MOD+CTRL+R : Reloads QTile configuration
MOD+CTRL+Q : Quits QTile and returns to Display manager
MOD+CTRL+SHIFT+Q : power-off the computer
MOD+CTRL+SHIFT+R : restart the computer
MOD+1 to MOD+4 : displays the group x on the active screen
MOD+SHIFT+1 to MOD+SHIFT+4 : moves the active window to group x
MOD+H : move focus to the left
MOD+L : move focus to the right
MOD+J : move focus down
MOD+K : move focus up
MOD+SPACE : move focus to the next window in the focus ring
MOD+TAB : Rofi window switcher
MOD+SHIFT+. : move focus to next screen (clicking on the background of the other screen does the same)
MOD+SHIFT+H : move focused window to the left
MOD+SHIFT+L : move focused window to the right
MOD+SHIFT+J : move focused window down
MOD+SHIFT+K : move focused window up
MOD+CTRL+H : grow window to the left
MOD+CTRL+L : grow window to the right
MOD+CTRL+J : grow window down
MOD+CTRL+K : grow window up
MOD+I : For MonadTall, grows one column at the expense of the other
MOD+M : For MonadTall, shrinks one column at the benefit of the other
MOD+O : Maximizes a window size to the maximum size the layout will allow
MOD+SHIFT+SPACE : Flips the main / secondary areas (for Monadtall, flips columns)
MOD+N : reset all windows sizes (for MonadTall, resets window only in the secondary column)
MOD+W : closes the focused window
MOD+R : opens the prompt widget to launch a command
MOD+SHIFT+RETURN : launches Rofi in combined mode
MOD+CTRL+A : launches a Rofi menu to change the active output (sink)
MOD+RETURN : launches the terminal (Kitty)
MOD+B : launches the browser (Chrome)
MOD+V : launches VSCode
MOD+F : launches file browser (Thunar)