- Note the most important requirement is to finish all the functionalities properly in time (other than the me/profile page).
- Me/Profile page is optional. Try to complete it if time permits. Otherwise, please focus on polishing up the interactions of other pages like list/detail page
- All requirements start with `Must` are compulsory.
- Requirements marked with bonus are to challenge yourself.
- For all other requirements, try to complete as many as you can.
- Must create a git repo on gitlab
- Commit frequently
- Commit message should be meaningful
- (bonus) Set up gitlab CI checks for the linting, testing job
- Must design and document backend APIs to retrieve all necessary data for FE user interactions like login, browsing etc.
- Decide how you are going to implement session, using sessionid vs token based method.
- Create your own mock data using faker.js. and serve your fake data using a simple express.js service
- (bonus) Implement session logic on express server
- Cannot use any boilerplate generator like
- Must use
(webpack 5+) as your build tool. - Should have separate configurations for local development and production build.
- Must support JavaScript code splitting for your webpack production build.
- Have hot reload for your local development.
- (bonus) Support CSS coding splitting.
- (bonus) Setup
for your local development.
- Use modern ECMAScript syntax like class, module etc
- Use async/await, generator functions to avoid the callback hell
- Setup babel to transpile newer ECMAScript code for older browsers
- Must use TypeScript as a static type checker and write type definition to annotate the code properly
- Document down API schema with TypeScript
- (bonus) Study the min browser version you plan to support and only include the necessary polyfills to save bundle size
- Must use SCSS as preprocessor
- Must use CSS Modules with your React component
- (bonus) Add autoPrefixer to cover browser discrepancies on CSS implementation
- Must use React 16+ for the entry task
- Use
for the routing - (bonus) Explore using newer React APIs like hooks, suspense, memo
- Must use
to manage your data logic - Must use
for async actions - (bonus) Support inject reducer asynchronously on demand instead of combine all the reducers up front
- Setup ESLint as a
hook - Use
to format your code automatically - Use
as apre-commit
hook to lint your CSS code as well
- Set up
as your test framework - Write at least one snapshot test
- Use enzyme to test out the rendering logic for at least one React component
- Support internationalisation (i18n)
- Support server side rendering (in-progress)
- Annotate page properly with SEO meta tags