For the evaluation of visual reconstruction performance, we report the reconstruction FID / FVD on the whole validation split. Run
and the rFID / rFVD will be computed directly.
Note that you can also evaluate the rFID on your own datasets:
python3 pytorch-fid/src/pytorch_fid/ {PATH_TO_GENERATED_IMGS} {PATH_TO_GENERATED_IMGS}
For image generation, we use pytorch-fid/
for evaluation:
python3 pytorch-fid/ {PATH_TO_GT_NPZ} {PATH_TO_YOUR_NPZ}
We provide a precomputed npz file as reference, you can replace {PATH_TO_GT_NPZ} with its path.
For video generation, we use
for evaluation:
python3 --dataset ucf/k600 --gen_dir {PATH_TO_GENERATED_VIDEOS} --gt_dir {PATH_TO_GT_VIDEOS} --resolution 128/64 --num_videos 2048