R-functions for Bayesian exploratory (equal vs negative vs postive) and confirmatory (equality and/or order constraints) hypothesis testing for the most commonly used statistical models, including (but not limited to) univariate/multivariate t testing, (M)AN(C)OVA, multivariate/univariate regression, structural equation modeling, (mixed) generalized linear models. The functions need fitted models (e.g., lm) as input as well as a string that specifies a set of order constraints on the regression coefficients.
Developers and collaborators: Joris Mulder, Caspar van Lissa, Xin Gu, Anton Olsson-Collentine, Florian Böing-Messing, Donald R. Williams, Andrew Tomarken, Eric-Jan Wagenmakers, Yves Rosseel, Jean-Paul Fox, Camiel van Zundert, and Herbert Hoijtink.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 (June, 1991)
You can install BFpack from github with:
# install.packages("devtools")