From 831a1a3b06498fe9d696c2a9634738b86d03af35 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Luke Lv Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 16:58:28 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Create --- | 161 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 161 insertions(+) create mode 100644 clipping/_posts/ diff --git a/clipping/_posts/ b/clipping/_posts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..8d918ae861c66 --- /dev/null +++ b/clipping/_posts/ @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +--- +title: 2024.10.14~2024.10.20一周新闻剪报 +comment: on +layout: post +--- + +朝鲜军队将投入俄乌战场、哈马斯领导人辛瓦尔在以军袭击中死亡、诺贝尔经济学奖 + + +## 朝鲜军队将投入俄乌战场 +* [朝鲜修宪将韩国定义为“敌对国” 朝俄军事合作动向引多方猜测]( +* [韩国宣称上万朝鲜士兵将投入俄乌战场 北约称不掌握相关情报]( +* [朝鲜从乌克兰战争中得到了什么]( +* [Suspected sabotage almost caused German plane crash, says spy chief]( +* [Georgian president says pro-Russia ruling party ‘rigging’ election]( +* [Russia to deploy North Korean soldiers in Ukraine, warns Volodymyr Zelenskyy]( + +## 哈马斯领导人辛瓦尔在以军袭击中死亡 +* [以色列在意外遭遇战中击毙哈马斯领导人辛瓦尔]( +* [辛瓦尔的最后时刻:逃亡、负伤、死前仍不忘挑衅]( +* [中东局势正发生转变,以色列被“抛弃”?]( +* [Israel races to supply anti-missile shield]( +* [Israel ‘starting to implement’ north Gaza starvation plan, say rights groups]( +* [Israel assures US that retaliation against Iran will target military]( +* [US warns Israel humanitarian crisis in Gaza could threaten military aid]( +* [Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar killed in Gaza]( +* [Yahya Sinwar: the ruthless architect of Hamas’s October 7 attack]( + +## 诺贝尔经济学奖 +* [探寻制度如何影响繁荣 三位任教于美国的经济学家获2024诺贝尔经济学奖]( +* [从诺贝尔经济学奖谈起,“制度是重要的”对中国有哪些启示?]( +* [Why nations succeed or fail: a Nobel cause – Michael Roberts Blog]( +* [Trio of economists wins Nobel Prize for work on wealth of nations]( +* [Economics Goethe|阿西莫格鲁演讲:国家为何失败?(译文删减的中国部分已补全)]( +* [最新财新周刊|2024年诺贝尔经济学奖:探求包容性制度之路]( + +## 经济 +* [9月CPI同比涨幅收窄至0.4% PPI同比降幅扩大至2.8%]( +* [9月出口同比增长2.4% 低于市场预期]( +* [China's money supply recovers]( +* [中国三季度GDP增速放缓,凸显经济刺激措施紧迫性]( +* [观察者网对话余永定:当前仍要把稳增长放在突出位置 ,政策信号的释放不能拖延]( +* [滕泰:10万亿元刺激计划,能否换来持续繁荣?]( +* [China Keeps World Guessing on Size of Fiscal Stimulus]( +* [China’s economic ills are serious but not incurable]( +* [刘世锦再发文谈经济振兴方案]( +* [How big is ‘big enough’ for China’s stimulus?]( +* [一行一局一会金融街演讲实录]( +* [China Moves to Support Markets After Data Showing Economy Slowed]( +* [最新封面报道|刺激政策框架已明]( +* [China Mega Banks to Cut Deposit Rates as Early as This Week]( +* [银行存款利率六度下调:五年期1.55%]( +* [房贷下周一将迎来大幅降息!北京首套房贷有望降至3.2%甚至更低]( +* [财政部发话 取消普宅标准在路上了]( +* [Chinese LGFV Bonds Rally After Beijing’s Funding Pledge]( +* [退市公司通过公众号向城投讨债]( +* [天津市全面取消住房限售限购限价等措施]( +* [事关房地产,五部委释放8大信号]( +* [房地产融资协调机制优化 “白名单”项目审批金额年底或超4万亿]( +* [住建部鼓励各地因城施策 防止高线城市“虹吸效应”]( +* [住建部部长倪虹:房地产市场已具备筑底基础]( +* [多地调整房产落户政策 提升购房者积极性|落户]( +* [成都市融禾投资发展集团有限公司被出具警示函]( +* [证监会罚单轰隆隆,开源、中原债券承销资格停半年]( +* [怀化国际陆港经济开发区开发建设投资有限公司被出具警示函]( +* [独家|智利大型锂盐湖寻找合营伙伴 中国五矿、赣锋锂业参与竞标]( +* [Local Tennis Stars Drive Record-Breaking Attendance in China]( +* [Chinese Airline Finances Take a Hit as Local Governments Fail to Pay Subsidies]( +* [China’s steel export surge prompts concerns it could add to trade tensions | South China Morning Post]( +* [大疆就遭受制裁起诉美国国防部 不服进入“中国军工企业名单”]( +* [香港旅游业为何难以恢复活力]( +* [Chinese carmakers deny intent to ‘overthrow’ western rivals]( +* [Chinese AI groups get creative to drive down cost of models]( +* [China copper, iron ore stay stimulus believers, but others sceptical | Reuters]( +* [China stimulus lifts property sentiment in higher-tier cities; 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