JaCaMo-hypermedia is a library of CArtAgO artifacts that can be used with JaCaMo to program cognitive agents that operate in hypermedia environments. This library is developed as part of the HyperAgents project.
List of available artifacts:
: an artifact that agents can use to interact with Web Things in a W3C Web of Things environment; this artifact is based on the WoT-TD-Java library.
You can add this library to your JaCaMo application via JitPack:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
implementation 'com.github.HyperAgents:jacamo-hypermedia:main-SNAPSHOT'
For the library's version, you can reference any available release tags or the main branch as shown above. Referencing the main branch will access the latest developments, but a release tag would typically point to a more stable version.
This repository includes examples that illustrate how to use the provided artifacts in your JaCaMo application. In addition, if you wish to contribute to this library, the examples provide a quick way to dive into development and testing.
To run the default example on Mac OS and Linux (use the appropriate Gradle wrapper for your OS):
./gradlew examples:run
To run a specific example, you can specify the corresponding JaCaMo project file from the examples folder as follows:
./gradlew examples:run -PjcmFile=my_jacamo_application.jcm
Before the WebSub example can be run, a local Yggdrasil instance must be set up with the configuration shown below. A tutorial on how to set up a local Yggdrasil can be found here.
"http-config" : {
"host" : "localhost",
"port" : 8080,
"base-uri" : "http://localhost:8080/"
"notification-config" : {
"enabled" : true
"environment-config" : {
"enabled" : true,
"known-artifacts" : [
"class" : "http://example.org/Counter",
"template" : "ch.unisg.ics.interactions.Counter"
"workspaces" : [
"name" : "61"
"name" : "102",
"parent-name" : "61"
"name" : "103",
"parent-name" : "61"
Once Yggdrasil is running locally change the WEBID_PREFIX
to "http://localhost:8080/agents/"
in the ThingArtifact.java.
You can now run the WebSub example on Mac OS and Linux (use the appropriate Gradle wrapper for your OS).
First, run the observer agent:
./gradlew examples:runWebSubObserver
Then run the WebSub example:
./gradlew examples:runWebSubExample
The counter agent will create a CounterArtifact
in Workspace 103
and start to count to 3.
The observer agent should observe the updates on the CounterArtifact
To build the library on Mac OS and Linux (use the appropriate Gradle wrapper for your OS):
./gradlew test build