All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Updated readme
- Big changes to the structure and way of interacting with the system.
- Use Chirp.Logger.Log/Info/Warn... for logging on the default channel.
- Use Chirp.Channels.Create() to create a specific channel logger.
- Strings can now be converted to ChirpLogs by calling
"Some string".AsChirpLog()
and provide extra options. "Some string".AsChirpLog().AsMarkdown()
will indicate that the logs have any of the supported Markdown tags- Use ChirpLogs when logging
Chirp.Logger.Log("Some string".AsChirpLog().AsMarkdown())
- Use
Chirp.Logger.Log("Some string".AsMarkdownLog())
- You can use any object and convert it to a json representation in markdown
- All "Ch" APIs:
- moving towards dedicated channel loggers
- LogChannel instance can now be used to invoke specific logs with that Channel
- New Unity no longer allows you to paste stack traces in the message - reverted back to using UnityEngine native console stack trace.
- You can select Console > Strip Logging Callback to strip unnecessary stack trace entries.
- Fix: Formatting of Unity logs with {} will no longer cause exceptions
- Docs update, added screenshots
- Chirp Initializer and component structure for creating easy initialization objects.
- Added conditional to Chirp.Initialize() method.
- Fixes to how Chirp interacts with Unity Debug Logging methods.
- Fixes to Stack Trace construction
- Fix for the default order of execution between Awake and RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod attributed methods.
- Added a Project Settings window for configuring Chirp per target platform.
- Added CHIRP script define for enabling the framework.
- Updated the readmes and install instructions.
- Exceptions logging is always enabled when Chirp is enabled.
- Errors and Exceptions added to conditional logging customisation.
- Initial release of Chirp framework.