- possible cards does not check whether player played green as first card
- fix possible issues with the possible cards in general (check for bugs)
- standing cards: add whole function
- winrate observation and testing
- redo backend to reduce pain with string operations (class and property based obejcts!)
- Klare Typisierung im Backend einpflegen
- Benennungsconventions (trump, base card, methods, abkürzungen vermeiden)
- State überarbeiten als Klasse
- Agent Klasse einordnen, evtl nach Bedeutung trennen
- rules for picking cards in every turn, implementing basic 'good fallback' traits, if no other specific move is deemed 'very good'
- check if you will win the next trick
- standing cards
- check which cards will be standing (e.g. A, 10, K, O, 7. 7 is standing after A, 10, K, O is played.)