Input Type | Accessed Type | Description | Notes |
dict, frozendict.frozendict, None, | frozendict.frozendict, NoneClass, |
Key | Input Type | Accessed Type | Description | Notes |
mountPath | str, | str, | The mount path is the location where the input file will be located on the machine that is running the pipeline. The use of a relative path is encouraged, but an absolute path is also allowed. The path should end with the file name, which may differ from the original input data. | |
type | str, | str, | ||
url | str, | str, | ||
s3Details | AnalysisS3DataDetails | AnalysisS3DataDetails | [optional] | |
any_string_name | dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, int, float, bool, decimal.Decimal, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader | frozendict.frozendict, str, BoolClass, decimal.Decimal, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO | any string name can be used but the value must be the correct type | [optional] |