Edit the following variables in the node configuration file to customize path and level of logging:
Path of the logging directory
Name of the log file.
If you are running via Docker, you can also change it by setting the environment variable: SCNODE_LOG_FILE_NAME -
sparkz.logInfo.logFileLevel and sparkz.logInfo.logConsoleLevel
Level of logging used for file and console appenders.
Can be one of the following: off, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace, all
If you are running via Docker, you can also change them by setting the environment variables: SCNODE_LOG_FILE_LEVEL and SCNODE_LOG_CONSOLE_LEVEL
For advanced customization you can setup EON to use a totally custom log4j file instead of the default one:
if you are running the java process directly, add the following property to the startup command:
if you are running via Docker, configure an environment variable SCNODE_LOG4J_CUSTOM_CONFIG with the path to the log4j file, and be sure to have the file present inside the container.
Start from this base template to create your cunfiguration file.