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man mantle maneuver manicure manage sit site stand station stall stack stage star stable start state stare stalk stay staff stain stamp stake stab people white whine whip whisk whirlpool structure stream string straw strip stripe strike stretch strap stroll streak strain strand stroke stride stray straighten table hold hole holiday hollow perform perch perfect perfume permit down top group ground groom grow gross field smart smash smack tent tend tender near front frog frolic frown frock black blanket blank blackberry blacktop blast blaze train traffic track trail trash transit travel transport tram trade trap transfer dog plate plane play plant place plain plan plank plat plaster placard ride ridge room roof root cat catch catalog water watch base basset bask wall walk wallpaper bat batter batch battle bathe sign signal sight sigh signpost blue blur bluff kite kitten kit foot grass gray graze gravel grab grain grate grave grade graduate grace graph grasp bus busy bush buss bushel bust green grey greet grease park party part parade parrot parachute parallel parent partition partner participate parcel side sideline build bed look loose loop loom snow snowboard snowmobile snowball snooze beach bear beard beak bean beat beam bead beacon beaver ball bald balloon balance bale throw thread couple court couch counter course cough clock close closet cloud clown clothe cloak fly roast roam weather wear skateboard skate sever game lay layer picture picnic pick pickle picket woo bench bend lap lapse horse horn eat brown bronze broom browse broadcast brook yellow cake phone photograph fritter fringe complete compact company compete comb companion compute comfort compass compound commute combat compare communicate command sink single sing sin board boat boast outfit outline outcrop air live truck trumpet trust true trundle wine winter wind wing win motorcycle motor mother motion motorbike motorboat desert design describe desolate descend cart carpet card cartoon carry care caravan caricature carve tree treat trench trek trellis cover open operate file fill film filter fillet filet litter fire firm stop store stone stool storm stomach stock stoop sky tog chin chip chill surfboard surf surface surround surprise survey surge background back backpack backhand ski skirt skin skim instrument inspect inset instruct install sheet shed shelter shepherd shell sheer shelve shear bowl bow chair chain character change channel chalk charter chase chat charge charm charcoal chart chance chariot chamber view vie light lighter bunch bunk bundle bunt bird birth birch glass glaze glare glance celebrate fence mirror shirt ship shine shield shift shit shin sandwich sand hand handle hang handicap wave floor flower flock float flood flour flow floss lot talk racket rack race baby tower towel tow tie off officer offer offset bank band banquet ban bandage bang full middle ready rear reach read react reason image hill dirty direct bike found foul slope slow slop slot drink drive drift drizzle drill drip stuff stunt stump study stucco head hear heat heap piece cow best long hat hate hatch mouth mouse mound mount referee reflect refuse reference camouflage camp campaign pink pine pin ping display dish distance disk district discuss disembark disco disarray disgust herd suit fruit pole police polka poll polish corner corn corral cord cork core correct corkscrew empty cut overcast overlook overhang overtop pair paint pain trick trim trip triple triumph jump jumble smile smirk key post pose position posture double telephone tell telescope telegraph box sock socialize color collar collect collide collaborate crowd cross crown crochet crow crop crouch crock croquet crook swing swim switch swirl swivel ladder laden ladle body set hit hitch paper guy bridge bridle brief bring brim brighten cup somersault cheese check cheek chew checker cheer chevy wait waitress rest resort rescue resemble reserve result house hound shower shore shop show short shoe shoulder shoot shovel shock metal meter mean measure meander run bicycle remodel remove remain face home homer jet line link linger ramp ram interact interest intercept inter interview pasture pass paste dress dread book boogie boot booze boom deck decorate decline decide slice slide slight sliver slim sling slip slit prepare present prey press preserve pretend pressure prevent preen pull pulp bottle bottom scissor screen scrub scrap scratch scream scramble script scroll bag sleep sleek sled sleigh slew don halter halve kid number enclose row microwave tube knife knit knight jacket jack toy pile pillow pilot silver silhouette cabin cab cabbage cable forest fork foreground forward force form ford fort forage seat seal seaplane season search purple purse purchase purpose puree bread breakfast break breast breed breeze further attire attempt attend attack attract attach chop choose choir leather leash league leaf lead leave lean leap learn leak monitor monkey dine ding pan panel pant rock rocket seem seed seek salt lust appear approach apparel appropriate market marble maroon mark march rain rail railroad raise sun clean clear clerk edge move tee help try work word worm understand branch brand brake brace brave braid bracket uniform unicycle yarn time concrete control cone console concert contest contact converse contain congregate connect condition content contrast convoy consist consume continue confection congratulate converge concern nick wet pitch pit case castle cast cash cascade patch pattern patrol pat cook cool coo model moderate type sauce mulch tile brush brunch beef beetle engineer engage lamb laminate enjoy gear tarmac target tar curb curtain curve curl curry french freight free freeze gate gather end rice pen pencil candle candy canopy canoe canal cane canvas cant cannon flight flip fling tool feed feel pot potter match mat mature mate matter bell belt belly belong bellow believe right rig school scheme schedule dock doctor document neck include incline incense steel steam steep step steer stew stem steal steady steamer bar bare barrel barbecue barber barge barricade bark barbeque barb bard barrack hug dry center centre shade shallow shape shadow share shake shack shark shampoo shave flag flash flavor flame flap flank flare church chute chunk chuck serve service arm armor note notice award await awake put stick stir stitch hay space spare span spam cream crest crew credit create crepe style produce progress process provide prop protest project profile program protect proceed propel promote promenade spoon spot sport sponge spool spout spotlight sponsor will sub submarine subject cement chrome soup sour sound source wire round rough route square squash squat squeeze squirt pool umpire blend go clutter cluster club clump clue wedge wed assist assemble garden garage garnish garb garment garland team tear teach amount milk mill low lower ice eye drain draft draw drag draught drape even point fish thin think coat coach coast coal egg land landscape equal say glow glory array arrive arrange turn turtle turf lunch lunge kneel cage narrow tan tank tangle widow kindle object message mess mesh fancy fan fantasy golf machine bite bitch bitter feature feather feast fear net network load loaf loan action act scoop scout score palm pale earth smoke smooth fast fashion fasten pepper antique devil bake lie wrap harbor harness harry harbour harvest pedal peddle pet figure fight tour touch give use grill grind griddle grip grime grizzle grin farm fare let letter cap caption capture captain lift rip ripen sail saint happen tin tint ting tinsel write upset nose log duck mug mushroom muscle costume cost size sort kick roll pipe paddle pad wheel wheelbarrow gas sweat swell vest ornament function funnel terrace fake indicate index article relish relax release rope bull bulldog bulletin power powder toast miss mist fall falcon frame support supply sup supple speed speak spell spear spend sculpture witch lock practice guide goose google block blow blood bloody bloom blossom blob sell select pack package pace tail tailgate bucket buck buckle deal spread spray spring sprinkle sprout sprint pup flush flurry flute tongue tone push visit mix habit entrance enter entertain pound pouch pour pounce climb clip click range ranch rank deliver delight name nap butter button butterfly butcher butt laugh launch adventure advantage advertise rust rush ham hammer hamper mint minor mingle mind mine muddy mud foil class claim claw clam clamp clap clack hood hook hoop hoof trouble trot troll troop jar exhibit exhaust hose host follow fold calm call calendar crust cruise crumb crush burn return retail retrieve accent access accept accompany paw pawn certificate taste task tunnel iron neighbor bound twin twig twist twine twitter own allow alligator ally allot gentle general cycle buffet buffalo father fat mask mass master mash massage dusk dust sugar abandon sniff circle circuit hide wash waste focus dim bay section second secure dump dummy lounge port portion porter spiral spice spill spirit spin spit toss adorn taxi tax finger finish fine find fin finance scarf scale scatter scaffold scallop scare separate junk peel peer peek pee peep ring rinse mop tag war warehouse warm ware ward nut quiet quilt observe rib license lick tire theme pig crane crate craft crab crash crack cradle crap fix snack snake snap snail tusk fog jockey berry berth cop copper copy shrimp shrine shred illuminate caution cause wade vent cushion meet bin soap soar soak level lever guard peak peach peal pearl dial diagram split splash bug order wake soldier solo sole extend hump humor crib crisp cricket crinkle tape tap love print price prize pride romp raft haul save mail maintain adjust gee fry kiss weight thumb depart depict sneak dig dot lobby lob shuttle shut shutter shuffle puddle listen list medicine major coke fair fail faint asphalt map cub cube lime limit record receive receipt recess recline pod ferry ferret tissue rubber rub rubbish dip elaborate pocket radio lodge need needle cobblestone cobble angle blind blindfold saddle weed wee weekend tidy tide japan bill volley volunteer nest average jelly plug plump plume moon moonlight alter hike navigate alarm dance unload heel age eagle zone oil wander want wan gun swan swamp swarm please exit dive rim except exchange repair represent pay slalom slate slat slam slap glide glimpse glitter cuckoo anchor tuck robe page smell pirate melt kayak bid rabbit arch arc keep huddle thank thatch label waffle rise coin coil wax summer summit sum dash jam honey honk tether gaze lend begin beg damage damp dam express experiment experience explore expose explain torch badge badger border automobile autograph register mortar plow plot vacation vacuum queen question queue tug avoid know knot sex ease cuddle rat ratchet rate buy snuggle nurse gong bump pump ascend latch hawk embrace fit foam foal examine exact wipe alert hover admire job escape escort tip tattoo hazard haze rent gallop jug ticket tick drop cock cocker gift gown gang husband hush hedge fleet fleece flesh idle wrong bubble pop populate lipstick ginger gin loft fell felt improve add address bib dice gesture pause rally wrench wreck wrestle nuzzle quarter quarry satellite cave sample dunk yield boss yacht investigate tack tackle hurdle hurt hurry welcome bone bonnet bud demonstrate demo hash last lasso lavish wonder reveal review reverse web detour detail cotton abstract toll lace lack erase date drum drug nail nibble lose gum exercise test better bet soil diet die yak tot tote total razor munch elbow puff skewer ditch sip aim send bomb fuel gull occasion occupy rummage jail punch judge merchandise merge whale wharf lecture joke hope hop glue buoy evidence ink gap gutter saw effect dawn title aid alien alight toe fox ray hog rag sequence sack fudge rifle duel ghost muzzle puzzle hull dye dj wolf vein veil soot pyramid gauge erect dodge fetch join joint quote rue become awe duplicate reef reel sick fowl lumber raven ruffle journey joust bolt kill zipper zip bob bobble joy auction ash dull slug slush slum segment wish beware gain caddy bail mime mimic culture mock tumble phrase negative negotiate mold wound kennel ruck bog code email gel void saber okay vote require dynamite peg noise sync vet azure itch gag gage oyster hoe tame pimp voodoo zero toboggan cog wow buzz shy ignore echo phase