Originally written by Horacious. Now maintained by HabitRPG, Inc. by contributors Firefox port completed by Coder Extreme
A habitica.com Chat Client for Chrome and Firefox
Hi, and thanks for contributing to this humble project!
This is an official Habitica (HabitRPG) Chrome and Firefox Extension that it is maintained only by volunteer contributors to Habitica. This code is not maintained by staff.
When making changes please keep these things in mind
- Ensure the code works for both, Chrome and Firefox.
- It is important when completing changes to firefox to zip the files (not the folder but the files themselves) as described in this article.
- Update this ReadMe file with the latest version changes. This will be used for the release notes.
- Update manifest.json with the latest version number.
- Increased the Refresh Rate as required by staff
- Merge the code for Chrome and Firefox
- Fix avatars not displaying bug
- Fix click username to replay
- Fix bug when copied messages included mentions as markdown urls
- Add
Ctrl + Enter
short-cut to send message - Shrink padding for lists on chat messages
- Modify Sanitization to not remove required functions
- Added the option to hide system messages
- When using a 12-hour time format, show noon as "noon" and midnight as "12:01 am"
- Unminify habitica-markdown (requirement from Firefox)
- Remove ajax permission (requirement from Firefox)
- Sanitize html strings (requirement from Firefox)
- Fix like-counting bug
- Fix no-party bug
- Add no-guild message
- Stop enter key from sending messages
- Limit image size to chatbox
- Fix avatar not loading bug
- unminify jQuery (requirement from Firefox)
- Attempt to use Browserify
- Modify link for wiki to pointing to correct page (avoiding double redirect)
- Excluding translate.habitica
- Add the option to start the group list minimised on loading
- Add option to format the date in 3 other formats
- Add option to format time in 12 hour format instead of 24 hours format
- Errors on loading if there is a party notification
- Handle error in firefox when attritubes not passed fast enough
- Fix info Bugs on party messages
- Update API Headers, Fix Notification bug, and fix Shaded message bug
- Fix indentation of display names when avatars are disabled
- Set Party link in title to party not id
- Fix so notifications show on load of groups
- Better checking if User Id / Api Token is valid
- Update Firefox to fix minor code issues
- Do not start querying if UserId and API token are not set (ie are each 36 length long)
- Stop checking for notifications if chat is not active, user ids not set and if chat windows are open
- Increase notifications requery to 40 seconds * by factor greater than hour.
- Maintenance version to disable specific calls due to server issues
- Added link to Habitica profile #13
- Showing datetimestamp on system messages
- Firefox port added to repo.#34
- Updated Readme files
- Disabled chat on Contact Moderator form page. (does not behave correctly here)
- Bumped version to 2.0.0 to indicate release
- Added the ability in mention navigation to scroll through the beginning of chat when cycling through.
- Fixed timeout and number of chat lines so the min is 15 and 5 respectively. Negative numbers are handled correctly.
- Pointing to wiki url so using fandom.com and correct page without Chrome.(Now is both)
- Update message navigation wtih friendly message if not mention
- Further attempt to fix scrolling issue on opening chat
- Fixed Scrolling issue when opening and not scrolling to the end
- Renabled mention navigation and modified to based on Username
- Fixed account linking bug
- Fixed options page bug
- Added like icon to glow green when user likes message
- Fixed APIDOC Loading issues #36
- Added upper limits
- Updated max time
- Bumped version as feature should be done previously
- Added option to change timeout time
- Replaced bootbox, not working
- Added option for confirmation before deleting
- Further changes made to .group-item class
- Fixed issue when viewing shop pages
- Created two columns to shrink options page length
- Added confirmation before deleting
- Fixed bugs with notifications and flagging
- Replaced unicode images with URI images so displays correctly with all keyboards.
- Further fixes to notifications
- Made options separate for read and clear
- Hide Tavern as a guild. #14
- Modification to style of unread messages
- Added options to disable showing and clearing of notifications
- Fixed to auto refresh notifications and stop them flashing
- Mark Party Notifications as read
- Show notification for party chat
- Highlight guild names if notifications
- Added the ability to clear chat notifications when view guild chat.#15
- Added link to wiki
- Fixed display bug with quotes in message.#17
- Further reorder costume elements
- Fixed messages to say Habitica not HabitRPG
- Put message back in chat when blocked (ie if swear or fails to transmit)
- Fixed gear display
- More formating with dates. Ensuring all dates displayed using the same formating
- Fixed bugs with dates and in areas of Habitica.
- Added like count to posts
- Added flower to avatar and transformations#12
- Fixed issue when player is not in party. #20
- Further modifications to dates
- Added alert if message is blocked #29
- Formating Character Account
- Added Mention dot
- Fixed bug with copy to clipboard
- Fixed NPC tier label bug #3
- Fixed date format so it is International friendly
- Added Character Limit to box
- Showed Avatar based on the chat version. (Also handle if chat is prior the change and does not have Avatar).
- Added User Info button #13
- Make speech bubble wider if Avatar is hidden
- Fixed issues with speed and freezing issues with chat. #22 & #19
- Show min/max buttons (They appear to have gone for a walk in the latest versions).
- Added notes to the options page, and rearrange tiles.
- Fixed so shows correct colors of Users and tiers correctly.
- Modify to handle the new Username, and now adds the Username, when clicking in chat, not the Display name.
- Fixed markup issues #23
- Added like capability
- Added flag capability
- Fixed delete message icon.
- Fixed issue where API token could not be fetched from settings page (as it was hidden) #33
- Fixed guild links pointing to old url scheme #32
- Fixed chat extension to work on new website design
- Automatic linking of creds now works
- Links in settings no longer on top of each other
- Added a disable avatars option to prevent app from crashing. See #22
- Fix: chat extension no longer causes the apidoc page to not load
- fix: Re-impliment missing avatar feature
- Use official Habitica Markdown module to render markdown
- Upgrade routes to use version 3 of Habitica API
- Added avatars
- Fixed minor bugs and adjusted some CSS
- Fixed navigation arrows that appeared in some minimized boxes
- Added mentions recognition
- Added arrows to navigate mentions
- Fixed a bug that made a chatBox unable to load if there was an empty message in the log.
- Changed audio
- Integrated Bootbox
- Changed inactivity timer from alert to bootbox modal
- Fixed scroll bug
- Fixed bugs
- Date is now shown as "Today", "Yesterday" or the client data format
- Updated options page visual
- Created auto-setup option by visiting HabitRPG's API page
- Fixed an issue with auto-scrolling
- Added an inactivity timer to reduce strain on server
- Added emoji support
- Added +1 count
- Added +1
- Fixed issue with posting with no letters (ie: 👍)
- Added special symbol in name
- Clicking on name label adds @ mention in textarea
- Text can be larger
- Fixed a parse error
- Added Flag & Delete buttons
- Fixed issue with markdown that made lists instead of italic.
- Added "Minimize" chevron to groups box
- Adjusted horizontal padding
- Added URI encoding to stop # and & causing string interruption
- Added Multi-line suppport
- Added link to API key in setup box
- Fixed saving issue in popup box
- Fixed an issue with system messages by removing markdown in those
- Added glyphicons for consistency
- Hard limit of 5 open windows
- Added links to guild pages
- Added new refresh rates: 5 seconds when in focus, 45 seconds when minimize, 60 seconds when in another window/tab
- Guilds list now has height limit and is scrollable
- Adjusted z-index so that chat is always on top
- markdown support for links and emphasis
- Added username labels
- Adjust refresh rate when out of focus
- All base functionalities (group, chat, open/close boxes...)