We have monitored ,😉 that you guys are understanding and doing amazing with monitoring tool. 👌
Today, make it little bit more complex but interesting 😍 and let's add one more Project 🔥 to your resume.
- Install Docker and start docker service on a Linux EC2 through USER DATA .
- Create 2 Docker containers and run any basic application on those containers (A simple todo app will work).
- Now intregrate the docker containers and share the real time logs with Grafana (Your Instance should be connected to Grafana and Docker plugin should be enabled on grafana).
- Check the logs or docker container name on Grafana UI.
You can use this video for your refernce. But it's always better to find your own way of doing. 😊
- As you have done this amazing task, here is one bonus link.❤️
You can use this refernce video to intregrate Prometheus with Grafana and monitor Docker containers. Seems interesting ?
Don't forget to share this amazing work over LinkedIn and Tag us.