diff --git a/.github/workflows/test-language-html2parquet-kfp.yml b/.github/workflows/test-language-html2parquet-kfp.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d31e03e7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/test-language-html2parquet-kfp.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE: it is generated from test-transform.template, Edit there and run make to change these files
+name: Test KFP - transforms/language/html2parquet
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - "dev"
+ - "releases/**"
+ tags:
+ - "*"
+ paths:
+ - ".make.*"
+ - "transforms/.make.workflows"
+ - "transforms/language/html2parquet/**"
+ - "!kfp/**" # This is tested in separate workflow
+ - "!data-processing-lib/**" # This is tested in separate workflow
+ - "!**.md"
+ - "!**/doc/**"
+ - "!**/images/**"
+ - "!**.gitignore"
+ pull_request:
+ branches:
+ - "dev"
+ - "releases/**"
+ paths:
+ - ".make.*"
+ - "transforms/.make.workflows"
+ - "transforms/language/html2parquet/**"
+ - "!data-processing-lib/**" # This is tested in separate workflow
+ - "!kfp/**" # This is tested in separate workflow
+ - "!**.md"
+ - "!**/doc/**"
+ - "!**/images/**"
+ - "!**.gitignore"
+# taken from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66335225/how-to-cancel-previous-runs-in-the-pr-when-you-push-new-commitsupdate-the-curre
+ group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref }}
+ cancel-in-progress: true
+ test-kfp-v1:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Free up space in github runner
+ # Free space as indicated here : https://github.com/actions/runner-images/issues/2840#issuecomment-790492173
+ run: |
+ df -h
+ sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/share/boost"
+ sudo rm -rf /usr/share/dotnet /opt/ghc /usr/local/lib/android /usr/local/share/powershell /usr/share/swift /usr/lib/jvm /usr/local/.ghcup
+ sudo docker rmi $(docker image ls -aq) >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
+ df -h
+ - name: Import environment variables
+ run: |
+ cat scripts/k8s-setup/requirements.env >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ echo "K8S_SETUP_SCRIPTS=$PWD/scripts/k8s-setup" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ echo "PATH=$PATH:/tmp" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ - name: Test V1 KFP workflow for transforms/language/html2parquet
+ timeout-minutes: 120
+ run: |
+ KFP_BLACK_LIST=$(./scripts/check-workflows.sh -show-kfp-black-list)
+ if [ -e "transforms/language/html2parquet/Makefile" -a -e "transforms/language/html2parquet/kfp_ray/Makefile" ]; then
+ transform=$(basename "transforms/language/html2parquet")
+ if echo ${KFP_BLACK_LIST} | grep -qv ${transform}; then
+ $PWD/scripts/workflow_helper.sh install-tools
+ $PWD/scripts/workflow_helper.sh test-workflow transforms/language/html2parquet
+ else
+ $PWD/scripts/workflow_helper.sh build-workflow transforms/language/html2parquet
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Skipping transforms/language/html2parquet kfp test for lack of Makefile and/or kfp_ray/Makefile"
+ fi
+ test-kfp-v2:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Free up space in github runner
+ # Free space as indicated here : https://github.com/actions/runner-images/issues/2840#issuecomment-790492173
+ run: |
+ df -h
+ sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/share/boost"
+ sudo rm -rf /usr/share/dotnet /opt/ghc /usr/local/lib/android /usr/local/share/powershell /usr/share/swift /usr/lib/jvm /usr/local/.ghcup
+ sudo docker rmi $(docker image ls -aq) >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
+ df -h
+ - name: Import environment variables
+ run: |
+ cat scripts/k8s-setup/requirements.env >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ echo "K8S_SETUP_SCRIPTS=$PWD/scripts/k8s-setup" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ echo "PATH=$PATH:/tmp" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ echo "KFPv2=1" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ - name: Test V2 KFP workflow for transforms/language/html2parquet
+ timeout-minutes: 120
+ run: |
+ KFP_BLACK_LIST=$(./scripts/check-workflows.sh -show-kfp-black-list)
+ if [ -e "transforms/language/html2parquet/Makefile" -a -e "transforms/language/html2parquet/kfp_ray/Makefile" ]; then
+ transform=$(basename "transforms/language/html2parquet")
+ if echo ${KFP_BLACK_LIST} | grep -qv ${transform}; then
+ $PWD/scripts/workflow_helper.sh install-tools
+ $PWD/scripts/workflow_helper.sh test-workflow transforms/language/html2parquet
+ else
+ $PWD/scripts/workflow_helper.sh build-workflow transforms/language/html2parquet
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Skipping transforms/language/html2parquet kfp test for lack of Makefile and/or kfp_ray/Makefile"
+ fi
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/k8s-setup/populate_minio.sh b/scripts/k8s-setup/populate_minio.sh
index 3b22b37e7..1ced8fdb3 100755
--- a/scripts/k8s-setup/populate_minio.sh
+++ b/scripts/k8s-setup/populate_minio.sh
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ mc cp --recursive ${REPOROOT}/transforms/language/doc_quality/ray/test-data/inpu
mc cp --recursive ${REPOROOT}/transforms/language/pdf2parquet/ray/test-data/input/2206.01062.pdf kfp/test/pdf2parquet/input
mc cp --recursive ${REPOROOT}/transforms/language/text_encoder/ray/test-data/input/ kfp/test/text_encoder/input
mc cp --recursive ${REPOROOT}/transforms/language/doc_chunk/ray/test-data/input/ kfp/test/doc_chunk/input
+mc cp --recursive ${REPOROOT}/transforms/language/html2parquet/ray/test-data/input/test1.html kfp/test/html2parquet/input
# universal
mc cp --recursive ${REPOROOT}/transforms/universal/doc_id/ray/test-data/input/ kfp/test/doc_id/input
mc cp --recursive ${REPOROOT}/transforms/universal/ededup/ray/test-data/input/ kfp/test/ededup/input
diff --git a/transforms/language/html2parquet/kfp_ray/Makefile b/transforms/language/html2parquet/kfp_ray/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4cb64903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/transforms/language/html2parquet/kfp_ray/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+include $(REPOROOT)/transforms/.make.workflows
+# Include the common configuration for this transform
+include ../transform.config
+PYTHON_WF := $(shell find ./ -name '*_wf.py')
+YAML_WF := $(patsubst %.py, %.yaml, ${PYTHON_WF})
+workflow-venv: .check_python_version ${WORKFLOW_VENV_ACTIVATE}
+.PHONY: clean
+ @# Help: Clean up the virtual environment.
+ rm -rf ${REPOROOT}/transforms/venv
+.PHONY: workflow-build
+workflow-build: workflow-venv
+ $(MAKE) $(YAML_WF)
+.PHONY: workflow-test
+workflow-test: workflow-build
+ $(MAKE) .workflows.test-pipeline TRANSFORM_SRC=${SRC_DIR} PIPELINE_FILE=html2parquet_wf.yaml
+.PHONY: workflow-upload
+ @for file in $(YAML_WF); do \
+ $(MAKE) .workflows.upload-pipeline PIPELINE_FILE=$$file; \
+ done
diff --git a/transforms/language/html2parquet/kfp_ray/html2parquet_wf.py b/transforms/language/html2parquet/kfp_ray/html2parquet_wf.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..256a6d90c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/transforms/language/html2parquet/kfp_ray/html2parquet_wf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2024.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import os
+import kfp.compiler as compiler
+import kfp.components as comp
+import kfp.dsl as dsl
+from workflow_support.compile_utils import ONE_HOUR_SEC, ONE_WEEK_SEC, ComponentUtils
+task_image = "quay.io/dataprep1/data-prep-kit/html2parquet-ray:latest"
+# the name of the job script
+EXEC_SCRIPT_NAME: str = "html2parquet_transform_ray.py"
+# components
+base_kfp_image = "quay.io/dataprep1/data-prep-kit/kfp-data-processing:latest"
+# path to kfp component specifications files
+component_spec_path = "../../../../kfp/kfp_ray_components/"
+# compute execution parameters. Here different transforms might need different implementations. As
+# a result, instead of creating a component we are creating it in place here.
+def compute_exec_params_func(
+ worker_options: dict,
+ actor_options: dict,
+ data_s3_config: str,
+ data_max_files: int,
+ data_num_samples: int,
+ runtime_pipeline_id: str,
+ runtime_job_id: str,
+ runtime_code_location: dict,
+ output_format: str,
+ data_files_to_use: str,
+) -> dict:
+ from runtime_utils import KFPUtils
+ return {
+ "data_s3_config": data_s3_config,
+ "data_max_files": data_max_files,
+ "data_num_samples": data_num_samples,
+ "runtime_num_workers": KFPUtils.default_compute_execution_params(str(worker_options), str(actor_options)),
+ "runtime_worker_options": str(actor_options),
+ "runtime_pipeline_id": runtime_pipeline_id,
+ "runtime_job_id": runtime_job_id,
+ "runtime_code_location": str(runtime_code_location),
+ "html2parquet_output_format": output_format,
+ "data_files_to_use": data_files_to_use,
+ }
+# KFPv1 and KFP2 uses different methods to create a component from a function. KFPv1 uses the
+# `create_component_from_func` function, but it is deprecated by KFPv2 and so has a different import path.
+# KFPv2 recommends using the `@dsl.component` decorator, which doesn't exist in KFPv1. Therefore, here we use
+# this if/else statement and explicitly call the decorator.
+if os.getenv("KFPv2", "0") == "1":
+ # In KFPv2 dsl.RUN_ID_PLACEHOLDER is deprecated and cannot be used since SDK 2.5.0. On another hand we cannot create
+ # a unique string in a component (at runtime) and pass it to the `clean_up_task` of `ExitHandler`, due to
+ # https://github.com/kubeflow/pipelines/issues/10187. Therefore, meantime we use a unique string created at
+ # compilation time.
+ import uuid
+ compute_exec_params_op = dsl.component_decorator.component(
+ func=compute_exec_params_func, base_image=base_kfp_image
+ )
+ print(
+ "WARNING: the ray cluster name can be non-unique at runtime, please do not execute simultaneous Runs of the "
+ + "same version of the same pipeline !!!"
+ )
+ run_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
+ compute_exec_params_op = comp.create_component_from_func(func=compute_exec_params_func, base_image=base_kfp_image)
+ run_id = dsl.RUN_ID_PLACEHOLDER
+# create Ray cluster
+create_ray_op = comp.load_component_from_file(component_spec_path + "createRayClusterComponent.yaml")
+# execute job
+execute_ray_jobs_op = comp.load_component_from_file(component_spec_path + "executeRayJobComponent.yaml")
+# clean up Ray
+cleanup_ray_op = comp.load_component_from_file(component_spec_path + "deleteRayClusterComponent.yaml")
+# Task name is part of the pipeline name, the ray cluster name and the job name in DMF.
+TASK_NAME: str = "html2parquet"
+ name=TASK_NAME + "-ray-pipeline",
+ description="Pipeline for html2parquet task",
+def html2parquet(
+ # Ray cluster
+ ray_name: str = "html2parquet-kfp-ray", # name of Ray cluster
+ # Add image_pull_secret and image_pull_policy to ray workers if needed
+ ray_head_options: dict = {"cpu": 1, "memory": 4, "image": task_image},
+ ray_worker_options: dict = {"replicas": 2, "max_replicas": 2, "min_replicas": 2, "cpu": 2, "memory": 4, "image": task_image},
+ server_url: str = "http://kuberay-apiserver-service.kuberay.svc.cluster.local:8888",
+ # data access
+ data_s3_config: str = "{'input_folder': 'test/html2parquet/input/', 'output_folder': 'test/html2parquet/output/'}",
+ data_s3_access_secret: str = "s3-secret",
+ data_max_files: int = -1,
+ data_num_samples: int = -1,
+ data_files_to_use: str = "['.html', '.zip']",
+ # orchestrator
+ runtime_actor_options: dict = {'num_cpus': 0.8},
+ runtime_pipeline_id: str = "pipeline_id",
+ runtime_code_location: dict = {'github': 'github', 'commit_hash': '12345', 'path': 'path'},
+ # html2parquet parameters
+ output_format: str = "markdown",
+ # additional parameters
+ additional_params: str = '{"wait_interval": 2, "wait_cluster_ready_tmout": 400, "wait_cluster_up_tmout": 300, "wait_job_ready_tmout": 400, "wait_print_tmout": 30, "http_retries": 5, "delete_cluster_delay_minutes": 0}',
+ """
+ Pipeline to execute html2parquet transform
+ :param ray_name: name of the Ray cluster
+ :param ray_head_options: head node options, containing the following:
+ cpu - number of cpus
+ memory - memory
+ image - image to use
+ image_pull_secret - image pull secret
+ tolerations - (optional) tolerations for the ray pods
+ :param ray_worker_options: worker node options (we here are using only 1 worker pool), containing the following:
+ replicas - number of replicas to create
+ max_replicas - max number of replicas
+ min_replicas - min number of replicas
+ cpu - number of cpus
+ memory - memory
+ image - image to use
+ image_pull_secret - image pull secret
+ tolerations - (optional) tolerations for the ray pods
+ :param server_url - server url
+ :param additional_params: additional (support) parameters, containing the following:
+ wait_interval - wait interval for API server, sec
+ wait_cluster_ready_tmout - time to wait for cluster ready, sec
+ wait_cluster_up_tmout - time to wait for cluster up, sec
+ wait_job_ready_tmout - time to wait for job ready, sec
+ wait_print_tmout - time between prints, sec
+ http_retries - http retries for API server calls
+ :param data_s3_access_secret - s3 access secret
+ :param data_s3_config - s3 configuration
+ :param data_max_files - max files to process
+ :param data_num_samples - num samples to process
+ :param runtime_actor_options - actor options
+ :param runtime_pipeline_id - pipeline id
+ :param runtime_code_location - code location
+ :param output_format - output format
+ :return: None
+ """
+ # create clean_up task
+ clean_up_task = cleanup_ray_op(ray_name=ray_name, run_id=run_id, server_url=server_url, additional_params=additional_params)
+ ComponentUtils.add_settings_to_component(clean_up_task, ONE_HOUR_SEC * 2)
+ # pipeline definition
+ with dsl.ExitHandler(clean_up_task):
+ # compute execution params
+ compute_exec_params = compute_exec_params_op(
+ worker_options=ray_worker_options,
+ actor_options=runtime_actor_options,
+ data_s3_config=data_s3_config,
+ data_max_files=data_max_files,
+ data_num_samples=data_num_samples,
+ runtime_pipeline_id=runtime_pipeline_id,
+ runtime_job_id=run_id,
+ runtime_code_location=runtime_code_location,
+ output_format=output_format,
+ data_files_to_use=data_files_to_use,
+ )
+ ComponentUtils.add_settings_to_component(compute_exec_params, ONE_HOUR_SEC * 2)
+ # start Ray cluster
+ ray_cluster = create_ray_op(
+ ray_name=ray_name,
+ run_id=run_id,
+ ray_head_options=ray_head_options,
+ ray_worker_options=ray_worker_options,
+ server_url=server_url,
+ additional_params=additional_params,
+ )
+ ComponentUtils.add_settings_to_component(ray_cluster, ONE_HOUR_SEC * 2)
+ ray_cluster.after(compute_exec_params)
+ # Execute job
+ execute_job = execute_ray_jobs_op(
+ ray_name=ray_name,
+ run_id=run_id,
+ additional_params=additional_params,
+ exec_params=compute_exec_params.output,
+ exec_script_name=EXEC_SCRIPT_NAME,
+ server_url=server_url,
+ )
+ ComponentUtils.add_settings_to_component(execute_job, ONE_WEEK_SEC)
+ ComponentUtils.set_s3_env_vars_to_component(execute_job, data_s3_access_secret)
+ execute_job.after(ray_cluster)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # Compiling the pipeline
+ compiler.Compiler().compile(html2parquet, __file__.replace(".py", ".yaml"))