select *
from user_profile;
select device_id,gender,age,university
from user_profile;
#distinct column_name:对该列去重
select distinct university
from user_profile;
#题目:现在运营只需要查看前2个用户明细设备ID数据,请你从用户信息表 user_profile 中取出相应结果。
#limit 5 5:返回行6~10
#limit 5 -1:返回行6~最后一条
#limit 5:返回前5行
select device_id
from user_profile
order by id
limit 2;
#题目:现在你需要查看前2个用户明细设备ID数据,并将列名改为 'user_infos_example',,请你从用户信息表取出相应结果。
select device_id as user_infos_example
from user_profile
order by id
limit 2;
select device_id,age
from user_profile
order by age asc;
#不需要两个order by,一个order by即可,然后两个需要排序的字段用逗号隔开,顺序是从左到右
select device_id,gpa,age
from user_profile
order by gpa asc,age asc;
select device_id,gpa,age
from user_profile
order by gpa desc,age desc;
select device_id,university
from user_profile
where university='北京大学';
select device_id,gender,age,university
from user_profile
where age>24;
select device_id,gender,age
from user_profile
where age between 20 and 23;
select device_id,gender,age,university
from user_profile
where university != '复旦大学';
select device_id,gender,age,university
from user_profile
where age;
select device_id,gender,age,university
from user_profile
where age is not NULL;
select device_id,gender,age,university
from user_profile
where age!='';
select device_id,gender,age,university,gpa
from user_profile
where gender='male' and gpa>3.5;
select device_id,gender,age,university,gpa
from user_profile
where university='北京大学' or gpa>3.7;
select device_id,gender,age,university,gpa
from user_profile
where university in ('北京大学','复旦大学','山东大学');
#题目:现在运营想要找到gpa在3.5以上(不包括3.5)的山东大学用户 或 gpa在3.8以上(不包括3.8)的复旦大学同学进行用户调研,请你取出相应数据
select device_id,gender,age,university,gpa
from user_profile
where (university='山东大学' and gpa>3.5)
or (university='复旦大学' and gpa>3.8);
select device_id,age,university
from user_profile
where university like '%北京%';
#方法一:order by,limit
select gpa
from user_profile
where university='复旦大学'
order by gpa desc
limit 1;
select max(gpa) as gpa
from user_profile
where university='复旦大学';
select count(gender) as male_num,avg(gpa) as avg_gpa
from user_profile
where gender='male';
1. 限定条件:无
2. 每个学校每种性别:按性别和学校分组(group by gender,university)
3. 用户数(count(device_id))
4. 30天内平均活跃天数(保留1位小数)(round(avg(active_days_within_30),1) as avg_active_day)
5. 平均发帖数量(保留一位小数)(round(avg(question_cnt),1) as avg_question_cnt)
count(device_id) as user_num,
round(avg(active_days_within_30),1) as avg_active_day,
round(avg(question_cnt),1) as avg_question_cnt
from user_profile
group by gender,university;
#由于本题是按学校来统计的,所以需要先分组再过滤,因此应该用group by,having组合,而不是where,group by组合了,以上二者的顺序是不可逆的
round(avg(question_cnt),3) as avg_question_cnt,
round(avg(answer_cnt),3) as avg_answer_cnt
from user_profile
group by university
having avg_question_cnt<5 or avg_answer_cnt<20;#可以直接利用上面已经计算过的值
round(avg(question_cnt),4) as avg_question_cnt
from user_profile
group by university
order by avg_question_cnt;