restore one.image.restore IMAGE:USE


onemarket command XML-RPC Method Auth. Request










onemarketapp command XML-RPC Method Auth. Request
create one.marketapp.allocate



export* -- (ruby method)





download* -- (ruby method) MARKETPLACEAPP:USE



one.marketapp.enable MARKETPLACEAPP:MANAGE
update one.marketapp.update MARKETPLACEAPP:MANAGE
delete one.marketapp.delete MARKETPLACEAPP:MANAGE







chmod one.marketapp.chmod MARKETPLACEAPP:<MANAGE / ADMIN>
rename one.marketapp.rename MARKETPLACEAPP:MANAGE
lock one.marketapp.lock MARKETPLACEAPP:MANAGE
unlock one.marketapp.unlock MARKETPLACEAPP:MANAGE


onevrouter command XML-RPC Method Auth. Request
create one.vrouter.allocate VROUTER:CREATE
update one.vrouter.update VROUTER:MANAGE
instantiate one.vrouter.instantiate




nic-attach one.vrouter.attachnic



nic-detach one.vrouter.detachnic VROUTER:MANAGE
delete one.vrouter.delete VROUTER:MANAGE







chmod one.vrouter.chmod VROUTER:<MANAGE/ADMIN>
rename one.vrouter.rename VROUTER:MANAGE


lock one.vrouter.lock VROUTER:MANAGE
unlock one.vrouter.unlock VROUTER:MANAGE


onezone command XML-RPC Method Auth. Request


disable ZONE:ADMIN
set -- ZONE:USE


onesecgroup command XML-RPC Method Auth. Request
create one.secgroup.allocate SECGROUP:CREATE
clone one.secgroup.clone



delete one.secgroup.delete SECGROUP:MANAGE







chmod one.secgroup.chmod SECGROUP:<MANAGE / ADMIN>
update one.secgroup.update SECGROUP:MANAGE
commit one.secgroup.commit SECGROUP:MANAGE
rename one.secgroup.rename SECGROUP:MANAGE


onevmgroup command XML-RPC Method Auth. Request
create one.vmgroup.allocate VMGROUP:CREATE
delete one.vmgroup.delete VMGROUP:MANAGE







chmod one.vmgroup.chmod VMGROUP:<MANAGE / ADMIN>
update one.vmgroup.update VMGROUP:MANAGE
rename one.vmgroup.rename VMGROUP:MANAGE
lock one.vmgroup.lock VMGROUP:MANAGE
unlock one.vmgroup.unlock VMGROUP:MANAGE


oneacl command XML-RPC Method Auth. Request
create one.acl.addrule ACL:MANAGE
delete one.acl.delrule ACL:MANAGE


command XML-RPC Method Auth. Request
oneacct one.vmpool.accounting VM:USE


command XML-RPC Method Auth. Request
list one.vmpool.showback VM:USE
calculate one.vmpool.calculateshowback Only for oneadmin group


XML-RPC Method Auth. Request
one.document.update DOCUMENT:MANAGE
one.document.allocate DOCUMENT:CREATE







one.document.chmod DOCUMENT:<MANAGE / ADMIN>
one.document.rename DOCUMENT:MANAGE
one.document.lock DOCUMENT:MANAGE
one.document.lock DOCUMENT:MANAGE
one.document.unlock DOCUMENT:MANAGE


command XML-RPC Method Auth. Request
-- one.system.version --
-- one.system.config Ony for users in the oneadmin group


onevntemplate command XML-RPC Method Auth. Request
update one.vntemplate.update VNTEMPLATE:MANAGE
instantiate one.vntemplate.instantiate VNTEMPLATE:USE
create one.vntemplate.allocate VNTEMPLATE:CREATE
clone one.vntemplate.clone



delete one.vntemplate.delete VNTEMPLATE:MANAGE







chmod one.vntemplate.chmod VNTEMPLATE:<MANAGE/ADMIN>
rename one.vntemplate.rename VNTEMPLATE:MANAGE


lock one.vntemplate.lock VNTEMPLATE:MANAGE
unlock one.vntemplate.unlock VNTEMPLATE:MANAGE


onevntemplate command XML-RPC Method Auth. Request
update one.hook.update HOOK:MANAGE
create one.hook.allocate HOOK:CREATE
delete one.hook.delete HOOK:MANAGE
rename one.hook.rename HOOK:MANAGE


lock one.hook.lock HOOK:MANAGE
unlock one.hook.unlock HOOK:MANAGE
retry one.hook.unlock HOOK:MANAGE
log HOOK:-

Actions for Templates Management


  • Description: Allocates a new template in OpenNebula.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String A string containing the template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The allocated resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Clones an existing virtual machine template.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The ID of the template to be cloned.
IN String Name for the new template.
IN Boolean true to clone the template plus any image defined in DISK. The new IMAGE_ID is set into each DISK.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The new template ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the original object that caused the error.


  • Description: Deletes the given template from the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Boolean true to delete the template plus any image defined in DISK.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Instantiates a new virtual machine from a template.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String Name for the new VM instance. If it is an empty string, OpenNebula will assign one automatically.
IN Boolean False to create the VM on pending (default), True to create it on hold.
IN String A string containing an extra template to be merged with the one being instantiated. It can be empty. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Boolean true to create a private persistent copy of the template plus any image defined in DISK, and instantiate that copy.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The new virtual machine ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

Sample template string:



Declaring a field overwrites the template. Thus, declaring DISK=[...] overwrites the template DISK attribute and as such, must contain the entire DISK definition.


  • Description: Replaces the template contents.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int Update type: 0: replace the whole template. 1: Merge new template with the existing one.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Changes the permission bits of a template.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int USER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Boolean true to chmod the template plus any image defined in DISK.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Changes the ownership of a template.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The User ID of the new owner. If set to -1, the owner is not changed.
IN Int The Group ID of the new group. If set to -1, the group is not changed.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Renames a template.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new name.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for the template.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Boolean optional flag to process the template and include extended information, such as the SIZE for each DISK
IN Boolean optional flag to decrypt contained secrets, valid only for admin
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for all or part of the Resources in the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int

Filter flag

  • -4: Resources belonging to the user's primary group
  • -3: Resources belonging to the user
  • -2: All resources
  • -1: Resources belonging to the user and any of his groups
  • >= 0: UID User's Resources
IN Int When the next parameter is >= -1 this is the Range start ID. Can be -1. For smaller values this is the offset used for pagination.
IN Int For values >= -1 this is the Range end ID. Can be -1 to get until the last ID. For values < -1 this is the page size used for pagination.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

The range can be used to retrieve a subset of the pool, from the 'start' to the 'end' ID. To retrieve the complete pool, use (-1, -1); to retrieve all the pool from a specific ID to the last one, use (<id>, -1), and to retrieve the first elements up to an ID, use (0, <id>).


  • Description: Locks a Template.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int Lock level: use (1), manage (2), admin (3), all (4)
IN Boolean Test: check if the object is already locked to return an error
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int The ID of the resource.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.
OUT String Timestamp when the object was locked in case of error when using test = true


  • Description: Unlocks a Template.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int The ID of the resource.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

Actions for Virtual Machine Management


  • Description: Allocates a new virtual machine in OpenNebula.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String A string containing the template for the vm. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Boolean False to create the VM on pending (default), True to create it on hold.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The allocated resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Cluster that caused the error.


  • Description: initiates the instance of the given vmid on the target host.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The Host ID of the target host where the VM will be deployed.
IN Boolean true to enforce the Host capacity is not overcommitted.
IN Int The Datastore ID of the target system datastore where the VM will be deployed. It is optional, and can be set to -1 to let OpenNebula choose the datastore.
IN String Template with network scheduling results for NIC in AUTO mode.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Datastore that caused the error.


  • Description: submits an action to be performed on a virtual machine.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String the action name to be performed, see below.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

The action String must be one of the following:

  • terminate-hard
  • terminate
  • undeploy-hard
  • undeploy
  • poweroff-hard
  • poweroff
  • reboot-hard
  • reboot
  • hold
  • release
  • stop
  • suspend
  • resume
  • resched
  • unresched


  • Description: migrates one virtual machine (vid) to the target host (hid).
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int the target host id (hid) where we want to migrate the vm.
IN Boolean if true we are indicating that we want livemigration, otherwise false.
IN Boolean true to enforce the Host capacity is not overcommitted.
IN Int the target system DS id where we want to migrate the vm.
IN Int The migration type (0 save, 1 poweroff, 2 poweroff hard).
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Datastore / Host that caused the error.


  • Description: Sets the disk to be saved in the given image.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int Disk ID of the disk we want to save.
IN String Name for the new Image where the disk will be saved.
IN String Type for the new Image. If it is an empty string, then :ref:`the default one <oned_conf>` will be used. See the existing types in the :ref:`Image template reference <img_template>`.
IN Int Id of the snapshot to export, if -1 the current image state will be used.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String

The new allocated Image ID / The error string.

If the Template was cloned, the new Template ID is not returned. The Template can be found by name: "<image_name>-<image_id>"

OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Image / Datastore that caused the error.


  • Description: Takes a new snapshot of the disk image
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int Disk ID of the disk we want to snpashot.
IN String Description for the snapshot.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The new snapshot ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Image that caused the error.


  • Description: Deletes a disk snapshot
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int Disk ID of the disk we want to delete.
IN Int ID of the snapshot to be deleted.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The ID of the snapshot deleted/ The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Image that caused the error.


  • Description: Reverts disk state to a previously taken snapshot
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int Disk ID of the disk to revert its state.
IN Int Snapshot ID to revert the disk state to.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The snapshot ID used / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Renames a disk snapshot
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int Disk ID.
IN Int Snapshot ID.
IN String New snapshot name.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Attaches a new disk to the virtual machine
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String A string containing a single DISK vector attribute. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

Sample DISK vector attribute:



  • Description: Detaches a disk from a virtual machine
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The disk ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Resizes a disk of a virtual machine
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The disk ID.
IN String The new size string.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Image that caused the error.


  • Description: Attaches a new network interface to the virtual machine
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String A string containing a single NIC vector attribute. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Virtual Machine that caused the error.


  • Description: Detaches a network interface from a virtual machine
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The nic ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Updates (appends) a NIC attributes
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The nic ID.
IN String A string containing updated attributes for the NIC.
IN Int Update type: 0: Replace the whole NIC. 1: Merge new NIC with the existing one.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Attaches a security group to a network interface of a VM, if the VM is running it updates the associated rules.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The Virtual Machine ID.
IN Int The Security Group ID, which should be added to the NIC
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Virtual Machine that caused the error.


  • Description: Detaches a security group from a network interface of a VM, if the VM is running it removes the associated rules.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The NIC ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Virtual Machine that caused the error.


  • Description: Changes the permission bits of a virtual machine.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int USER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Changes the ownership of a virtual machine.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The User ID of the new owner. If set to -1, the owner is not changed.
IN Int The Group ID of the new group. If set to -1, the group is not changed.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Renames a virtual machine
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new name.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Creates a new virtual machine snapshot
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new snapshot name. It can be empty.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The new snapshot ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Reverts a virtual machine to a snapshot
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The snapshot ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Deletes a virtual machine snapshot
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The snapshot ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Changes the capacity of the virtual machine
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String Template containing the new capacity elements CPU, VCPU, MEMORY. If one of them is not present, or its value is 0, it will not be resized.
IN Boolean true to enforce the Host capacity is not overcommitted. This parameter is only acknoledged for users in the oneadmin group, Host capacity will be always enforced for regular users.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Virtual Machine / Host that caused the error.


  • Description: Replaces the user template contents.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new user template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int Update type: 0: Replace the whole template. 1: Merge new template with the existing one.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Updates (appends) a set of supported configuration attributes in the VM template
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int Update type: 0: Replace the whole template. 1: Merge new template with the existing one.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Virtual Machine that caused the error.

The supported attributes are:

Attribute Sub-attributes
CONTEXT Any value. Variable substitution will be made


Visit the :ref:`Virtual Machine Template reference <template>` for a complete description of each attribute


  • Description: Recovers a stuck VM that is waiting for a driver operation. The recovery may be done by failing or succeeding the pending operation. You need to manually check the vm status on the host, to decide if the operation was successful or not.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int Recover operation: success (1), failure (0), retry (2), delete (3), delete-recreate (4), delete-db (5)
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Virtual Machine that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for the virtual machine.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Boolean optional flag to decrypt contained secrets, valid only for admin
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the VM / DS / Cluster / Host that caused the error.


  • Description: Returns the virtual machine monitoring records.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The monitoring information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

The monitoring information returned is a list of VM elements. Each VM element contains the complete xml of the VM with the updated information returned by the poll action.

For example:



  • Description: Locks a Virtual Machine. Lock certain actions depending on blocking level.
  • USE: locks Admin, Manage and Use actions.
  • MANAGE: locks Manage and Use actions.
  • ADMIN: locks only Admin actions.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int Lock level: use (1), manage (2), admin (3), all (4)
IN Boolean Test: check if the object is already locked to return an error
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int The ID of the resource.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.
OUT String Timestamp when the object was locked in case of error when using test = true


  • Description: Unlocks a Virtual Machine.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int The ID of the resource.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Add scheduled action to VM
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String Template containing the new scheduled action.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Virtual Machine object that caused the error


  • Description: Update scheduled VM action
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The ID of the scheduled action.
IN String Template containing the updated scheduled action.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Virtual Machine object that caused the error


  • Description: Delete scheduled action from VM
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The ID of the scheduled action.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Virtual Machine object that caused the error


  • Description: Creates a new backup image for the VM
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The ID of the Datastore to store the backup.
IN Boolean Reset flag, true to create a new incremental chain.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Virtual Machine object that caused the error


Some attributes e.g. TEMPLATE, USER_TEMPLATE are limited in this call, see also one.vmpool.infoextended

  • Description: Retrieves information for all or part of the VMs in the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int

Filter flag

  • -4: Resources belonging to the user's primary group
  • -3: Resources belonging to the user
  • -2: All resources
  • -1: Resources belonging to the user and any of his groups
  • >= 0: UID User's Resources
IN Int When the next parameter is >= -1 this is the Range start ID. Can be -1. For smaller values this is the offset used for pagination.
IN Int For values >= -1 this is the Range end ID. Can be -1 to get until the last ID. For values < -1 this is the page size used for pagination.
IN Int VM state to filter by.
IN String Filter in KEY=VALUE format.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String Version of the VM Pool with a short VM body documents.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

The range can be used to retrieve a subset of the pool, from the 'start' to the 'end' ID. To retrieve the complete pool, use (-1, -1); to retrieve all the pool from a specific ID to the last one, use (<id>, -1), and to retrieve the first elements up to an ID, use (0, <id>).

The state filter can be one of the following:

Value State
-2 Any state, including DONE
-1 Any state, except DONE


Value 7 is reserved for FAILED VMs for compatibility reasons.


  • Description: Retrieves information for all or part of the VMs in the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int

Filter flag

  • -4: Resources belonging to the user's primary group
  • -3: Resources belonging to the user
  • -2: All resources
  • -1: Resources belonging to the user and any of his groups
  • >= 0: UID User's Resources
IN Int When the next parameter is >= -1 this is the Range start ID. Can be -1. For smaller values this is the offset used for pagination.
IN Int For values >= -1 this is the Range end ID. Can be -1 to get until the last ID. For values < -1 this is the page size used for pagination.
IN Int VM state to filter by.
IN String Filter in KEY=VALUE format.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String Version of the VM Pool with a short VM body documents.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

The state filter can be one of the following:

Value State
-2 Any state, including DONE
-1 Any state, except DONE


Value 7 is reserved for FAILED VMs for compatibility reasons.


  • Description: Retrieves information for a specific set of VMs.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String VMs set. A comma separated list of VMs IDs to be retrieved
IN Bool Extended. If true the entire VM will be retrived (similar to one.vmpool.infoextended)
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String Version of the VM Pool containing the set of VMs.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

The range can be used to retrieve a subset of the pool, from the 'start' to the 'end' ID. To retrieve the complete pool, use (-1, -1); to retrieve all the pool from a specific ID to the last one, use (<id>, -1), and to retrieve the first elements up to an ID, use (0, <id>).


  • Description: Returns all the virtual machine monitoring records.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int

Filter flag

  • -4: Resources belonging to the user's primary group
  • -3: Resources belonging to the user
  • -2: All resources
  • -1: Resources belonging to the user and any of his groups
  • >= 0: UID User's Resources
IN Int Retrieve monitor records in the last num seconds. 0 just the last record, -1 all records.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

See :ref:`one.vm.monitoring <api_onevmmonitoring>`.

Sample output:



  • Description: Returns the virtual machine history records.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int

Filter flag

  • -4: Resources belonging to the user's primary group
  • -3: Resources belonging to the user
  • -2: All resources
  • -1: Resources belonging to the user and any of his groups
  • >= 0: UID User's Resources
IN Int Start time for the time interval. Can be -1, in which case the time interval won't have a left boundary.
IN Int End time for the time interval. Can be -1, in which case the time interval won't have a right boundary.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

The XML output is explained in detail in the :ref:`''oneacct'' guide <accounting>`.


  • Description: Returns the virtual machine showback records
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int Filter flag - < = -3: Connected user's resources - -2: All resources - -1: Connected user's and his group's resources - > = 0: UID User's Resources
IN Int First month for the time interval. January is 1. Can be -1, in which case the time interval won't have a left boundary.
IN Int First year for the time interval. Can be -1, in which case the time interval won't have a left boundary.
IN Int Last month for the time interval. January is 1. Can be -1, in which case the time interval won't have a right boundary.
IN Int Last year for the time interval. Can be -1, in which case the time interval won't have a right boundary.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

The XML output will be similar to this one:






  • Description: Processes all the history records, and stores the monthly cost for each VM
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int First month for the time interval. January is 1. Can be -1, in which case the time interval won't have a left boundary.
IN Int First year for the time interval. Can be -1, in which case the time interval won't have a left boundary.
IN Int Last month for the time interval. January is 1. Can be -1, in which case the time interval won't have a right boundary.
IN Int Last year for the time interval. Can be -1, in which case the time interval won't have a right boundary.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String Empty / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

Actions for Hosts Management

  • Description: Allocates a new host in OpenNebula
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String Hostname of the machine we want to add
IN String The name of the information manager (im_mad_name), this values are taken from the oned.conf with the tag name IM_MAD (name)
IN String The name of the virtual machine manager mad name (vmm_mad_name), this values are taken from the oned.conf with the tag name VM_MAD (name)
IN Int The cluster ID. If it is -1, the default one will be used.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The allocated Host ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Cluster that caused the error.

  • Description: Deletes the given host from the pool
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Sets the status of the host
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The Host ID.
IN Int




OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the host that caused the error.

  • Description: Replaces the host's template contents.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int Update type: 0: Replace the whole template. 1: Merge new template with the existing one.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

  • Description: Renames a host.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new name.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for the host.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Boolean optional flag to decrypt contained secrets, valid only for admin
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Returns the host monitoring records.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The monitoring information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

The monitoring information returned is a list of HOST elements. Each HOST element contains the complete xml of the host with the updated information returned by the poll action.

For example:


  • Description: Retrieves information for all the hosts in the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Returns all the host monitoring records.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int Retrieve monitor records in the last num seconds. 0 just the last record, -1 all records.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

Sample output:


Actions for Cluster Management


  • Description: Allocates a new cluster in OpenNebula.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String Name for the new cluster.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The allocated cluster ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Cluster that caused the error.


  • Description: Deletes the given cluster from the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Replaces the cluster template contents.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int Update type: 0: Replace the whole template. 1: Merge new template with the existing one.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Object that caused the error.


  • Description: Adds a host to the given cluster.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The cluster ID.
IN Int The host ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Cluster/host that caused the error.


  • Description: Removes a host from the given cluster.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The cluster ID.
IN Int The host ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Cluster/host that caused the error.


  • Description: Adds a datastore to the given cluster.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The cluster ID.
IN Int The datastore ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Cluster that caused the error.


  • Description: Removes a datastore from the given cluster.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The cluster ID.
IN Int The datastore ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Cluster that caused the error.


  • Description: Adds a vnet to the given cluster.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The cluster ID.
IN Int The vnet ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Cluster that caused the error.


  • Description: Removes a vnet from the given cluster.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The cluster ID.
IN Int The vnet ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Cluster that caused the error.


  • Description: Renames a cluster.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new name.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Cluster that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for the cluster.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Boolean optional flag to decrypt contained secrets, valid only for admin
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Cluster that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for all the clusters in the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

Actions for Virtual Network Management

  • Description: Allocates a new virtual network in OpenNebula.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String A string containing the template of the virtual network. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int The cluster ID. If it is -1, the default one will be used.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The allocated resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Cluster that caused the error.

  • Description: Deletes the given virtual network from the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Adds address ranges to a virtual network.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String template of the address ranges to add. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML, see below.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Virtual Network that caused the error.

Examples of valid templates:

AR = [
    TYPE = IP4,
    IP =,
    SIZE = 10 ]

  • Description: Removes an address range from a virtual network.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int ID of the address range to remove.
IN Boolean Optional force flag, bypass consistency checks
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Virtual Network that caused the error.

  • Description: Updates the attributes of an address range.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String template of the address ranges to update. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML, see below.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Virtual Network that caused the error.

Examples of valid templates:

AR = [
    AR_ID = 7,
    GATEWAY = "",
    SIZE = 10 ]

  • Description: Reserve network addresses.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The virtual network to reserve from.
IN String Template, see below.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Virtual Network that caused the error.

The third parameter must be an OpenNebula ATTRIBUTE=VALUE template, with these values:

Attribute Description Mandatory
SIZE Size of the reservation YES
NAME If set, the reservation will be created in a new Virtual Network with this name NO
AR_ID ID of the AR from where to take the addresses NO
NETWORK_ID Instead of creating a new Virtual Network, the reservation will be added to the existing virtual network with this ID. NO
MAC First MAC address to start the reservation range [MAC, MAC+SIZE) NO
IP First IPv4 address to start the reservation range [IP, IP+SIZE) NO

  • Description: Frees a reserved address range from a virtual network.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int ID of the address range to free.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the VNet that caused the error.

  • Description: Holds a virtual network Lease as used.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String template of the lease to hold, e.g. LEASES=[IP=].
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the VNet that caused the error.

  • Description: Releases a virtual network Lease on hold.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String template of the lease to release, e.g. LEASES=[IP=].
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the VNet that caused the error.

  • Description: Replaces the virtual network template contents.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int Update type: 0: Replace the whole template. 1: Merge new template with the existing one.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the VNet that caused the error.

  • Description: Changes the permission bits of a virtual network.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int USER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Changes the ownership of a virtual network.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The User ID of the new owner. If set to -1, the owner is not changed.
IN Int The Group ID of the new group. If set to -1, the group is not changed.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Renames a virtual network.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new name.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for the virtual network.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Boolean optional flag to decrypt contained secrets, valid only for admin
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


The ACL rules do not apply to VNET reserveations in the same way as they do to normal VNETs and other objects. Read more in the :ref:`ACL documentation guide <manage_acl_vnet_reservations>`.

  • Description: Locks a Virtual Network. Lock certain actions depending on blocking level.
  • USE: locks Admin, Manage and Use actions.
  • MANAGE: locks Manage and Use actions.
  • ADMIN: locks only Admin actions.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int Lock level: use (1), manage (2), admin (3), all (4)
IN Boolean Test: check if the object is already locked to return an error
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int The ID of the resource.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Object that caused the error.
OUT String Timestamp when the object was locked in case of error when using test = true

  • Description: Unlocks a Virtual Network.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int The ID of the resource.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Object that caused the error.

  • Description: Recovers a stuck Virtual Network which is waiting for a driver operation. The recovery may be done by failing or succeeding the pending operation. You need to manually check the VN status, to decide if the operation was successful or not.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int Recover operation: success (1), failure (0), delete (2), retry (3)
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Virtual Network that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for all or part of the virtual networks in the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int

Filter flag

  • -4: Resources belonging to the user's primary group
  • -3: Resources belonging to the user
  • -2: All resources
  • -1: Resources belonging to the user and any of his groups
  • >= 0: UID User's Resources
IN Int When the next parameter is >= -1 this is the Range start ID. Can be -1. For smaller values this is the offset used for pagination.
IN Int For values >= -1 this is the Range end ID. Can be -1 to get until the last ID. For values < -1 this is the page size used for pagination.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

The range can be used to retrieve a subset of the pool, from the 'start' to the 'end' ID. To retrieve the complete pool, use (-1, -1); to retrieve all the pool from a specific ID to the last one, use (<id>, -1), and to retrieve the first elements up to an ID, use (0, <id>).


The ACL rules do not apply to VNET reserveations in the same way as they do to normal VNETs and other objects. Read more in the :ref:`ACL documentation guide <manage_acl_vnet_reservations>`.

Actions for Security Group Management


  • Description: Allocates a new security group in OpenNebula.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String A string containing the template of the security group. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The allocated resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Cluster that caused the error.


  • Description: Clones an existing security group.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The ID of the security group to be cloned.
IN String Name for the new security group.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The new security group ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the original object that caused the error.


  • Description: Deletes the given security group from the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Replaces the security group template contents.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int Update type: 0: Replace the whole template. 1: Merge new template with the existing one.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Commit security group changes to associated VMs. This is intended for retrying updates of VMs or reinitialize the updating process if oned stopped or failed after a one.secgroup.update call.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Boolean I true the action will only operate on outdated and error VMs. False to update all VMs.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Changes the permission bits of a security group.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int USER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Changes the ownership of a security group.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The User ID of the new owner. If set to -1, the owner is not changed.
IN Int The Group ID of the new group. If set to -1, the group is not changed.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Renames a security group.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new name.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for the security group.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Boolean optional flag to decrypt contained secrets, valid only for admin
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for all or part of the security groups in the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int

Filter flag

  • -4: Resources belonging to the user's primary group
  • -3: Resources belonging to the user
  • -2: All resources
  • -1: Resources belonging to the user and any of his groups
  • >= 0: UID User's Resources
IN Int When the next parameter is >= -1 this is the Range start ID. Can be -1. For smaller values this is the offset used for pagination.
IN Int For values >= -1 this is the Range end ID. Can be -1 to get until the last ID. For values < -1 this is the page size used for pagination.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

The range can be used to retrieve a subset of the pool, from the 'start' to the 'end' ID. To retrieve the complete pool, use (-1, -1); to retrieve all the pool from a specific ID to the last one, use (<id>, -1), and to retrieve the first elements up to an ID, use (0, <id>).

Actions for VM Group Management


  • Description: Allocates a new VM group in OpenNebula.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String A string containing the template of the VM. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The allocated resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Cluster that caused the error.


  • Description: Deletes the given VM group from the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Replaces the VM group template contents.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int Update type: 0: Replace the whole template. 1: Merge new template with the existing one.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Changes the permission bits of a VM group.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int USER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Changes the ownership of a VM group.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The User ID of the new owner. If set to -1, the owner is not changed.
IN Int The Group ID of the new group. If set to -1, the group is not changed.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Renames a VM group.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new name.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for the VM group.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Boolean optional flag to decrypt contained secrets, valid only for admin
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Locks a Virtual Machine Group. Lock certain actions depending on blocking level.
  • USE: locks Admin, Manage and Use actions.
  • MANAGE: locks Manage and Use actions.
  • ADMIN: locks only Admin actions.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int Lock level: use (1), manage (2), admin (3), all (4)
IN Boolean Test: check if the object is already locked to return an error
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int The ID of the resource.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.
OUT String Timestamp when the object was locked in case of error when using test = true


  • Description: Unlocks a Virtual Machine Group.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int The ID of the resource.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for all or part of the VM groups in the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int

Filter flag

  • -4: Resources belonging to the user's primary group
  • -3: Resources belonging to the user
  • -2: All resources
  • -1: Resources belonging to the user and any of his groups
  • >= 0: UID User's Resources
IN Int When the next parameter is >= -1 this is the Range start ID. Can be -1. For smaller values this is the offset used for pagination.
IN Int For values >= -1 this is the Range end ID. Can be -1 to get until the last ID. For values < -1 this is the page size used for pagination.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

The range can be used to retrieve a subset of the pool, from the 'start' to the 'end' ID. To retrieve the complete pool, use (-1, -1); to retrieve all the pool from a specific ID to the last one, use (<id>, -1), and to retrieve the first elements up to an ID, use (0, <id>).

Actions for Datastore Management


  • Description: Allocates a new datastore in OpenNebula.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String A string containing the template of the datastore. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int The cluster ID. If it is -1, the default one will be used.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The allocated resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Cluster that caused the error.


  • Description: Deletes the given datastore from the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Replaces the datastore template contents.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int Update type: 0: Replace the whole template. 1: Merge new template with the existing one.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Changes the permission bits of a datastore.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int USER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Changes the ownership of a datastore.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The User ID of the new owner. If set to -1, the owner is not changed.
IN Int The Group ID of the new group. If set to -1, the group is not changed.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Renames a datastore.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new name.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Enables or disables a datastore.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Boolean True for enabling, false for disabling.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not.
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Datastore that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for the datastore.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Boolean optional flag to decrypt contained secrets, valid only for admin
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for all or part of the datastores in the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

Actions for Image Management


  • Description: Allocates a new image in OpenNebula.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String A string containing the template of the image. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int The datastore ID.
IN Boolean true to avoid checking datastore capacity. Only for admins.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The allocated resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Datastore that caused the error.


  • Description: Clones an existing image.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The ID of the image to be cloned.
IN String Name for the new image.
IN Int The ID of the target datastore. Optional, can be set to -1 to use the current one.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The new image ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the original Image / DS or destination DS that caused the error.


  • Description: Deletes the given image from the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Boolean Force flag, remove the Image even if the DS delete operation fails
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Enables or disables an image.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The Image ID.
IN Boolean True for enabling, false for disabling.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not.
OUT Int/String The Image ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Sets the Image as persistent or not persistent.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The Image ID.
IN Boolean True for persistent, false for non-persisent.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not.
OUT Int/String The Image ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the image that caused the error.


  • Description: Changes the type of an Image.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The Image ID.
IN String New type for the Image. See the existing types in the :ref:`Image template reference <img_template>`.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not.
OUT Int/String The Image ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the image that caused the error.


  • Description: Replaces the image template contents.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int Update type: 0: Replace the whole template. 1: Merge new template with the existing one.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Changes the permission bits of an image.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int USER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Changes the ownership of an image.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The User ID of the new owner. If set to -1, the owner is not changed.
IN Int The Group ID of the new group. If set to -1, the group is not changed.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Renames an image.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new name.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Deletes a snapshot from the image
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int ID of the snapshot to delete
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String ID of the deleted snapshot/The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Reverts image state to a previous snapshot
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int ID of the snapshot to revert to
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String ID of the snapshot/The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Flatten the snapshot of image and discards others
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int ID of the snapshot to flatten
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String ID of the snapshot/The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

  • Description: Retrieves information for the image.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Boolean optional flag to decrypt contained secrets, valid only for admin
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Locks an Image. Lock certain actions depending on blocking level
  • USE: locks Admin, Manage and Use actions.
  • MANAGE: locks Manage and Use actions.
  • ADMIN: locks only Admin actions.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int Lock level: use (1), manage (2), admin (3), all (4)
IN Boolean Test: check if the object is already locked to return an error
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int The ID of the resource.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.
OUT String Timestamp when the object was locked in case of error when using test = true


  • Description: Unlocks an Image.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int The ID of the resource.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Restores a VM backup
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int Datastore ID to store the disk images restored from the backup
IN String
Template (KEY=VALUE) with restore options:
  • NO_IP (YES/NO) to restore IP and MAC addresses
  • NO_NIC (YES/NO) to restore NIC attributes
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String Blank separated list of restored objects IDs. The first one is the VM Template ID.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for all or part of the images in the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int

Filter flag

  • -4: Resources belonging to the user's primary group
  • -3: Resources belonging to the user
  • -2: All resources
  • -1: Resources belonging to the user and any of his groups
  • >= 0: UID User's Resources
IN Int When the next parameter is >= -1 this is the Range start ID. Can be -1. For smaller values this is the offset used for pagination.
IN Int For values >= -1 this is the Range end ID. Can be -1 to get until the last ID. For values < -1 this is the page size used for pagination.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

The range can be used to retrieve a subset of the pool, from the 'start' to the 'end' ID. To retrieve the complete pool, use (-1, -1); to retrieve all the pool from a specific ID to the last one, use (<id>, -1), and to retrieve the first elements up to an ID, use (0, <id>).

Actions for Marketplace Management

  • Description: Allocates a new marketplace in OpenNebula.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String A string containing the template of the marketplace. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The allocated resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Cluster that caused the error.

  • Description: Deletes the given marketplace from the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Replaces the marketplace template contents.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int Update type: 0: Replace the whole template. 1: Merge new template with the existing one.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

  • Description: Changes the permission bits of a marketplace.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int USER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Changes the ownership of a marketplace.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The User ID of the new owner. If set to -1, the owner is not changed.
IN Int The Group ID of the new group. If set to -1, the group is not changed.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Renames a marketplace.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new name.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Enable/disable the Marketplace.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The Marketplace ID.
IN Boolean True for enabling, false for disabling.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for the marketplace.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Boolean optional flag to decrypt contained secrets, valid only for admin
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for all or part of the marketplaces in the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

Actions for MarketplaceApp Management


  • Description: Allocates a new marketplace app in OpenNebula.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String A string containing the template of the marketplace app. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int The Marketplace ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The allocated resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Cluster that caused the error.


  • Description: Deletes the given marketplace app from the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Enables or disables a marketplace app.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The marketplace app ID.
IN Boolean True for enabling, false for disabling.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not.
OUT Int/String The marketplace app ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the market that caused the error.


  • Description: Replaces the marketplace app template contents.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int Update type: 0: Replace the whole template. 1: Merge new template with the existing one.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Changes the permission bits of a marketplace app.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int USER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Changes the ownership of a marketplace app.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The User ID of the new owner. If set to -1, the owner is not changed.
IN Int The Group ID of the new group. If set to -1, the group is not changed.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Renames a marketplace app.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new name.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for the marketplace app.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Boolean optional flag to decrypt contained secrets, valid only for admin
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Locks a MarketPlaceApp. Lock certain actions depending on blocking level
  • USE: locks Admin, Manage and Use actions.
  • MANAGE: locks Manage and Use actions.
  • ADMIN: locks only Admin actions.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int Lock level: use (1), manage (2), admin (3), all (4)
IN Boolean Test: check if the object is already locked to return an error
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int The ID of the resource.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.
OUT String Timestamp when the object was locked in case of error when using test = true


  • Description: Unlocks a MarketPlaceApp.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int The ID of the resource.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for all or part of the marketplace apps in the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int

Filter flag

  • -4: Resources belonging to the user's primary group
  • -3: Resources belonging to the user
  • -2: All resources
  • -1: Resources belonging to the user and any of his groups
  • >= 0: UID User's Resources
IN Int When the next parameter is >= -1 this is the Range start ID. Can be -1. For smaller values this is the offset used for pagination.
IN Int For values >= -1 this is the Range end ID. Can be -1 to get until the last ID. For values < -1 this is the page size used for pagination.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

The range can be used to retrieve a subset of the pool, from the 'start' to the 'end' ID. To retrieve the complete pool, use (-1, -1); to retrieve all the pool from a specific ID to the last one, use (<id>, -1), and to retrieve the first elements up to an ID, use (0, <id>).

Actions for Virtual Routers Management


  • Description: Allocates a new virtual router in OpenNebula.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String A string containing the virtual router contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The allocated resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Cluster that caused the error.


  • Description: Deletes the given virtual router from the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Boolean true to delete the virtual router plus any image defined in DISK.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Instantiates a new virtual machine from a virtual router.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int Number of VMs to instantiate.
IN Int VM Template id to instantiate.
IN String Name for the VM instances. If it is an empty string OpenNebula will set a default name. Wildcard %i can be used.
IN Boolean False to create the VM on pending (default), True to create it on hold.
IN String A string containing an extra template to be merged with the one being instantiated. It can be empty. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String ID of the Virtual Router that instantiated the VMs / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Virtual Router that caused the error.

Sample template string:



Declaring a field overwrites the template. Thus, declaring DISK=[...] overwrites the template DISK attribute and as such, must contain the entire DISK definition.


  • Description: Attaches a new network interface to the virtual router and the virtual machines
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String A string containing a single NIC vector attribute. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Virtual Router that caused the error.


  • Description: Detaches a network interface from the virtual router and the virtual machines
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The nic ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the VRouter that caused the error.


  • Description: Replaces the template contents.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int Update type: 0: replace the whole template. 1: Merge new template with the existing one.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Changes the permission bits of a virtual router.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int USER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Changes the ownership of a virtual router.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The User ID of the new owner. If set to -1, the owner is not changed.
IN Int The Group ID of the new group. If set to -1, the group is not changed.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Renames a virtual router.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new name.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for the virtual router.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Boolean optional flag to decrypt contained secrets, valid only for admin
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Locks a Virtual Router. Lock certain actions depending on blocking level
  • USE: locks Admin, Manage and Use actions.
  • MANAGE: locks Manage and Use actions.
  • ADMIN: locks only Admin actions.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int Lock level: use (1), manage (2), admin (3), all (4)
IN Boolean Test: check if the object is already locked to return an error
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int The ID of the resource.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.
OUT String Timestamp when the object was locked in case of error when using test = true


  • Description: Unlocks a Virtual Router.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int The ID of the resource.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for all or part of the Resources in the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int

Filter flag

  • -4: Resources belonging to the user's primary group
  • -3: Resources belonging to the user
  • -2: All resources
  • -1: Resources belonging to the user and any of his groups
  • >= 0: UID User's Resources
IN Int When the next parameter is >= -1 this is the Range start ID. Can be -1. For smaller values this is the offset used for pagination.
IN Int For values >= -1 this is the Range end ID. Can be -1 to get until the last ID. For values < -1 this is the page size used for pagination.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

The range can be used to retrieve a subset of the pool, from the 'start' to the 'end' ID. To retrieve the complete pool, use (-1, -1); to retrieve all the pool from a specific ID to the last one, use (<id>, -1), and to retrieve the first elements up to an ID, use (0, <id>).

Actions for User Management


  • Description: Allocates a new user in OpenNebula
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String username for the new user
IN String password for the new user
IN String authentication driver for the new user. If it is an empty string, then the default ('core') is used
IN Array array of Group IDs. The first ID will be used as the main group. This array can be empty, in which case the default group will be used
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The allocated User ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Group that caused the error.


  • Description: Deletes the given user from the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Changes the password for the given user.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new password
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The User ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Generates or sets a login token.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String The user name to generate the token for
IN String The token, if empty oned will generate one
IN Int Valid period in seconds; 0 reset the token and -1 for a non-expiring token.
IN Int Effective GID to use with this token. To use the current GID and user groups set it to -1
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The new token / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Replaces the user template contents.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int Update type: 0: Replace the whole template. 1: Merge new template with the existing one.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Changes the authentication driver and the password for the given user.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new authentication driver.
IN String The new password. If it is an empty string, the password is not changed.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The User ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Sets the user quota limits.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new quota template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Changes the group of the given user.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The User ID.
IN Int The Group ID of the new group.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The User ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Adds the User to a secondary group.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The User ID.
IN Int The Group ID of the new group.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The User ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Removes the User from a secondary group
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The User ID.
IN Int The Group ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The User ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Enables or disables a user.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The User ID.
IN Boolean True for enabling, false for disabling.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not.
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the User that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for the user.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID. If it is -1, then the connected user's own info info is returned
IN Boolean optional flag to decrypt contained secrets, valid only for admin
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for all the users in the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Returns the default user quota limits.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The quota template contents / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Updates the default user quota limits.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String The new quota template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The quota template contents / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

Actions for Group Management

  • Description: Allocates a new group in OpenNebula.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String Name for the new group.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The allocated Group ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Cluster that caused the error.

  • Description: Deletes the given group from the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for the group.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID. If it is -1, then the connected user's group info info is returned
IN Boolean optional flag to decrypt contained secrets, valid only for admin
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Replaces the group template contents.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int Update type: 0: Replace the whole template. 1: Merge new template with the existing one.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

  • Description: Adds a User to the Group administrators set
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The group ID.
IN Int The user ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

  • Description: Removes a User from the Group administrators set
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The group ID.
IN Int The user ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

  • Description: Sets the group quota limits.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new quota template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the group that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for all the groups in the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Returns the default group quota limits.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The quota template contents / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Updates the default group quota limits.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String The new quota template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The quota template contents / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

Actions for VDC Management


  • Description: Allocates a new VDC in OpenNebula.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String A string containing the template of the VDC. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int The cluster ID. If it is -1, this virtual network won't be added to any cluster.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The allocated resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Cluster that caused the error.


  • Description: Deletes the given VDC from the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Replaces the VDC template contents.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int Update type: 0: Replace the whole template. 1: Merge new template with the existing one.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Renames a VDC.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new name.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for the VDC.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID. If it is -1, then the connected user's VDC info info is returned
IN Boolean optional flag to decrypt contained secrets, valid only for admin
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for all the VDCs in the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Adds a group to the VDC
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The VDC ID.
IN Int The group ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Deletes a group from the VDC
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The VDC ID.
IN Int The group ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Adds a cluster to the VDC
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The VDC ID.
IN Int The Zone ID.
IN Int The Cluster ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Deletes a cluster from the VDC
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The VDC ID.
IN Int The Zone ID.
IN Int The Cluster ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Adds a host to the VDC
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The VDC ID.
IN Int The Zone ID.
IN Int The Host ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Deletes a host from the VDC
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The VDC ID.
IN Int The Zone ID.
IN Int The Host ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Adds a datastore to the VDC
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The VDC ID.
IN Int The Zone ID.
IN Int The Datastore ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Deletes a datastore from the VDC
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The VDC ID.
IN Int The Zone ID.
IN Int The Datastore ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Adds a vnet to the VDC
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The VDC ID.
IN Int The Zone ID.
IN Int The Vnet ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Deletes a vnet from the VDC
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The VDC ID.
IN Int The Zone ID.
IN Int The Vnet ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

Actions for Zone Management

  • Description: Allocates a new zone in OpenNebula.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String A string containing the template of the zone. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The allocated resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Cluster that caused the error.

  • Description: Deletes the given zone from the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Enable/disable the given zone.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The Zone ID.
IN Boolean True for enabling, false for disabling.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Replaces the zone template contents.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int Update type: 0: Replace the whole template. 1: Merge new template with the existing one.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Zone that caused the error.

  • Description: Renames a zone.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new name.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for the zone.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Boolean optional flag to decrypt contained secrets, valid only for admin
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves raft status one servers.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for all the zones in the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

Actions for ACL Rules Management


  • Description: Adds a new ACL rule.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String User component of the new rule. A string containing a hex number.
IN String Resource component of the new rule. A string containing a hex number.
IN String Rights component of the new rule. A string containing a hex number.
IN String Optional zone component of the new rule. A string containing a hex number.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The allocated ACL rule ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

To build the hex. numbers required to create a new rule we recommend you to read the ruby or java code.


  • Description: Deletes an ACL rule.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int ACL rule ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The ACL rule ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

  • Description: Returns the complete ACL rule set.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

Actions for Document Management


  • Description: Allocates a new document in OpenNebula.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String A string containing the document template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int The document type (*).
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The allocated resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the Cluster that caused the error.

(*) Type is an integer value used to allow dynamic pools compartmentalization.

Let's say you want to store documents representing Chef recipes, and EC2 security groups; you would allocate documents of each kind with a different type. This type is then used in the method to filter the results.


  • Description: Clones an existing document.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The ID of the document to be cloned.
IN String Name for the new document.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The new document ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the original object that caused the error.


  • Description: Deletes the given document from the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Replaces the document template contents.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new document template contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int Update type: 0: Replace the whole template. 1: Merge new template with the existing one.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Changes the permission bits of a document.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int USER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Changes the ownership of a document.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The User ID of the new owner. If set to -1, the owner is not changed.
IN Int The Group ID of the new group. If set to -1, the group is not changed.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Renames a document.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new name.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for the document.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Boolean optional flag to decrypt contained secrets, valid only for admin
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Locks a Document. Lock certain actions depending on blocking level:
  • USE: locks Admin, Manage and Use actions.
  • MANAGE: locks Manage and Use actions.
  • ADMIN: locks only Admin actions.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int Lock level: use (1), manage (2), admin (3), all (4)
IN Boolean Test: check if the object is already locked to return an error
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int The ID of the resource.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.
OUT String Timestamp when the object was locked in case of error when using test = true


  • Description: Unlocks a Document.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int The ID of the resource.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for all or part of the Resources in the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int

Filter flag

  • -4: Resources belonging to the user's primary group
  • -3: Resources belonging to the user
  • -2: All resources
  • -1: Resources belonging to the user and any of his groups
  • >= 0: UID User's Resources
IN Int When the next parameter is >= -1 this is the Range start ID. Can be -1. For smaller values this is the offset used for pagination.
IN Int For values >= -1 this is the Range end ID. Can be -1 to get until the last ID. For values < -1 this is the page size used for pagination.
IN Int The document type.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

The range can be used to retrieve a subset of the pool, from the 'start' to the 'end' ID. To retrieve the complete pool, use (-1, -1); to retrieve all the pool from a specific ID to the last one, use (<id>, -1), and to retrieve the first elements up to an ID, use (0, <id>).

System Methods


  • Description: Returns the OpenNebula core version
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The OpenNebula version, e.g. 4.4.0
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Returns the OpenNebula configuration
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The loaded oned.conf file, in XML form
OUT Int Error code.

Actions for Virtual Network Templates Management


  • Description: Allocates a new vntemplate in OpenNebula.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String A string containing the vntemplate contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The allocated resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Clones an existing virtual network template.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The ID of the vntemplate to be cloned.
IN String Name for the new vntemplate.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The new vntemplate ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the original object that caused the error.


  • Description: Deletes the given vntemplate from the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Instantiates a new virtual network from a vntemplate.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String Name for the new Virtual Network. If it is an empty string, OpenNebula will assign one automatically.
IN String A string containing an extra vntemplate to be merged with the one being instantiated. It can be empty. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The new virtual machine ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.

Sample vntemplate string:



Declaring a field overwrites the vntemplate. Thus, declaring VN_MAD=[...] overwrites the vntemplate VN_MAD attribute.


  • Description: Replaces the vntemplate contents.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new vntemplate contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int Update type: 0: replace the whole vntemplate. 1: Merge new vntemplate with the existing one.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Changes the permission bits of a vntemplate.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int USER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int USER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int GROUP ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER USE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER MANAGE bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
IN Int OTHER ADMIN bit. If set to -1, it will not change.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Changes the ownership of a vntemplate.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The User ID of the new owner. If set to -1, the owner is not changed.
IN Int The Group ID of the new group. If set to -1, the group is not changed.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Renames a vntemplate.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new name.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for the vntemplate.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Boolean optional flag to decrypt contained secrets, valid only for admin
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Locks a vntemplate.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int Lock level: use (1), manage (2), admin (3), all (4)
IN Boolean Test: check if the object is already locked to return an error
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int The ID of the resource.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.
OUT String Timestamp when the object was locked in case of error when using test = true


  • Description: Unlocks a vnemplate.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int The ID of the resource.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for all or part of the Resources in the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int

Filter flag

  • -4: Resources belonging to the user's primary group
  • -3: Resources belonging to the user
  • -2: All resources
  • -1: Resources belonging to the user and any of his groups
  • >= 0: UID User's Resources
IN Int When the next parameter is >= -1 this is the Range start ID. Can be -1. For smaller values this is the offset used for pagination.
IN Int For values >= -1 this is the Range end ID. Can be -1 to get until the last ID. For values < -1 this is the page size used for pagination.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

The range can be used to retrieve a subset of the pool, from the 'start' to the 'end' ID. To retrieve the complete pool, use (-1, -1); to retrieve all the pool from a specific ID to the last one, use (<id>, -1), and to retrieve the first elements up to an ID, use (0, <id>).

Actions for Hook Management


  • Description: Allocates a new Hook in OpenNebula.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN String A string containing the hook contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The allocated resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Deletes the given hook from the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Replaces the hook contents.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new hook contents. Syntax can be the usual attribute=value or XML.
IN Int Update type: 0: replace the whole hook template. 1: Merge new hook template with the existing one.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int/String The resource ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.


  • Description: Renames a hook.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN String The new name.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not.
OUT Int/String The VM ID / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for the hook.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Boolean optional flag to decrypt contained secrets, valid only for admin
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Locks a hook.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int Lock level: use (1), manage (2), admin (3), all (4)
IN Boolean Test: check if the object is already locked to return an error
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int The ID of the resource.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.
OUT String Timestamp when the object was locked in case of error when using test = true


  • Description: Unlocks a hook.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int The ID of the resource.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.


  • Description: Retries a hook execution.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int The object ID.
IN Int The execution ID.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT Int The ID of the resource.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

  • Description: Retrieves information for all or part of the Resources in the pool.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int

Filter flag

  • -4: Resources belonging to the user's primary group
  • -3: Resources belonging to the user
  • -2: All resources
  • -1: Resources belonging to the user and any of his groups
  • >= 0: UID User's Resources
IN Int When the next parameter is >= -1 this is the Range start ID. Can be -1. For smaller values this is the offset used for pagination.
IN Int For values >= -1 this is the Range end ID. Can be -1 to get until the last ID. For values < -1 this is the page size used for pagination.
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

The range can be used to retrieve a subset of the pool, from the 'start' to the 'end' ID. To retrieve the complete pool, use (-1, -1); to retrieve all the pool from a specific ID to the last one, use (<id>, -1), and to retrieve the first elements up to an ID, use (0, <id>).

  • Description: Retrieves information from the hook execution log.
  • Parameters
Type Data Type Description
IN String The session string.
IN Int Minimun date for filtering hook execution log records.
IN Int Maximum date for filtering hook execution log records.
IN Int Hook id for filtering hook execution log records.
IN Int Hook execution return code (-1 ERROR, 0 ALL , 1 SUCCESS).
OUT Boolean true or false whenever is successful or not
OUT String The information string / The error string.
OUT Int Error code.
OUT Int ID of the object that caused the error.

XSD Reference

The XML schema files that describe the XML documents returned by the one.*.info methods can be found here.