making a word embedding and then test it using skip-gram model with python and tensorflow.
Dataset: the folder that contains the source data text. it is Penn Treebank dataset, known as PTB dataset which is widely used in machine learning of NLP.
- the code which includes the implementation of the model using tensorflow, the training process, and saving model.
- defining some useful funtions. the main code has used some of these functions.
- a code for showing some results and properties of the model that generated and saved by the main code.
As you can see in the codes, the whole model is a skip-gram model. you can see more details about skip-gram in here. in the main code, the window-size is set to 2. for the higher values of window-size, the embedding efficiency is more, but also the training time would be very long. the dimension of embedding space is set to 100. the Loss of the model is a NCE Loss. in tensorflow this loss can be used by tf.nn.nce_loss(...) function. this loss has some strengths like Negative Sampling. for the training process, batch size is set to 128 and the learning rate is 0.001. for optimization, an Adam Optimizer is trying to decrese the loss. so after 50 epochs, we can have an embedding matrix. and thanks to pickle, the model is dumped and saved to a .pkl file.
after training and saving the model, now its time to see some properties of this embedding. the most_similar_to_word function that is defined in the, takes a word as an input word and return the nearest word to this input word in embedding space. you can see some examples:
Most similar words:
before -> after
prices -> market
adults -> people
month -> week
or -> and
dollar -> market
because -> but
more -> less
below -> down
us -> them
another good intuition of this embedding is the scatter plot of words embedded in embedding space. first we should reduce the dimension of embedding space to 2 using PCA. then we can see the scatter plot of each word in this 2-dimensional space. as you can see, similar words are close to eachother.