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As the CIO, I want to document and communicate our organization's security plan and define assessment procedures.
Why: We need to ensure that all relevant policies are conversant in our security plan to maintain compliance.
- Define roles in addition to ISSO or ISSM that the security plan is to be disseminated to. (State if there are no additional roles)
- Define roles in addition to ISSO or ISSM that the security assessment procedures are to be disseminated to. (State if there are no additional roles)
- Ensure that the security plan and assessment procedures are disseminated.
- Define frequency at which to assess and update the security plan (Annually).
- Maintain audit trail of reviews and updates.
Acceptance Criteria / Evidence:
- List of personnel to whom the security plan is to be disseminated
- Security plan
- Security plan version update page
- Security plan audit trail of reviews and updates
- PL
- CA
- PL-1
- CA-1
- security
- planning
- assessment
- dissemination
As the CIO, I want to document and communicate our organization's security plan and define assessment procedures.
Why: A complete and coherent security plan is essential to share with new employees, outside organizations, or security auditors.
- Create a security plan that:
- Is consistent with the organization's enterprise architecture
- Explicitly defines the authorization boundary for the system
- Describes the operational context of the system in terms of missions and business processes
- Provides the security categorization of the system including supporting rationale
- Describes the operational environment for the system and relationships with or connections to other systems
- Provides an overview of the security requirements for the system
- Identifies any relevant overlays, if applicable
- Describes the security controls in place or planned for meeting those requirements including a rationale for the tailoring decisions
- Uses and documents Interconnection Security Agreements for system interconnections (CA-3)
- Have plan approved by the authorizing official prior to implementation.
- Frequently review security plan, including system interconnections.
Acceptance Criteria / Evidence:
- Security plan
- Security approval documentation
- Secuirty plan audit log
- NIST Special Publication 800-18
- PL
- CA
- PL-2
- CA-3
- security
- planning
- assessment