There is a new abstract method here called 'getIndexUrlFor()'
All AdminList configurations inheriting directly from this class must implement that method. It is used to redirect the user back to a list overview after an entity action has taken place (edit/delete/...)
The NodeMenu constructor has been changed to :
public function __construct(EntityManager $em, SecurityContextInterface $securityContext, AclHelper $aclHelper, $lang, Node $currentNode = null, $permission = 'VIEW', $includeoffline = false, $includehiddenfromnav = false)
The AclHelper is a service, you can get it in a controller using : $aclHelper = $this->container->get('kunstmaan.acl.helper');
A command to create a basic set of permissions is also available, running app/console kuma:init:acl
(AFTER running app/console init:acl
) will create a basic set of permissions for the nodes.