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This is an electronic edition of the book History of Kent ... With original sketches and maps by ABELL, Henry Francis., automatically generated from a British Library scan. Here is the British Library catalog record. There may be illustrations from the volume available on flickr.
If you find an error in a book in git-lit, you can report it by clicking the Issues tab in this book’s repository. Please copy-and-paste the entire sentence that contains the error, and what the text should read. For advanced users, you can make a Pull Request on Github. For more information and how to get involved see the CONTRIBUTING section of the Git-Lit website.
Git-lit is a project to upload and version-control public domain texts from the British Library corpus of scanned digital texts. Read more at the git-lit project page.
The theme with which this book is styled is adapted from Ed, a Jekyll theme by Alex Gil, built with electronic editions in mind.
This book is in the Public Domain, see the LICENSE file for details.