Complete list of course elements. Lecture notes chapter in parentheses.
- Variable (1.1)
- Declaring (1.1)
- Assigning (1.1)
- Statements (1.3)
- Expression statements (1.3)
- Declaration statements (1.3)
- Control statements (2.1)
- If/Else (2.1)
- If/Else-if/Else (2.1)
- Switch (2.1)
- Comments (1.5)
- Single-line comments (1.5)
- Block comments (1.5)
- Escapes (1.5)
- Operators (1.4)
- Arithmetic operators (+, - , /, *, %) (1.4)
- Unary operators (expr++, ++expr, expr--, --expr) (1.4)
- Comparative operators (<, >, <=, >=, ==, !=) (1.4)
- Assignment operators (=, +=, -=, *=, /=) (1.4)
- Boolean operators (&&, ||, !) (1.4)
- Primitive types (1.2.1)
- Integer types (1.2.1)
- int (1.2.1)
- byte (1.2.1)
- short (1.2.1)
- long (1.2.1)
- Floating points (1.2.1)
- float (1.2.1)
- double (1.2.1)
- char (1.2.1)
- boolean (1.2.1)
- Integer types (1.2.1)
- Reference types (1.2.2)
- String (1.2.2)
- Scanner (C2.2)
- Null (1.2.2)
- Loops (2.2)
- For (2.2)
- While (2.2)
- Do-While (2.2)
- Classes (3.1)
- Declaration (3.2)
- Fields / Instance variables (3.3)
- Static fields (3.5)
- Constructors (3.4)
- Default constructor (3.4)
- Constructor chaining (3.4)
- This (4.2)
- Super (6.1)
- Access modifiers (3.5)
- Public (3.5)
- Private (3.5)
- Protected (3.5)
- Methods (41)
- Declaration (4.1)
- Method calling / dot operator (4.1)
- Arguments (4.1)
- Return types (4.1)
- Void (4.1)
- Method overloading (4.6)
- Variable shadowing / This (4.2)
- Getters and Setters (4.3)
- Static methods (4.4)
- Main() (4.5)
- Main signature (4.5)
- Arrays (5.1)
- Initializing an Array (5.1)
- Accessing Elements (5.1)
- Direct assignment (5.1)
- Array length (5.2)
- copyOf() / copyOfRange() (5.2)
- Multi-dimensional Arrays (5.2)
- Enum (5.3)
- Collections (7.1)
- Set (7.1)
- List (7.1)
- Queue (7.1)
- Map (7.1)
- Inheritance (6.1)
- Polymorphism (6.1)
- Overriding (X.X)
- Interface (6.2)
- Abstract classes (6.3)
- Package (2.6)
- Import (2.6)
- Exceptions (8.1)