I try to test FMTC on as many platforms as I have access to, using a combination of automated tests and manual tests through the example application. However, I only have access to Android and Windows devices. Due to the number of platform-dependent plugins this package uses, bugs are often only present on one platform, which is often iOS. However, they can of course occur on any platform if I've missed one. Reporting any bugs you find is always appreciated!
Before reporting a bug, please:
- Check if there is already an open or closed issue that is similar to yours
- Ensure that Flutter, this package, 'flutter_map', and any modules are correctly installed & set-up
- Follow the bug reporting issue template
Contributors are always welcome, and support is always greatly appreciated! Before opening a Pull Request, however, please open a feature request or bug report to link the PR to.
Please note that all contributions may be dually licensed under an alternative proprietary license on a case-by-case basis, which grants no extra rights to contributors.
When submitting code, please:
- Document all new public APIs
- Use the included linting rules
- Update the example application to appropriately consume any public API changes
- Avoid incrementing this package's version number or changelog