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#12570 - Show Hide operations on GetConsoleWindow via

File metadata and controls

370 lines (292 loc) · 28.7 KB
author created on last updated issue id
Michael Niksa @miniksa

Show Hide operations on GetConsoleWindow via PTY


To maintain compatibility with command-line tools, utilities, and tests that desire to manipulate the final presentation window of their output through retrieving the raw console window handle and performing user32 operations against it like ShowWindow, we will create a compatibility layer that captures this intent and translates it into the nearest equivalent in the cross-platform virtual terminal language and implement the understanding of these sequences in our own Windows Terminal.


When attempting to enable the Windows Terminal as the default terminal application on Windows (to supersede the execution of command-line utilities inside the classic console host window), we discovered that there were a bunch of automated tests, tools, and utilities that relied on showing and hiding the console window using the ::GetConsoleWindow() API in conjunction with ::ShowWindow().

When we initially invented the ConPTY, we worked to ensure that we built to the common denominator that would work cross-platform in all scenarios, avoiding situations that were dependent on Windows-isms like user32k including the full knowledge of how windowing occurs specific to the Windows platform.

We also understood that on Windows, the CreateProcess API provides ample flags specifically for command-line applications to command the need for (or lack thereof) a window on startup such as CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, and DETACHED_PROCESS. The understanding was that people who didn't need or want a window, or otherwise needed to manipulate the console session, would use those flags on process creation to dictate the session. Additionally, the ::CreateProcess call will accept information in STARTUPINFO or STARTUPINFOEX that can dictate the placement, size, and visibility of a window... including some fields specific to console sessions. We had accepted those as ways applications would specify their intent.

Those assumptions have proven incorrect. Because it was too easy to just ::CreateProcess in the default manner and then get access to the session after-the-fact and manipulate it with APIs like ::GetConsoleWindow(), tooling and tests organically grew to make use of this process. Instead of requesting up front that they didn't need a window or the overhead of a console session, they would create one anyway by default and then manipulate it afterward to hide it, move it off- screen, or otherwise push it around. Overall, this is terrible for their performance and overall reliability because they've obscured their intent by not asking for it upfront and impacted their performance by having the entire subsystem spin up interactive work when they intend to not use it. But Windows is the place for compatibility, so we must react and compensate for the existing non-ideal situation.

We will implement a mechanism to compensate for these that attempts to capture the intent of the requests from the calling applications against the ConPTY and translates them into the "universal" Virtual Terminal language to the best of its ability to make the same effects as prior to the change to the new PTY + Terminal platform.

Solution Design

Overall, there are three processes involved in this situation:

  1. The client command-line application utility, tool, or test that will manipulate the window.
  2. The console host (conhost.exe or openconsole.exe) operating in PTY mode.
  3. The terminal (windowsterminal.exe when it's Windows Terminal, but could be a third party).

The following diagram shows the components and how they will interact.

   ┌─────────────────┐                   ┌──────────────────┐                   ┌──────────────────────┐
   │                 │       1           │                  │                   │                      │
   │   Command-Line  ├─────────────────► │   Console Host   │                   │   Windows Terminal   │
   │   Tool or       │                   │   as ConPTY      │                   │   Backend            │
   │   Utility       │       2           │                  │        6          │                      │
   │                 │ ◄─────────────────┤                  ├─────────────────► │                      │
   │                 │                   │                  │                   │                      │
   │                 │                   │                  │                   │                      │
   │                 │                   │                  │         9         │                      │
   │                 │                   │                  │ ◄─────────────────┤                      │
   │                 │                   │                  │                   │                      │
   └─────┬───────────┘                   └───────────┬──────┘                   └─────────────────┬────┘
         │                                        ▲  │                                   ▲        │
         │                                        │  │                                   │        │
         │                                        │  │10                                 │        │7
         │3                                      5│  │                                   │8       │
         │                                        │  ▼                                   │        ▼
         │                                    ┌───┴────┐                              ┌──┴────┬───────┬─────────────────────────┐
         ▼                                    │ Hidden │                              │       │       │                      v^x│
   ┌─────────────────┐                        │ Fake   │                              ├───────┴───────┴─────────────────────────┤
   │                 │          4             │ PTY    │                              │                                         │
   │                 ├──────────────────────► │ Window │                              │                                         │
   │   user32.dll    │                        └────────┘                              │      Windows Terminal                   │
   │   Window APIs   │                                                                │      Displayed Window                   │
   │                 │                                                                │                                         │
   │                 │                                                                │                                         │
   └─────────────────┘                                                                │                                         │
                                                                                      │                                         │
                                                                                      │                                         │
                                                                                      │                                         │
                                                                                      │                                         │
                                                                                      │                                         │
                                                                                      │                                         │
                                                                                      │                                         │
                                                                                      │                                         │
                                                                                      │                                         │
  1. The command-line tool calls ::GetConsoleWindow() on the PTY host
  2. The PTY host returns the raw HWND to the Hidden Fake PTY Window in its control
  3. The command-line tool calls ::ShowWindow() on the user32.dll API surface to manipulate that window.
  4. user32.dll sends a message to the window message queue on the Fake PTY Window
  5. The PTY host retrieves the message from the queue and translates it to a virtual terminal message
  6. The Windows Terminal connection layer receives the virtual terminal message and decodes it into a window operation.
  7. The true displayed Windows Terminal Window is told to change its status to show or hide.
  8. The changed Show/Hide status is returned to the back-end on completion.
  9. The Windows Terminal connection layer returns that information to the PTY host so it can remain in-the-know.
  10. The PTY updates its Fake PTY Window status to match the real one so it continues to receive appropriate messages from user32.

This can be conceptually understood in a few phases:

  • The client application grabs a handle and attempts to send a command via a back-channel through user32.
  • User32 decides what message to send based on the window state of the handle.
  • The message is translated by the PTY and propagated to the true visible window.
  • The visible window state is returned back to the hidden/fake window to remain in synchronization so the next call to user32 can make the correct decision.

The communication between the PTY and the hosting terminal application occurs with a virtual terminal sequence. Fortunately, xterm had already invented and implemented one for this behavior called XTWINOPS which means we should be able to utilize that one and not worry about inventing our own Microsoft-specific thing. This ensures that there is some precedence for what we're doing, guarantees a major third party terminal can support the same sequence, and induces a high probability of other terminals already using it given xterm is the defacto standard for terminal emulation.

Information about XTWINOPS can be found at Xterm control sequences. Search for XTWINOPS. The sequence is CSI Ps; Ps; Ps t. It starts with the common "control sequence initiator" of ESC [ (0x1B 0x5B). Then between 1 and 3 numerical parameters are given, separated by semicolons (0x3B). And finally, the sequence is terminated with t (0x74).

Specifically, the two parameter commands of 1 for De-iconify window and 2 for Iconify window appear relevant to our interests. In user32 parlance, "iconify" traditionally corresponds to minimize/restore state and is a good proxy for overall visibility of the window.

The theory then is to detect when the assorted calls to ::ShowWindow() against the Fake PTY Window are asking for a command that maps to either "iconify" or "deiconify" and translate them into the corresponding message over the VT channel to the attached terminal.

To detect this, we need to use some heuristics inside the window procedure for the window owned by the PTY. Unfortunately, calls to ::ShowWindow() on research with the team that owns user32 do not go straight into the window message queue. Instead, they're dispatched straight into win32k to be analyzed and then trigger an array of follow on window messages into the queue depending on the HWND's current state. Most specifically, they vary based on the WS_VISIBLE state of the HWND. (See Window Styles for details on the WS_VISIBLE flag.)

I evaluated a handful of messages with the help of the IXP Essentials team to see which ones would telegraph the changes from ::ShowWindow() into our window procedure:

  • WM_QUERYOPEN - This one allows us to accept/reject a minimize/restore call. Not really useful for finding out current state
  • WM_SYSCOMMAND - This one is what is called when the minimize, maximize/restore, and exit buttons are called in the window toolbar. But apparently it is not generated for these requests coming from outside the window itself through the user32 APIs.
  • WM_SHOWWINDOW - This one provides some insight in certain transitions, specifically around force hiding and showing. When the lParam is 0, we're supposed to know that someone explicitly called ::ShowWindow() to show or hide with the wParam being a BOOL where TRUE is "show" and FALSE is "hide". We can translate that into de-iconify and iconify respectively.
  • WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING - This one I evaluated extensively as it looked to provide us insight into how the window was about to change before it did so and offered us the opportunity to veto some of those changes (for instance, if we wanted to remain invisible while propagating a "show" message). I'll detail more about this one in a sub-heading below.
  • WM_SIZE - This one has a wParam that specifically sends SIZE_MINIMIZED (1) and SIZE_RESTORED (0) that should translate into iconify and *de-iconify respectively.


In investigating WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, I built a table of some of the states I observed while receiving messages from an external caller that was using ::ShowWindow():

integer constant flags Should Hide? minimizing maximizing showing hiding activating 0x8000 SWP_NOCOPYBITS SWP_SHOWWINDOW SWP_FRAMECHANGED SWP_NOACTIVATE SWP_NOZORDER SWP_NOMOVE SWP_NOSIZE
0 SW_HIDE ? YES ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
5 SW_SHOW 0x43 NO F F T F T X X X
9 SW_RESTORE 0x8160 NO F F T F T X X
11 SW_FORCEMINIMIZE ? YES ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

The headings are as follows:

  • integer - The value of the Show Window constant SW_* (see ShowWindow)
  • constant - The name of the Show Window constant
  • flags - The lParam field is a pointer to a WINDOWPOS structure during this message. This the UINT flags field of that structure.
  • Should Hide? - Whether or not I believe that the window should hide if this constant is seen. (Conversely, should show on the opposite.)
  • minimizing - This is the BOOL response from a call to IsIconic() during this message.
  • maximizing - This is the BOOL response from a call to IsZoomed() during this message.
  • showing - This is whether SWP_SHOWWINDOW is set on the WINDOWPOS.flags field during this message.
  • hiding - This is whether SWP_HIDEWINDOW is set on the WINDOWPOS.flags field during this message.
  • activating - This is the inverse of whether SWP_NOACTIVATE is set on the WINDOWPOS.flags field during this message.
  • Remaining headings are flags values expanded to X is set and blank is unset. See SetWindowPos() for the definitions of all the flags.

From this data collection, I noticed a few things:

  • The data in this table was unstable. The fields varied depending on the order in which I called the various constants against ShowWindow(). This is just one particular capture.
  • Some of the states, I wouldn't see any message data at all (SW_HIDE and SW_FORCEMINIMIZE).
  • There didn't seem to be a definitive way to use this data to reliably decide when to show or hide the window. I didn't have a reliable way of pulling this together with my Should Hide? column.

On further investigation, it became apparent that the values received were sometimes not coming through or varying because the WS_VISIBLE state of the HWND affected how win32k decided to dispatch messages and what values they contained. This is where I determined that steps #8-10 in the diagram above were going to be necessary: to report the state of the real window back to the fake window so it could report status to user32 and win32k and receive state-appropriate messages.

For reporting back #8-10, I initially was going to use the XTWINOPS call with parameter 11. The PTY could ask the attached terminal for its state and expect to hear back an answer of either 1 or 2 in the same format message depending on the state. However, on further consideration, I realized that the real window could change at a moments notice without prompting from the PTY, so I instead wrote the PTY to always listen for this and had the Windows Terminal send this back down unprompted.

Refined WM_SHOWWINDOW and WM_SIZE data

Upon setting up the synchronization for #8-10, I then tried again to build the table using just the two window messages that were giving me reliable data: WM_SHOWWINDOW and WM_SIZE:

integer constant Should Hide? WM_SHOWWINDOW OR WM_SIZE reported hide?

Since this now matched up perfectly with what I was suspecting should happen and it was easier to implement than picking apart the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message, it is what I believe the design should be.

Finally, with the fake window changing state to and from WS_VISIBLE... it was appearing on the screen and showing up in the taskbar and alt-tab. To resolve this, I utilized DWMWA_CLOAK which makes the window completely invisible even when in a normally WS_VISIBLE state. I then added the WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW extended window style to hide it from alt-tab and taskbar.

With this setup, the PTY now has a completely invisible window with a synchronized WS_VISIBLE state with the real terminal window, a bidirectional signal channel to adjust the state between the terminal and PTY, and the ability to catch user32 calls being made against the fake window that the PTY stands up for the client command-line application.

UI/UX Design

The visible change in behavior is that a call to ::ShowWindow() against the ::GetConsoleWindow() handle that is returned by the ConPTY will be propagated to the attached Terminal. As such, a user will see the entire window be shown or hidden if one of the underlying attached command-line applications requests a show or hide.

At the initial moment, the fact that the Terminal contains tabbed and/or paned sessions and therefore multiple command-line clients on "different sessions" are attached to the same window is partially ignored. If one attached client calls "show", the entire window will be shown with all tabs. If another calls "hide", the entire window will be hidden including the other tab that just requested a show. In the opposite direction, when the window is shown, all attached PTYs for all tabs/panes will be alerted that they're now shown at once.



Users of assistive devices will have the same experience that they did with the legacy Windows Console after this change. If a command-line application decides to show or hide the window through the API without their consent, they will receive notification of the showing/hiding window through our UIA framework.

Prior to this change, the window would have always remained visible and there would be no action.

Overall, the experience will be consistent between what is happening on-screen and what is presented through the UIA framework to assistive tools.

For third party terminals, it will be up to them to decide what their reaction and experience is.


We will maintain the security and integrity of the Terminal application chosen for presentation by not revealing its true window handle information to the client process through the existing ::GetConsoleWindow() API. Through our design for default terminal applications, the final presentation terminal could be Windows Terminal or it could be any third-party terminal that meets the same specifications for communication. Giving raw access to its HWND to a client application could disrupt its security.

By maintaining a level of separation with this feature by generating a "fake window" in the ConPTY layer and only forwarding events, the attached terminal (whether ours or a 3rd party) maintains the final level of control on whether or not it processes the message. This is improved security over the legacy console host where the tool had full backdoor style access to all user32 based window APIs.


This test doesn't improve overall reliability in the system because utilities that are relying on the behavior that this compatibility shim will restore are already introducing additional layers of complexity and additional processes into their operation than were strictly necessary simply by not stating their desires upfront at creation time.

In some capacity, you could argue it increases reliability of the existing tests that were using this complex behavior in that they didn't work before and they will work now, but the entire process is fragile. We're just restoring the fragile process instead of having it not work at all.


This change restores compatibility with existing applications that were relying on the behavior we had excluded from our initial designs.

Performance, Power, and Efficiency

The performance of tooling that is leveraging this process to create a console and then hide or manipulate the session after the fact will be significantly worse when we enable the default Windows Terminal than it was with the old Windows Console. This is because the Terminal is significantly heavier weight (with its modern technologies like WinUI) and will take more time to start and more committed memory. Additionally, more processes will be in use because there will be the conhost.exe doing the ConPTY translation and then the windowsterminal.exe doing the presentation.

However, this particular feature doesn't do anything to make that better or worse.

The appropriate solution for any tooling, test, or scenario that has a need for performance and efficiency is to use the flags to ::CreateProcess in the first place to specify that they did not need a console window session at all, or to direct its placement and visibility as a part of the creation call. We are working with Microsoft's test automation tooling (TAEF) as well as the Windows performance fundamentals (FUN) team to ensure that the test automation supports creating sessions without a console window and that our internal performance test suite uses those specifications on creation so we have accurate performance testing of the operating system.

Potential Issues

Multiple clients sharing the same window host

With the initial design, multiple clients sharing the same window host will effectively share the window state. Two different tabs or panes with two different client applications could fight over the show/hide state of the window. In the initial revision, this is ignored because this feature is being driven by a narrow failure scenario in the test gates. In the reported scenario, a singular application is default-launched into a singular tab in a terminal window and then the application expects to be able to hide it after the creation.

In the future, we may have to implement a conflict resolution or a graphical variance to compensate for multiple tabs.

Other verbs against the console window handle

This scenario initially focuses on just the ::ShowWindow() call against the window handle from ::GetConsoleWindow(). Other functions from user32 against the HWND will not necessarily be captured and forwarded to the attached terminal application. And even more specifically, we're focusing only on the Show and Hide state. Other state modifications that are subtle related to z-ordering, activation, maximizing, snapping, and so on are not considered.

Future considerations

Multiple clients

If the multiple clients problem becomes more widespread, we may need to change the graphical behavior of the Windows Terminal window to only hide certain tabs or panes when a command comes in instead of hiding the entire window (unless of course there is only one tab/pane).

We may also need to adjust that once consensus is reached among tabs/panes that it can then and only then propagate up to the entire window.

We will decide on this after we receive feedback that it is a necessary scenario. Otherwise, we will hold for now.

Other verbs

If it turns out that we discover tests/scenarios that need maximizing, activation, or other properties of the ::ShowWindow() call to be propagated to maintain compatibility, we will be able to carry those through on the same channel and command. Most of them have an existing equivalent in XTWINOPS. Those that do not, we would want to probably avoid as they will not be implemented in any other terminal. We would extend the protocol as an absolute last resort and only after receiving feedback from the greater worldwide terminal community.


The channel we're establishing here to communicate information about the window and its placement may be useful for the z-ordering issues we have in #2988. In those scenarios, a console client application is attempting to launch and position a window on top of the terminal, wherever it is. Further synchronizing the state of the new fake-window in the ConPTY with the real window on the terminal side may enable those tools to function as they expect.

This is another circumstance we didn't expect: having command-line applications create windows with a need for complex layout and ordering. These sorts of behaviors cannot be translated to a universal language and will not be available off the singular machine, so encouraged alternative methods like command-line based UI. However, for single-box scenarios, this behavior is engrained in some Windows tooling due to its ease of use.
