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File metadata and controls

398 lines (290 loc) · 10.6 KB


Welcome to the world of OpenCL.

OpenCL in houdini can take advantage of processing data much faster than vex or compiled c++ sops.

The main takeaway is that you need to prepare the inputs and error feedback couldnt be worse sometimes.

I will post here a few code examples I create from time to time.

Before using any of these kernels, you will need to go to the bindings tab and add the different atributes you will be using.


If you are copying a kernel from other person, the binding attributes MUST be in the exact order as they are imported in the kernel definition.

Example of importing a index attribute and using to to modify the y parameter

In the OpenCL bindings add the parameter P as an attribute with size 3.

#include "interpolate.h" 
float lerpConstant( constant float * in, int size, float pos);

kernel void kernelName( 
                int P_length, 
                global float * P
   int idx = get_global_id(0);
   if (idx >= P_length)
   float3 pos = vload3(idx,P);
   pos.y = pos.y+(idx*.2);


Get min and max

Following the vex scripts from my cheatsheet, this is the implementation on OpenCL, its way faster than any other method.

For 10m points:

  • Vex: 5s
  • Attribute promote: 2.5s
  • OpenCL: 0.5s

Wrangle before OpenCL node


In the OpenCL node, add temp_max and temp_min as float parameters and the previous attributes from the wrangle.

Set val as only readable, min and max as writeable and __scratchMin and __scratchMax as both.

#include "interpolate.h" 
float lerpConstant( constant float * in, int size, float pos);

kernel void getminmax( 
                 float  temp_max ,
                 float  temp_min ,
                 int val_length, 
                 global float * val ,
                 int max_length, 
                 global float * max ,
                 int min_length, 
                 global float * min ,
                 int __scratchMax_length, 
                 global float * __scratchMax ,
                 int __scratchMin_length, 
                 global float * __scratchMin 
    int idx = get_global_id(0);
    if (idx > 0)
    for(int pt=0; pt<max_length;pt++){
        float value = vload(pt,val);
    vstore(temp_max, 0,__scratchMax);
    vstore(temp_min, 0,__scratchMin);


kernel void writeBack( 
                 float  temp_max ,
                 float  temp_min ,
                 int val_length, 
                 global float * val ,
                 int max_length, 
                 global float * max ,
                 int min_length, 
                 global float * min ,
                 int __scratchMax_length, 
                 global float * __scratchMax ,
                 int __scratchMin_length, 
                 global float * __scratchMin 
    int idx = get_global_id(0);
    if (idx >= max_length)
    vstore(temp_min, idx, min);
    vstore(temp_max, idx ,max);


Volume Noise

Add the density volume atribute in bindings with everything but volume transform to voxel, and a freq float.

Also activate the time and xnoise function imports on the second tab.

If we compare this method to using a volume vop it runs at 5 times faster, but as always, customizing the noise is a bit annoying. This method shows how to run our kernel over all voxels and how to get the voxel position in our global scene.

#include "interpolate.h" 
#include <xnoise.h>

float lerpConstant( constant float * in, int size, float pos);

kernel void kernelName( 
                 float time, 
                 global const void *theXNoise, 
                 float freq, 
                 int density_stride_x, 
                 int density_stride_y, 
                 int density_stride_z, 
                 int density_stride_offset, 
                 int density_res_x, 
                 int density_res_y, 
                 int density_res_z, 
                 float density_voxelsize_x, 
                 float density_voxelsize_y, 
                 float density_voxelsize_z, 
                 float16 density_xformtoworld, 
                 global float * density 
    int gidx = get_global_id(0);
    int gidy = get_global_id(1);
    int gidz = get_global_id(2);
    int idx = density_stride_offset + density_stride_x * gidx
                               + density_stride_y * gidy
                               + density_stride_z * gidz;

    // Voxel position in in local space.
    float4 voxposglobal = gidx * density_xformtoworld.lo.lo +
                      gidy * density_xformtoworld.lo.hi +
                      gidz * density_xformtoworld.hi.lo + 
                      1 * density_xformtoworld.hi.hi;
    // 4D position for noise
    float4 P = (float4)(voxposglobal)*freq;
    P.w = time;
    float3 noise = 0;
    noise = curlxnoise4(theXNoise,P);

Volume Displacement

Similar to the volume noise but we add that noise to the idx values and import that density back. We need to import a copy of the density as a temp volume to store the new density values.

#include "interpolate.h" 
#include <xnoise.h>

float lerpConstant( constant float * in, int size, float pos);

kernel void kernelName( 
                 float time, 
                 global const void *theXNoise, 
                 float  mult ,
                 int density_stride_x, 
                 int density_stride_y, 
                 int density_stride_z, 
                 int density_stride_offset, 
                 float16 density_xformtoworld, 
                 float16 density_xformtovoxel, 
                 global float * density ,
                 float  freq ,
                 global float * temp 
    int gidx = get_global_id(0);
    int gidy = get_global_id(1);
    int gidz = get_global_id(2);
    int idx = density_stride_offset + density_stride_x * gidx
                               + density_stride_y * gidy
                               + density_stride_z * gidz;

    // Voxel position in in local space.
    float4 voxposglobal = gidx * density_xformtoworld.lo.lo +
                      gidy * density_xformtoworld.lo.hi +
                      gidz * density_xformtoworld.hi.lo + 
                      1 * density_xformtoworld.hi.hi;
    // 4D position for noise
    float4 P = (float4)(voxposglobal)*freq;
    P.w = time;
    float3 noise = 0;
    noise = curlxnoise4(theXNoise,P);
    float4 voxposdisp = (voxposglobal.x+noise.x) * density_xformtovoxel.lo.lo +
                      (voxposglobal.y+noise.y) * density_xformtovoxel.lo.hi +
                      (voxposglobal.z+noise.z) * density_xformtovoxel.hi.lo + 
                      1 * density_xformtovoxel.hi.hi;
    int idxdisp = density_stride_offset + density_stride_x *voxposdisp.x
                 + density_stride_y *voxposdisp.y
                 + density_stride_z *voxposdisp.z;
    float dens = vload(idxdisp,density);    

kernel void writeBack( 
                 float time, 
                 global const void *theXNoise, 
                 float  mult ,
                 int density_stride_x, 
                 int density_stride_y, 
                 int density_stride_z, 
                 int density_stride_offset, 
                 float16 density_xformtoworld, 
                 float16 density_xformtovoxel, 
                 global float * density ,
                 float  freq ,
                 global float * temp 
    int gidx = get_global_id(0);
    int gidy = get_global_id(1);
    int gidz = get_global_id(2);
    int idx = density_stride_offset + density_stride_x * gidx
                               + density_stride_y * gidy
                               + density_stride_z * gidz;


Julia Set

Create a grid with high subdivs and a point to control the range.

Wrangle before OpenCL node with the point connected to second input.




And the an OPENCL node with max_iter as an int, ext, Cd, max_iter, iter and P as attributes, with only iter and Cd as readable and writeable.

#include "interpolate.h" 

inline float3 saturate(float x, float y, float z){
    float min = 0;
    float max = 1;
    float R= fmax(min,fmin(max,x));
    float G= fmax(min,fmin(max,y));
    float B= fmax(min,fmin(max,z));
    return (float3)(R,G,B);

inline float3 HUEtoRGB(float H){
    float R = fabs (H * 6 - 3) - 1;
    float G = 2 - fabs (H * 6 - 2);
    float B = 2 - fabs (H * 6 - 4);
    return saturate(R,G,B);
inline float3 HSVtoRGB(float3 HSV){
    float3 RGB = HUEtoRGB(HSV.x);
    return ((RGB - 1) * HSV.y + 1) * HSV.z;

inline int julia_func( float a,
                        float b, 
                        float iA, 
                        float iB,
                        int imax  )
    float count = 0;
    while (count<imax){
        float newA = a*a - b*b + iA;
        float newB = 2*a*b + iB;

    return count;

float lerpConstant( constant float * in, int size, float pos);

kernel void julia( 
                 int ext_length, 
                 global float * ext ,
                 int color_length, 
                 global float * color ,
                 int max_iter,
                 int iter_length, 
                 global int * iter ,
                 int P_length, 
                 global float * P
    int idx = get_global_id(0);
    if (idx >= color_length)

    float3 pos = vload3(idx,P);
    float3 extP = vload3(idx,ext);
    float value = julia_func(pos.x, pos.z,extP.x,extP.z,max_iter);
    float3 color_value = (float3)(value/max_iter,1,1);
    float3 cd= HSVtoRGB(color_value);
    vstore(value, idx ,iter);
    vstore3(cd, idx ,color);