Offset | Size | Type | Name | Contents | |
0 | 7 | char[] | MMC Mailbox Magic String | “MMCMBOX” | |
7 | 1 | u8 | MMC Mailbox Version | 2 | |
8 | 256 | FRU Information | FRU #0 Information | AMC Information | |
264 | 256 | FRU Information | FRU #1 Information | RTM Information | |
520 | 256 | FRU Information | FRU #2 Information | FMC1 Information | |
776 | 256 | FRU Information | FRU #3 Information | FMC2 Information | |
1032 | 256 | None | Application-specific | This area is not used by libdmmc. It is reserved for board-specific or application-specific implementation. | |
1288 | 48 | MMC Information | Information about MMC | ||
1336 | 640 | MMC Sensor [] | Sensor #0..#39 | All MMC sensors | |
1976 | 43 | None | Reserved | ||
2019 | 26 | NIC Information | Backplane Ethernet Addresses | ||
2045 | 1 | Bitfield | FPGA Control | Bit 2..7: Reserved Bit 1: Request PCIe reset Bit 0: Request OS / Application Shutdown |
2046 | 1 | Bitfield | FPGA Status | Bit 3..7: Reserved Bit 2: OS / Application Shutdown Finished Bit 1: OS / Application Failure Bit 0: OS / Application Startup Finished |
2047 | 1 | Bitfield | Lock Register | Bit 1..7: Reserved Bit 0: Lock against update by MMC |
Size: | 2048 | Note: Only "Lock Register", "FPGA Status" & “NIC Information” written by FPGA. Everything else written by MMC |
Offset | Size | Type | Name | Contents | |
0 | 20 | FRU Status | Status | Dynamic FRU information | |
20 | 236 | FRU Description | Description | Static FRU information | |
Size: | 256 |
Offset | Size | Type | Name | Contents | |
0 | 1 | Bitfield | Status | Bit 4..7: Reserved Bit 3: FRU Failure Bit 2: FRU Payload Power Active Bit 1: FRU Compatible Bit 0: FRU Present |
1 | 1 | u8 | Num. Temperature Sensors | 0..8 | |
2 | 16 | s16 [] | Temperature #1..#8 | Deg.C in 0.01° increments, 0x7fff if N/A or read error | |
18 | 2 | None | FRU-type specific | For FMCs: Bit 3..15: Reserved Bit 2: PG_M2C Bit 1: CLK_DIR Bit 0: HSPC_PRSNT (always 1 for non-FMC+ slots) |
Size: | 20 |
Offset | Size | Type | Name | Contents | |
0 | 6 | u8 [] | UID | Unique ID (0 if N/A) | |
6 | 60 | char [] | Manufacturer | FRU record: Manufacturer name | |
66 | 60 | char [] | Product | FRU record: Product name | |
126 | 60 | char [] | Part number | FRU record: Part number string | |
186 | 30 | char [] | Serial number | FRU record: Serial number string | |
216 | 20 | char [] | Version | FRU record: Version string | |
Size: | 236 |
Offset | Size | Type | Name | Contents | |
0 | 12 | char [] | Sensor name | First 12 characters of sensor name as in IPMI sensor record | |
12 | 4 | float | Sensor reading | Last sensor reading (update at 1Hz), NaN if N/A or read error | |
Size: | 16 |
Offset | Size | Type | Name | Contents | |
0 | 2 | Version Number | Application version | MMC application version | |
2 | 2 | Version Number | Library version | libdmmc version | |
4 | 2 | Version Number | CPLD board version | STAMP CPLD version (board implementation) | |
6 | 2 | Version Number | CPLD library version | STAMP CPLD version (CPLD library) | |
8 | 1 | char | STAMP HW Revision | "A"..."Z" | |
9 | 1 | u8 | AMC Slot Number | 1...n (0 = Out of crate) | |
10 | 1 | u8 | AMC IPMB Address | 0x72...n (0 = Out of crate) | |
11 | 23 | char [] | Board Name | e.g. "DAMC-FMC2ZUP" | |
34 | 2 | u16 | Vendor ID | Vendor ID as in IPMI GET_DEVICE_ID | |
36 | 2 | u16 | Product ID | Product ID as in IPMI GET_DEVICE_ID | |
38 | 4 | u32 | MMC Uptime | Seconds since last MMC boot | |
42 | 6 | None | Reserved | ||
Size: | 48 |
Offset | Size | Type | Name | Contents | |
0 | 1 | u8 | Major version | Major version (before dot) | |
1 | 1 | u8 | Minor version | Minor version (after dot) | |
Size: | 2 |
Offset | Size | Type | Name | Contents | |
0 | 6 | u8 [] | MAC address | MAC address of ethernet controller | |
6 | 4 | u8 [] | IPv4 address | Primary IPv4 address of ethernet controller | |
10 | 16 | u8 [] | IPv6 address | Primary IPv6 address of ethernet controller | |
Size: | 26 |