In order to use the BERT classifier, first install gdown using pip install gdown
, then proceed as below considering the model you want to use:
- To use "distilbert_base_uncased", first download the trained model using
gdown 132xBqgzsccaZg-E5hmsihoTCvJI7jQUD
and unzip the file, then set the variable MODEL_TO_USE to "distilbert_base_uncased" in and run it. This model achieves an F-score of 0.09 and an accuracy of 40% - To use "bert_base_uncased", first download the trained model using
gdown 154XTPXWaHnALT3IX8tX32J7-ht_Cz3vI
and unzip the file, then set the variable MODEL_TO_USE to "bert_base_uncased" in and run it. This model achieves an F-score of 0.13 and an accuracy of 31%