Contribution are welcome! Simply fork this repository, make corresponding changes (see below), and submit a pull request.
Please ensure your pull request uses the following format:
1. Add your data set to list:
- [First Author's Last Name (Publication Year)](link to cgm data)
- short description including purpose of study, population group, sample size, diabetes type, CGM monitor type, and duration of study
- contributions
The list is sorted in alphabetical order by first author's last name (for each subsection/diabetes type)
2. Add your data set to Home wiki page table:
| First Author's Last Name (Publication Year) | Sample Size | Diabetes type | Population Group | CGM Device Type | Duration of Study |
Sorted in alphabetical order by first author's last name
Link to CGM data - Download instructions
Short description including purpose of study, population group, sample size, diabetes type, CGM monitor type, and duration of study
| Sample size | Diabetes Type | Population Group | CGM device | Duration |
The following data is available at the above link, in addition to the CGM data.
- List covariate data also available
Below are scripts we have written to pre-process the data:
- [CGM pre-processor](link to processor for CGM data)
This data set comes with the following data use agreement:
List use agreements